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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. You're on PC now. You want to kill all enemies in the area. Use the console and type kah or Killall. Good to familiarize yourself with https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands Breaking a pre combine isn't a bad thing. You're on PC now. Unless you use a potato PC you're good to go. I've never had issues with Scrap Everything and pre combines.
  2. Hi But when I installed the mod no changes were made to the game's construction menu I do not know what to do to use mods specialties Do I need to install all mod requirements to be able to use it fully? Do you use a mod manager like "Nexus Mod Manager"?
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8558 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320 Tbh took me like 2 secs to find these.
  4. Man Deja vu. Anyway I use Sanctuary or Starlight Drive in. But I've also used Boston Airport when I go with the BoS. I use a mod to turn it into a full settlement. I tried to build on Spectacle Island and turn it into a base for the Institute, but I got bored there. With regards to building it kinda depends on what I feel like. If I want to get it done quickly I use lots of prefab materials and quickly build a town. Sometimes I go crazy on building. Still more recently I don't really want to go that far anymore as it takes a lot of time. The main reasons I use the settlements for income and materials. They are the best source of purified water and most importantly adhesive.
  5. Hi homemaker has no requirements. The list you are looking at are other mods that use homemaker mod.
  6. As far as I know lore wise the Super Mutants in the Commonwealth are called Institute Supermutants on the wiki and they are not the same as Super Mutants in other areas or other games. Although I do doubt the Institute created all of them that are inhabiting the Commonwealth. What I think is that the institute replicated the super mutant transformation as an attempt to study and fight radiation. The lab didn't look like it could house the hundreds of super mutants that you find around the Commonwealth though and it seems strange that they would unleash them on the Commonwealth as well. There's no evidence to be found of Institute technology on the surface so this means that if they put them there they would have to have teleported them all there or used the maintenance tunnels to transport them. The first seems very unlikely. The second not so much, but still strange. Unless it was part of their study. And there's no info on any such thing inside the Institute.
  7. You can try this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29853
  8. True even with a mod manager tool sometimes they don't completely disable or disappear. I don't even use the disable option anymore. It's finicky. Best to uninstall. And even then a mod that's uninstalled may still load if it isn't actually removed. Check the data folder to be sure it's gone.
  9. Did you just reply to a 4 year old topic when the answer to your question is right above your post?
  10. In steam go to the game then to properties and do a verify integrity of game files. If there's any files missing/corrupted it will automatically add them again.
  11. Well this is not FO3 nor NV. It is a different engine with different options.
  12. Technically could be done, but you'd have to alter Dogmeat's behaviour completely. Although there is no player interaction with giving commands to the dog unless you enter conversation mode. I mean it could be scripted and then use hotkeys to toggle them perhaps. Not sure. My only annoyance with the dog is that he's always walking away from me if I move forward and that he, like other companions, enjoy blocking your way. It's the reason me and many many others travel alone. Nowadays I don't even take a single companion with me anymore to avoid being annoyed.
  13. I don't use the patch myself, but I took a look inside the ESP and I found these entries: REAttachActor01ScavengePatrol [PACK:00039430] REAttachActor02ScavengePatrol [PACK:000392FB] I haven't tested this, but you could remove them from the ESP with xEdit and see if it fixes your issue. Find them by entering REAttachActor01ScavengePatrol in the EditorID box and press enter. Or just browse to Package FormID. There's only a handful of entries there.
  14. Never heard of such a thing. Prices (Value) are tied to objects not merchants and are only affected by your charisma and perks regarding price reduction. Hence I'm not even sure if what you're looking for is even possible.
  15. Or maybe there's no black person that makes hairmods? I think this one has some, but I don't know if it is what you're looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8126 Looks more like the pic you don't want.
  16. Sounds like you're using vanilla body textures with CBBE. You need to use CBBE textures only.
  17. Mine doesn't say that. So I have a "cleaned" file? When did that happen?
  18. Thanks for answer. Do you have any step by step tutorial that can help me changing Leveled Lists ? No, but the actual changing of leveled lists is not very difficult. They are pretty easy to read. The trouble is finding the right ones. That and there's also fixed equipment that you may need to edit. Such as equipment groups for different types of enemies that do not scale.
  19. Been looking around the nexus, but so far have not found much. Is there anything that alters the female body to look more feminine/slender? I don't mind a muscular look, but not really digging the bulky look.
  20. I take back what I said about the ammo. I just checked Cait and Old Longfellow and they both have 65000+ companion ammo in their inventory. 245d68 is Caits companion ammo id. Dunno how I missed it, but it's a good thing I checked.
  21. Yea leveled lists is the way to go. There's one for each enemy type and then for each vendor type. So it's definitely possible, but since most people wouldn't like it to have enemies wielding pipe pistols at them when they're level 50 this mod hasn't been made. Finding the leveled lists can be a bit tedious as Bethesda doesn't use the same naming convention everywhere. And some leveled lists combine other leveled items so you'd have to go through them to make sure it works correctly. The game spawns item based on levels in enemy inventory and in stores. Altering enemy leveled lists this way will ultimately dampen your experience with the game I wager as you can still find powerful weapons in other ways. Like set in certain areas or as quest rewards. Now you could alter those as well, but then no one will want to do it because it's too much work for something not many people would want. You could of course go for it yourself. Finding how to work with leveled lists is easier when you look at how other modders have done this. I've altered the minigun leveled lists and the ammo for vendors leveled lists in this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43070 Download the esps and open them in xEdit (FO4Edit) and then see what changes were made. You will find a section that alters availability of items/weapon parts with levels.
  22. I don't think the amount is the issue. More of whether they conflict or are just bad to have. Some of them may not conflict, but give other results you may not want when used in combination.
  23. Not saying it can't be done. But the institute has no info on synth crows. Or even synth animals other than the project they were running with the gorilla's. You'd think this information would be readily available to the new Director as having crow spy synths would give you so much of an edge everywhere you go. So no, I don't think crow synths are a thing. They should be though. :)
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