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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. If you are using Bethesda's mod manager, as well as Vortex, this can happen. Don't access the Mods interface on the game menu. There are other causes, you could try a search for 'plugins disabled', or 'skyrim plugins disabled', and browse through the results. Good luck! BTW, the text of your post is displaying as black on the dark mode setting I use on these forums, making it very hard to read. I don't know how that happened, so I just thought that you should know.
  2. Some browsers try so hard to enhance privacy and limit tracking, that they can break things. I break into a cold sweat every time Firefox updates, for this very reason, afraid that I will have to dig into its settings and exceptions once again.
  3. And make sure not to update it, unless you have the matching Skyrim executable version for it. (You should not automatically update it, UNLESS it is stated as specifically for your SE version on silverlock.org.)
  4. Vortex should be able to auto-sort your plugins. Look at the menu bar on the 'Plugins' tab, the very first icon should be Autosort Enabled (or Disabled). If it is disabled, then that is why you are having so many problems with your load order. 120 mods is not too much, trust me... I have over 1500 (regular and light, ESP-FE) plugins.
  5. I assume that DD stands for/comes from Devious Devices? These error messages probably mean that you got the LE files from your d/l source, not the SE/AE files. Go back and double-check. Good luck!
  6. One more thing - are you trying to use the original discs, or did you get the games from some place like GOG? I know that GOG has all of the WC stuff, at least through WC4. I couldn't get used to the controls and crosshair, however. They seemed to be a lot sloppier than the originals.
  7. Not sure, but are you using SSE Engine Fixes? If you are, then the .dll is installed in the wrong place, or is for a different version? You should probably try removing/downloading/installing both parts of Engine Fixes, and make sure that they match your game version and that the proper Address Library for that game version is also installed.
  8. Did you try verifying your game files? (Don't do this unless you are running the latest version of Skyrim SE, v. 1.6.1170 - it might break things.) You should try asking about this on the Skyrim SE forum, so more eyes with knowledge can see it. Click on 'Game Communities', under 'Browse' at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim (its usually close to the top), click on it to choose your version of the game, and any other Skyrim forums you may want to join. Join each one to post there.
  9. You should try asking about this on the Skyrim SE forum, so more eyes with knowledge can see it. Click on 'Game Communities', under 'Browse' at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim (its usually close to the top), click on it to choose your version of the game, and any other Skyrim forums you may want to join. Join each one to post there.
  10. May be another shot in the dark, but have you asked at Wing Commander CIC ( http://www.wcnews.com/ )? They have a LOT of stuff that may help.
  11. There is Nether's Follower Framework ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653 ), that has follower tweaks that can change the aggressiveness and even combat style of NPCs. Make sure you get the SPID based NFF Ignore Token ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82945 ), so that NPCs with their own AI won't be broken by NFF. There is also Don't Stay in the Water ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52164 ) that MAY help w/the water crossing. I hope that these help you, good luck!
  12. I agree about the bugs stuff, just trying to avoid game breaking/ending stuff, like the major Beth updates did. Ofc can block updates, but the first game-breaking experience was enough...
  13. You do you. I was just trying to point you to others discussing a similar problem, especially wrt Harmony (and Vortex). Just like BG3, something in the game may be antagonistic to how Vortex handles stuff, and the more information that gets shared, may help find a solution.
  14. Yeah, but that mod doesn't cure them, for all we know, they have been moved to a secret Vigilant lair...
  15. Have you checked the Bannerlord forum ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8905-discussion/ )? I think that I saw a post or two that involved problems with Harmony (and Vortex, maybe). I don't have the game at all, just scanned some posts for another person having problems a day or two ago.
  16. Check on the Bannerlord specific game page ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8905-discussion/ ), I saw some post(s) with respect to some problems with Harmony, among other things
  17. @HeyYou The first way that I can think of such 'injury' occurring, is if their Verified Creations don't do any better at NOT conflicting/introducing bugs into the game than their other CC stuff has been, or forcing a requirement to use the Beth mod manager. Otherwise, I think that more choices are good, generally.
  18. +1 to this... It really bothers me that the vamp domination can't be broken somehow. Maybe by some interaction by a special Vigilant (not the mod), or the sorcerer in Morthal?
  19. This is a general forum, and you should include the name of the game in your post title, and/or tag your post with the game's name. In addition, you might have better chances of help if you post on the game-specific forum on the Nexus. Use 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for your game, then join that forum to be able to post. Good luck!
  20. Maybe a spelling mistake or install error in the mod packaging? See xxx 13-1719053666.installing\odules\... (NOT modules?). I don't run Bannerlord, so I can't check for you. You could also ask about this on the Bannerlord page here on the Nexus ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8905-discussion/ ). Join to post.
  21. You should probably try the Bannerlord forum here on the Nexus ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8905-discussion/ ), so you will get more experienced eyes on your problem.
  22. The Paarthurnax Dilemma ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/365 ) is one such mod, and Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51711 ) seems to be a more full-featured variation. It is the one I am using right now.
  23. @oriansport I think that you have misunderstood the 'Premium' membership, it is primarily to allow faster downloads and more site customization. Help with specific mods is usually best obtained by going to the forum for that game.
  24. Maybe you should try the specific forum for Bannerlord? https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8905-discussion/ Join the forum to post there. It looks like Harmony is having some problems, at least according to one thread...
  25. Thanks, Picky - things seem to be back to normal now, it was the variability/sporadic nature that was concerning me. Especially when I would click on 'Sign in', get the error message, then try to login w/Nexus Mods, and still no login, even though I was currently logged in on the Skyrim SE Mods section.
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