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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. You could also ask about this on the Skyrim SE forum, go to 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim, then join any Skyrim forum you wish to post in. FYI - the individual forums here on the 'Home' section tend to be non-game specific, so you should include the game name in your title, or tag your post w/the game's name.
  2. I also wish that this could be done, you could also ask about this on the Skyrim SE forum. Go to 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim. Once there, join any Skyrim related forums that you wish to post in.
  3. Get the notification 'Something has gone wrong, try again' when trying to sign in to the forums (already signed in on Nexus Mods). Was only about 1 of every 10 logins or so, but has become much more frequent in the past week. Just about 10 minutes ago, had somewhere around six to eight sign in attempts fail. Is something going wrong on the site, or is it just me? Thanks!
  4. @Capoodle I wasn't trying to say that you needed to clean your game masters, just that if you had done so, that it can both solve and cause problems, just like the rest of Skyrim. Which is why I referenced a search term, so you can decide for yourself if it would be good for your game setup. Good luck!
  5. When you click on the NPC in MIC, there is a notice about 'last modified by' or some such, that tells you the last mod that affects that character. This can sometimes be useful in guiding you to a problem mod. One other idea, did you verify your game files since this problem occurred? Don't do this, unless you are using the latest version of SE (1.6.1170), or you might have to 'downgrade' again. In any case, be sure to clean the game masters in xEdit again after any verification changes, IF you cleaned them originally. (Cleaning the game masters can help prevent some bugs, but might introduce others in some cases, look up info about 'cleaning Skyrim SE game master files', or similar verbage.)
  6. Have you checked the undying NPCs while in the console, to see if they have been set to essential? Some mods change the settings for protected and essential. More Informative Console may help you find the troublemaking mod if this is the case.
  7. This is a general thread, not game-specific, so you should include the name of the game in your post title, or tag your post w/the game info. You might have more/better responses if you post this on the Skyrim SE forum, where it will be seen by more players experienced in SE and MO2. Go to the 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then join the Skyrim SE forum to post there.
  8. Maybe you should try the SE forum, find it in the 'Game Communities' selection under the 'Browse' item at the top of the page. Skyrim is usually at or near the top. Select the Skyrim SE forum and join it to post. There are other choices, too. Good luck!
  9. One other thing - I know that for Skyrim, Vortex is not needed to be running to run the modded game, and using the SKSE shortcut. I would assume that OBSE is the same, but cannot be sure. Also, Skyrim should just be run with the built-in LOOT in Vortex, due to its mod/file conflict resolution routines. Again, not sure about the applicability to Oblivion.
  10. Sorry, but this is why I asked about Task Manager. I hope that your new mod manager will be better for you. Many swear by MO2, and there is also a revised community version of the older NMM. IIRC, MO2 requires that it is running for its mods to be active in a game session. And yes, some poorly written software does engage in 'fighting' - for reserved memory addresses, CPU core access, IRQ assignments (more noticeable in W98 and older). I get tired of saying 'conflicts'. Really, good luck finding a solution!
  11. Why did you choose not to check the CPU/memory use through Task Manager? That seems like the best place to start. It might well be some other process trying to hook in/fight with Vortex. Maybe even some antivirus or other security stuff.
  12. There is a general compatibility list for various versions of Skyrim SE at ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). You could use the list to take a look at the various mods listed there for 1.6.1170. This will only help with the various SKSE-based mods, however. You could also use the 'Most Popular' filters on the Skyrim SE Mods page to see which mods are most downloaded...
  13. Maybe archive/dump ALL files from your target drive, reformat, and try again? Have you used Partition Manager to take a look at the drive w/o changing it?
  14. I don't think that you are creating a monster file, but here's what I do: I make a shortcut to the game save folder on the desktop, and periodically move older saves to a folder (can be on a different drive). You should at least keep the last five saves or so untouched, but move all older saves to the backup folder ( I usually title the folder w/the character's name). After you are sure that you do not need any of the saves, you could delete 4 of every 5, or 9 of every 10, compact them with 7zip or similar, and still have a set of saves to help you recover a lengthy playthrough. They could be moved to an external flash drive, if necessary, but I haven't had the best of luck WRT their reliability.
  15. Which version of Windows? I read that there was a bug in the latest W11 update, that set up a region that could not be deleted, resized, or otherwise removed.
  16. If you use NFF, there is SPID-NFF-Add Ignore Token ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82945 ). Once Dawnguard is over, take the token away. I don't remember having any problems w/Serana and NFF, however. Once or twice, I have had to 'resetai' in the console for some NPCs, I don't remember if Serana was one of them or not. I do use SDA with NFF, and haven't had any problems over the last couple of years, that I could lay at the feet of the combination.
  17. Sorry that my experience didn't help, ColtTavor. It has been a couple of years since I first started to attack this problem in my game, and the face tint records were the biggest problem at the time. I also seem to remember that in some cases, the race of the NPC was changed/overwritten by one or more mods, and making sure that the race record was adjusted was a solution. It's just been too long for me to remember exactly. FYI, I have had an increasing number of black face/distorted face NPCs, usually from mods, that I have not been able to find a fix for, since I can't find differences between files in xEdit.
  18. @anjenthedogWRT triggering the more peaceful sapling path, I usually have to walk back along the path a bit, as if I am leaving, to get Jondrelle(sp?) to confront me. It is usually near the second great root bundle that he starts to approach my PC, and trigger the conversation. I really wish someone could/would fix this inconsistency, as it really breaks the flow of the quest.
  19. Check out Attack Speed Framework ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10741 ) to see if this 'bug' might be holding you back. Additionally, Scaled Two-Handed Attack Speed ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30668 ) might also help. I am not sure that they directly affect weapon speed, however.
  20. I don't think that you have to dismiss any followers that are not present, it is just that they sometimes block trigger points/areas for dialog and quests. The more followers in your company, the greater the likelihood. I use the regular version of Dwemer Storage Cube ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/475 ), and that is a perfect place to park followers for a time, at least once you gain its possession. There is a fancier version available, and the acquisition of the cube is very dangerous for even lvl 20-30 player characters.
  21. I was just kidding a bit, relating my own retcon to Bethesda's lack of continuity WRT the refugees. Edited my original post. Sorry to have derailed the topic for a little while.
  22. You could try verifying your game files and trying again, IF you are running the latest version of SE (1.6.1170). If verifying doesn't fix this immediately, then you could try to repeat the quest sequence again, as you just did. Are you running the Unofficial Patch? If not, this might be one of the glitches it fixes. Check at its page on the Nexus for the discussion link(s). I run Nether's Follower Framework, and have found that multiple followers can interfere with some quest/dialog triggers. Leave all but one (or all) of your followers outside, and try the scene again.
  23. FYI - quite often, UNP/BHUNP style clothing and armor mods will have conversions available to CBBE/CBBE3BA (and vice versa). On the Nexus, check the 'Mods Requiring This File' dropdown on the mod's information page. For originals from other sites, you can still often find conversions on the Nexus site by searching for the outfit or armor name.
  24. Try to scroll down farther, to see what facial tintmasks are conflicting. Those are the usual cause, when a tintmask or other facial component is overwritten, then the overwritten record is referred to/used by the game, or some other mod. Many more knowledgeable players can be found at the Skyrim SE forum, found at 'Game Communities' under the Browse menu at the top of the page, then searching/scrolling down to find Skyrim. It is usually near the top. Join the SE forum to post there.
  25. This is a general forum, so you should include the name of the game in the title, or tag your post with it. Go to 'Game Communities' under the Browse menu item at the top of the page, then search/scroll down to find the game you are interested in. Join each of that game's sub-forums you wish to be able to post in.
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