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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. FYI - this is a general forum, you should probably re-post this on the forum for the Skyrim version (LE, SE, VR) you are running. Go to 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, scroll down/search for the Skyrim entry, then join the forum version you need to post in. Many more knowledgeable eyes will be able to see this there, and maybe help you. With that said, if you are running a non-modded or lightly modded Skyrim (the newest version), have you tried verifying your game files (this can also be done w/earlier versions without automatically upgrading, but it is a bit trickier)? This might just be some sort of corruption. Have you ever cleaned the game masters in SSEEdit (there are quickclean routines that almost completely automate the process.
  2. I believe, but am not sure, that it is simply the newer 1.71 value in the mod header vs. the old (SE/AE) 1.70 value. I think that you could just change some of the header values to the newer value to get them in the 'upper' tier of light plugins. You would need BEES ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ) for them to run in any Skyrim version lower than 1.1130. Get to the Skyrim SE game community via the 'Game Communities' menu item, and scroll down to find the Skyrim section. Join the forum to post. You can ask there, or on the BEES mod page, for confirmation.
  3. Go to the Skyrim SE game community forum, and re-post this for faster and better help. Use the 'Game Communities' menu item on the menu bar, scroll to the 'Skyrim' section, and select the individual game community to join and post there. Did you make sure that all of the prerequisites for the outfit system mods are installed (properly), and that any conflicts with other mods are resolved? Good luck!
  4. WRT Alduin, there are several dragon mods that make some pretty drastic changes, including some unique to Alduin. I haven't used any since v 1.6+ rolled out (it killed my favorite dragon mods), so I can't specify which ones. You could try the Skyrim SE game community, use the 'Game Communities' menu item at the top of the page, scroll to 'Skyrim', and select the forum/s you want to participate in. You must join each individual community to post. Once there, you could repeat this post on the Mod Detectives thread. You could also search on the SE Nexus page, using various keywords like Alduin or "harder boss". You will probably need to sift through a lot of pages of information.
  5. FYI - Left Hand Rings uses the slot for Decapitated Head as the slot for the left hand ring. You might just need to check the information for Rogvir to see if that mod affects him. It would make some sense of the crash, if his head were not to be found b/c of the substitution... However, I have not had the problem, and I have had the l/h rings mod (and the 1st person view) active for quite awhile, in versions 1.5+, and the first two versions of 1.6+, currently using 1.6.640. Might be some sort of mod conflict.
  6. Maybe check/search the comments on the Multiple Adoptions mod, or search the forums here for comments on Multiple Adoptions. I do not remember where I saw it. There were several steps to the process. They didn't help me (I hadn't completed Innocence Lost), but you may have better luck.
  7. One more possible cause - there may be a problem with 'roving' or 'wandering' NPCs, like the Khajit caravans or others added by various mods, like Immersive World Encounters, 3DNPCs, Flower Girls, or similar. If it is one of these, you could try reinstalling, or d/l a fresh copy and install after removing the old mod.
  8. Did you complete the Innocence Lost quest, and get the note from Constance telling you that the orphanage children are available for adoption? IIRC, Multiple Adoptions will not let you adopt more than two kids if you do not complete that quest first. There are a couple of faction changes you could make in console while focused on the kid (Alesan, in your case) to try to reset his faction. I thought that I had them saved, but can't find them. My experience has been, once it is broken it stays broken, especially if you adopted a kid before completing the quest WRT Grelod and Constance.
  9. Just posted an answer to another, similar question: This answer would change, depending on the game(s) you are asking about. You need to include the name of the game(s) in your post title, post, or tag the post. FYI - If there is a forum (Game Community) specific to a game you are interested in, search in the 'Game Communities' menu item at the top of the page. Scroll down, or search for your game title. Join that community to be able to post.
  10. This answer would change, depending on the game(s) you are asking about. You need to include the name of the game(s) in your post title, post, or tag the post. FYI - If there is a forum (Game Community) specific to a game you are interested in, search in the 'Game Communities' menu item at the top of the page. Scroll down, or search for your game title. Join that community to be able to post.
  11. Did you run the 'Verify Game Files' option for your Skyrim installation? Very often, a corrupted installation can cause this (a CTD from an NPC/object, etc.). If you do not run the newest version of Skyrim, I suggest that you do not use this, or be prepared to 'downgrade'. If the offending object is from a mod, then uninstalling/downloading/re-installing that mod will often stop those, as well. Corruptions can happen in a storage system, and the error-checking/verification routines (if any) may not catch all of them.
  12. If you are playing a version of SE, what you are using might not have been ported properly. Populated Skyrim Reborn SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32190 ) and Populated Solstheim SE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29452 ) are available for SE. Just search for 'Populated' in the SE mods section.
  13. Just use the 'Find' function in your text reader. Look first for 'failed' notations, it will speed things up. I don't know other keywords for the SPID results, maybe ask on the mod's comment page?
  14. Well, I only mentioned the corruption as an example of where things could have gone wrong, I knew that Vortex caused problems for me, and maybe your problems were as simple as a BG3MM hiccup. Glad you got things fixed!
  15. There is also Alternate Perspective ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50307 ) for different starts, along with companion scenarios. Go to 'Game Communities' at the top of this page, scroll down until you find Skyrim (it is not usually far from the top). Join the forum for the version of Skyrim you are interested in to post.
  16. Which game? This is a general forum, so you need to put its name in the title of your post, or tag your post. You could also checksearch in 'Game Communities' at the top of this page, for a game-specific forum here on the Nexus. Join it to post, and re-post your information. Just a guess, but an installation cancelled could mean that the mod was somehow malformed, or corrupted before installation. There are also some self-help topics in the 'Knowledge Base' page in Vortex.
  17. You could try uninstalling USSEP, re-downloading, and reinstalling it. Might just be some sort of corruption. You could also go to the USSEP mod discussion on the Nexus mod site, or any other forums that are listed for USSEP.
  18. From your results, it seems that a likely culprit was some sort of corruption during unpacking/installation. That seemed to happen a lot on older versions of Vortex when installing a large number of mods at one time.
  19. This is a general forum, you should probably try to put the name of your game in the title, or tag the post. You will probably get faster and better responses by posting in the game specific forum here on the Nexus, if it exists. Go to 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, click on it, and scroll/search for your game. Join the appropriate Game Community to post.
  20. Since this is a general forum, you will probably get faster and better responses by re-posting this on the Skyrim SE subforum. Go to 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, scroll/search for Skyrim, select the SE forum when you open the Skyrim portion. Join the SE subforum to post. WRT your problem, the only time I have had a cursor disappear is when I have somehow clicked on the desktop as Skyrim was opening. So maybe one of your mods is opening up something in the background b/c it is not set up properly. Sorry I don't have any other ideas that might help.
  21. You should probably re-post this on the Skyrim SE game community. Go to 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, open it, scroll to Skyrim. Pick the Skyrim SE subforum. That said, have you used a crash logger? Crash Logger SSE AE VR ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ) can automatically post a crash log in your SKSE documents folder (...Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE) that you can use for debug purposes. There is an analyzer available, CLA SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ) that can help simplify the report if you want to try to solve the crash yourself, or you can post the original crash log inside a spoiler tag (click on the 'eye' icon in the reply menu bar). There is also a utility, Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826 ) that can help you track CPU/GPU usage, memory usage, FPS, etc. I think that it only works with Steam-based Skyrim SE installations, though.
  22. I the IWE settings loader doesn't have a plugin, and PYP seems to be all light plugins.
  23. Sorry to be misleading, I did intend for the OP to click on the Skyrim Game community. I did, however, gloss over the VR subforum, and all of the others, too.
  24. Click on the 'Game Communities' menu item, find Skyrim game community. There are two subforums for the most common installs, one for LE, and one for SE. Join the most applicable one to post and ask there.
  25. Take a look at Protect Your People ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10297 ). It helps, but not perfect. There is also a settings loader for IWE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56865 ) to keep the settings from reverting (it needs MCM Helper). I have found that it works best if you leave one save game from the previous character before generating a new character/new game. I seem to remember other mods to protect NPCs, but I don't remember them. I think that NFF also has something similar integrated in it for current followers, maybe former followers. I often make sure a follower/npc is set as 'protected' if I have to make any other adjustments to them in xEdit.
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