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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Is it possible that Skyrim Special Edition is only referring to the version with the four 'free' CC mods, and Anniversary Edition has the 20+ additional paid CC mods?
  2. Each of the 1.0x10^12 sources? (Estimated) If WHOM identifies? Who made you God? Again whom decides what is enough? Oh, so the polyamorous among us will be some of those removed? The only way to achieve this is to have a world population of one... Humans are individuals.
  3. @GOsteW At least for Vortex:
  4. @MasonWalker11 Did you read the solution, WRT Vortex settings?
  5. Take a look at Quick Armor Rebalancer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/127967 ) and see if it has what you want. I have d/l, but not installed it as of yet, so I am not familiar with how it works.
  6. @blaczero Nope, 1.6.1179 is the GOG sourced equivalent of Steam's 1.6.1170 SE version. Did you get Skyrim from GOG.com? Trying to use the SKSE for the Steam version on a GOG SE will break SKSE, and vice-versa. Make sure that you grab the right SKSE for the exact version of SE/AE you have installed on your system. When you go to silverlock.org, find the one that ends in ...GOG. Unfortunately, it has a matching version number with the Steam version SKSE, with the exception of the "GOG" suffix. I don't know what you are trying to say, WRT "start the game AE" vs. "start as SE". What kind of option are you using? Is it the GOG downgrade feature? I run a Steam install, so I don't know how that works...
  7. Is your drive formatted as NTFS? Did you purge your mods before trying any move? Which version of Vortex?
  8. Nope, I am entertained by the idea that some people who act in a corrosive/toxic/abusive manner have to do it elsewhere... @Nope1a4 I hope that you get a better appreciation for the fact that not all behavior is acceptable or equitable.
  9. Do you have any mods that affect conversations or relationships, or detect fame/infamy/attitude to the PC?
  10. Try minimizing Vortex. It often hangs on me during the install process for a few mods, and for some reason, minimizing and restoring frees it up, allowing it to progress. I don't do collections, however.
  11. Well, unless you set it up differently, BS places output here in the Skyrim Special Edition\Data folder, just take a look to see if it is gone:
  12. I also ban @zixi for undertaking personal enrichment at the expense of clowning around on Nexus Forums, and depriving us of her company! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderfully special 2025!
  13. What did you do exactly, when you 'cleaned out all mods and stuff from Vortex'? If you didn't do that properly, it can mess stuff up. You can also try renaming and moving the BS file folder, if you didn't uninstall BS/OS through Vortex.
  14. I 'think' I have seen this after someone moved their mod staging folder w/o first purging their mod links on the 'Mods' tab. Search this forum for 'purging mods', or something similar, and check.
  15. If the truncated portion of your file path above contains "Program Files (x86)" - I don't think that that folder's increased security allows Vortex to work properly. Check/search in Vortex for "game not managed". I selected the first two seemingly appropriate results, the second might be a possible cause: and Maybe this will help you check for some simple errors.
  16. It is quite possible that this mod is not built to be in Skyrim SE, or was ported poorly. If you use Vortex as a mod manager, it should have a LOOT warning about it. I am pretty sure that MO2 does as well. If not, you can get SSEEdit (xEdit) and check for yourself. It should be version 44. Alternately, go to the site where you got the mod, and check to see/ask about an SE-compatible version...
  17. This is the SE version that you said you had... And this one does NOT work with the SKSE64 for v. 1.6.1170. Your answer depends on exactly which version of Skyrim you have installed right now... You can check on the compatibility match-ups at ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It's found here on the Nexus.
  18. @muvegasbot It's nothing to worry about, the structure of the forums doesn't really refer to the game forums well, so there are a lot of posts here that would be better off being there.
  19. Go back and use the shift key on the QuickSkyDark_e.dds and see what it says. I want to think that the _e is some sort of environment mask, but I really don't know what I am doing... You might also check the keywords while you are there, maybe one of them could help point to the problem, if the effect was distributed by keyword.
  20. This is a long shot, but you might try More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ). Move close enough to the affected items, open the console, click on one or more. You can get information on the last mod to affect the item, and by using the 'Shift' key on some of the information in the boxes, you can get a list of the textures that are applied. That might get you a hint of how to start. I suspect that some kind of cloak spell effect is being applied to your items, but that is just a guess.
  21. There might also be a problem WRT OneDrive or Steam Cloud backup causing problems.
  22. Which OS are you using? I have seen reports that W11 will not disable OneDrive - maybe it or some other cloud (like Steam's cloud backup) is preventing you from really starting over? Try to disable all cloud/automatic/scheduled backup for your game and Vortex.
  23. BTW - I also got this error notice just a day or two ago (a Steam 1.6.1170 install), and it was because I had messed up when installing the scripts. Double-check your installation.
  24. Have you checked your browser and its addons, especially including antivirus and antimalware? Might need updates...
  25. This is a general forum, so you should tag your post with the name of the game you are playing. You might also find a game-specific forum by clicking on 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then searching/scrolling down the list. You have to join any game forum to be able to post there. You plugin list looks like it's for Oblivion - I know that there is a forum for that, and a separate Nexus mods section for it. Tried to get a new poster to go there to get a mod. Good luck.
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