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Everything posted by TWarrior

  1. not that i know, it merges so good in the world of skyrim, you will hardly notice the npcs werent there before ! i only played a few minutes with nernies village and cities mod so i cant really tell you about that, sry :/
  2. type in pcb and then go to whiterun again. should help
  3. never had any problems with my game. download the unofficial patches, read mod readmes and prevent mod conflicts. tada no or nearly no bugs. hope that helped :)
  4. try attk power loader, it reduces frame dros and cpu spikes. shadows are cpu dependent and not grafics card dependent. so when your cpu overloads, just reduce shadow draw distance, quality of shadows does not have that bad effect on frame rate. at least thats what i had with my skyrim and computer. vsync caps your fps at 60. but srly? your eyes cant even see more than 30
  5. thank you very much 50 :) kudo to you. but compared to 25 fps and constant cpu spikes and fps drops i had before, i do better with both ini settings, so i don't even care that much. i will stick with 4 cores. thanks again :)
  6. thanks :) so i tested with 4 cores and cpu usage was 65% and 42 fps. with 2 cores it was around 50% and 40 fps. what is that supposed to tell me?
  7. hmm i will test that.. will report back. edit: okay i changed iNumHWThreads=4 to iNumHWThreads=2 and fps does not really change (maybe 2 or 3 fps). anyone knows a good benchmark tool to test cpu core usage while testing both values? apart from that i still gained fps increase with the ini settings from the site. so it will benefit wither way :)
  8. while googleing a solution to the fact that my system isnt even running on 100% while playing skyrim ,yet the game still stutters, i found this website. http://online-source.net/tools/cfg-makers/skyrim-cfg-maker/ cfg-maker means config maker or with other words: it will print out a skyrim.ini and a skyrim.prefs ini. the good thing is: every change you do in the .ini files is explained and it comes with a simple ui. you can set the settings to vanilla low, medium, high and ultra and some values even beyond (performance hit! but improved grafics) so why does it improve performance while at the same time improving grafics quality? because you have the ability to toggle on multithreading and multicore-use for quadcores and +. those things are disabled and not even visible in the ini files. now my skyrim looks better (higher lod range, better shadows, uGrids to 7 instead of 5) and runs smoother (finally all 4 cpu cores are used). lastly i downloaded the attk power loader here on the nexus and i play with stable 40 fps in wilderness instead of 30 (which goes down to 15 every 20 seconds, cause of ugrids loading). system is running on 80% instead of 50%. oh and btw my specs are: i5 2500k @3,33 GHz, 8 GB ram, AMD Radeon HD 6970 i was so stunned by the outcome of the ini tweaks, that i had to post it here. hope you enjoy your smooth skyrim experience!
  9. thank you guys, i am doing some research on your headsets now and try to find a good one :) "They have one use: competitive online gaming. Add Recon3d with Cheat Mode on and you get, well, a cheat - basically hearing just footsteps and shots and their exact direction with no echo, ambiance, etc." well thats what i want for battlefield 3. actually it isnt as bad as you describe it, but it definately helps spotting emeies easier while you can't even see them. plus you also got to know from where you are getting attacked by bandits in skyrim muhaha ;)
  10. hey guys. i am searching for a gaming headset for about 60 euros. it should be either 5.1 or 7.1 i also would like the headset without usb, so only the "real" audio plugs. thank you in adavnce TW
  11. thanks a lot. i found an enb in the enb topic under climates of tamriel. nights are dark, a nice dof and colors are washed out :) everything i wanted. thank you again. i will give you a cudo.
  12. Hey guys, i am Searching for an enb config with - dark nights - no high color saturation (srsly bright colors at night?) - fits well to work with climates of tamriel - Features depth of field Thank you in advance :-) TW
  13. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/4.jpg
  14. nice work! make sure to keep us updated!
  15. i did a short anamysis of the trailer. http://youtu.be/bAXh8LVZYWA hope i fonf some things you havent noticed yet :)
  16. finally the front page features some good mods and less unp ultra booby mega titty armors. a german quest mod, a brotherhood questmod and a voiced companion. thats what i want to see! good work mod authors!
  17. @silentjokester wtf? you gotta be kidding
  18. infos for the next skyrim dlc. found that a few minutes ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJIN7yFnxxw&feature=g-u-u some guys found that out after the 1.8 patch yesterday
  19. will there be a nexus release when you finished the mod?
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