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Everything posted by scottmack

  1. Why would you need to know where the road pieces are in a BSA? The only reason for that would be to extract them to modify the model or textures. Learning the GECK I.D's and what they look like would take forever. I doubt theres anyone that can picture in their mind what every piece looks like when they are shown the GECK I.D for it. As for fitting them together just click the snap to grid icons. Anything that was intended to fit together will then do so. Otherwise you can just freehand to hide clipping stuff with static clutter. You just need to get used to the GECK and how it works, its pretty easy once you know how to use it. You'd be very, very lucky indeed to get somebody to sit with you on skype or something and teach you everything, truth is most people are way to busy to devote that amount of time to somebody elses learning. A job and real life commitments take priority. You need to find your own motivation to teach yourself, thats how most of us all got into it. My motivation was my anger lol, I refused to accept that somebody could do something I couldnt. Which pushed me to where I've gotten thus far and im still learning new things all the time. Whenever you're truly stumped then you put a question onto the forums about it and then if you're lucky somebody who has also been through it will see your question and give you an answer.
  2. Erm, well there are absolutely loads of youtube tutorials and walkthroughs which is how some people learn, others just read a wall of text and trial and error it like I did. If text or video tutorials dont help you then there isn't much you can do. Most people are either busy with real life or their own projects to hold someones hand through a long winded process like modding.
  3. Home made PPSh-41. Still needs to be set up to work in Fallout first.
  4. Kaya hasnt been banned, still seen 'em around. Not sure why the mods gone though.
  5. Im not entirely sure what the max Poly count is you can use in a nif file for fallout is but safety is under 15k polys for me. You want to be roughly around the 3-6k mark though for a low poly model. At least that what I try to stick too with my level of detail. I use blender to UV map as well, and is daunting the first time you do it, but once you've done it once you realise its a very easy very boring task. I'd offer to help you through it on Skype but my headset broke a few days ago. Ideally what you want to do is start marking seams along your edges, (CTRL + E in blender) what this does is it lets blender know where to split the UV's when its unwrapping it, for lack of a better explanation. Google it for a better explanation of it. Easy parts that are flat-ish can be projected from view and scaled appropriately. Also looking at the model, you may want to consider adding some sights to the top if you havent already seen they're missing :P
  6. I know exactly what you mean, Unfortunately it doesnt work that way. You can copy blocks and animate it that way outside of blender for example lets say the revolver is made using mesh edits or a custom model in a 3d program and then taken to nifskope. The base gun is from the single shotgun along with the barrel the cylinder and its components are taken from obviously a revolver. You hae all your parts animated the way you want but the animations are tied to the animation types in GECK, so when you choose the 2 hand animation types your provided with a list of like A to Z of fire and reload selections, you choose the fire type that matches the hammers for the rifle to animate them, thats all fine. But when you choose the reload for the cylinder lets say it was Reload D for the pistol, when you select that for the 2 hand rifle it could be the reload for the hunting rifle or something. Like I said earlier, you cant mix and match animations from different animation types. :confused:
  7. Well seeing as you said other than keyframes I suppose I cant answer that question. If you mean copying the animations and renaming them to replace a 2 hand anim then Its been tried and doesnt work i think. If someone did get it working then the revolver rifle would need a pistol grip else your hand would go from holding the stock to holding thin air where a pistol grip should be. At least I believe that the animation also includes how you hold the weapon.
  8. I didnt see anything in your previous post about NiControllers :whistling: Well If you know how to create animations for vegas then you may as well just create custom anims for the whole thing which solves the speed loader issue. The only thing I can suggest otherwise is using the little meter thing that turns when you fire the railway rifle but that wont be perfect either and will stop the hammer animating.
  9. Only if you know how NiTransformControllers and NivisControllers are done properly. Since you'd have to separate the Speedloader and Bullets into separate NiNodes or the bullets will disappear too. Yes I know they are all from 2Hand rifle my point was that using the pistol anims wouldnt work :P You'd have to create a custom animation to make the cylinder revolve on a 2 hand rifle.
  10. The problem then is when you load the gun the revolver needs to be break action and you would have a speed loader stuck in your gun lol 2 Hand Auto - 2 hand weapons using a pistol grip 2 Hand Rifle - 2 hand weapons using a stock grip 1 Hand pistol - 1 Handed pistol lol Animations cant be used between them, If you make a 1hand pistol you cant hold it with two hands and use a revolver anim on it.
  12. Yeah they're going to talk about something definitely I seen an image of the trucks unloading near E3. Take that for what you will, I hope for Fallout 4 but I doubt it. http://i.imgur.com/Ho9v80Hh.jpg Found it here http://imgur.com/a/7UCkL
  13. There arent any two handed revolver rifles, at least not properly animated ones.
  14. Metro Last Light! Red Orchestra Rising Storm
  15. Hey, I just wanted to start this thread to keep track of new responses better, I got tired of sifting through all my images to see what people said so Im going to start using this thread for my work. Feedback and Comments always welcome :smile: Lee Enfield No2 Mk1 Revolver PPS-43 Submachine Gun Madsen M-50 Submachine Gun Sterling L2A3 Submachine Gun Volkssturmgewehr Vg1-5 MAS 49/56
  16. IWS adds NCR patrols all over the place. They dont take back cottonwood cove because they A) Don't have the resources, they couldn't take back Nelson without the Couriers help. B) For plot reasons, there would be no Legion presence on that side of the Colorado then.
  17. Me and Dragbody have used Stalker content the problem with a lot of it however is its low res. Its really noticeable too, we managed to get one outfit out of it with some texture work but otherwise a lot of the models are just too low poly to bother with. I could change that myself but im just too damn lazy.
  18. Check the hot files lol. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/50265//?
  19. Talk about digging up an old thread this is nearly 3 years old :P Also, Three-Dawg awooo
  20. Its Nivea! The go-to-girl for all your post apocalyptic fashion designs!
    1. nivea


      *Poses and Flexes* RAWR!
  21. Weapon animations are contained in .KF files for Fallout. Meshes/Characters/_1stPerson The pack showing on the back is part of the Skeleton I imagine. But if you want to make a custom pack for the back import the flamer delete the vertices on the vanilla pack and merge your custom pack onto the empty node.
  22. Open your NPC go to the stats tab, set the minimum level your NPC can be as well as the max level they can be and check the box PC Level Mult
  23. Its like a blanket statement at this point lol, if someones looking for something just point them at the spice of life they'll find what they were looking for. Ah yeah, Nivea will hook you up. XD I am almost done with your Skyrim stuff, stupid dismemberment issues... Mod addicts come looking for their fix :P I'll pretend to know what dismemberment issues are so I can fit in the armor club :) I managed to get those swords done in the end, getting them into skyrim wasnt very difficult from blender. Not as much work-arounds as I though would be needed.
  24. Its like a blanket statement at this point lol, if someones looking for something just point them at the spice of life they'll find what they were looking for.
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