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Everything posted by EviloMEN

  1. a file you need the adobe reader application to open.
  2. I think everyone can agree the internet is a wonderful thing. I personally have been using it since I was a kid in the early 90's. Arguments against Steam aren't limited to the internet connection, and updates. A lot of people think Steam a resource hungry program that waist space on their hard-drive. It also limits peoples ability to modify, look at the Steam version of oblivion for an example. I've got a steam account. As I'm a half-life, and CS fan from way back. It's simply just not the medium I want to use for all my gaming. Steam just fine for some online games. Steam is kind of like battle-net. I don't particularly like having to log into battle-net to play starcarft II, but I'm still willing to do it. I do wish I could still lan my computer with my friends though, but it's not a huge deal...
  3. Halororor it's going to be on steam as well regardless, so as you love steam get it for steam. I don't love steam, and I don't want to be forced to use it. It's really that simple.
  4. Link please. I haven't seen this confirmation.
  5. Yeah, it does sound terrible. Apple's all about control, and the cloud too. I'm a PC guy because apple wants controls to much, and I don't like it. As far as gaming goes, I'm guessing that either EA, or Ubisoft will be the first to convert. As both publishers are colossal *bleeps*.
  6. At least we know it's not going to be Cloud based. ;) I'm waiting for someone to release a "cloud only" game. Steam is bad enough, wait till it all gets sent to the cloud. In the future you'll not only be deprived of your disc, but the actual game wont even be on your computer. It'll instead be streamed to you off a server. Server down? I'm sorry you can't play. I'm amazed that some people think that's going to be the future of gaming.
  7. It's been stated that it is, but I want to see a link. I don't mind there being a steam version, just as long as there is a non-steam as well.
  8. I hope not. If they do; I hope they allow a script extender to be made. Like New Vegas.
  9. Oh it's a APU. I didn't think they were such crap. The memory is sizable, it's not actual though is it.. yeah turbo boost. Sorry Specs look good enough. I thought it was Nivida card when a saw the funky memory count. Should have read more carefully. I'm not much of a laptop user.
  10. I think there is a good chance that setup will run it no problem. From what's known Skyrim is not going to be a computer breaking game. I mean come on, It's not like he's using a net-book. That's a fairly new laptop even if it's mid-range.
  11. It's a safe bet vampires will be in the initial release. Were-wolves are a little harder to implement. So they "may" not make it in till an expansion is released. I'm hoping for both from the start.
  12. That "be who ever you want" statement their marketing uses is kind of lame. I wonder if I be Commander Sheppard then? My ship crash landed on the planet of Nirn, after traveling through the omega 4 relay.
  13. If you lost a leg you'd bleed out in minutes anyhow. Also I imagine it'd be difficult to carry on a fight with a loped off arm, "not impossible". The Black Knight did it. :P Fallout only had it in death. I wouldn't expect anything greater this time around.
  14. I hope they add something like this. Even a difficulty slider would make me happy. These game are usually to easy.
  15. Lv1000 I think you're right on the dismemberment btw. I managed to get pause of the leg flying.
  16. First page under sources :wink:
  17. You sure that's not just shadow you're seeing?
  18. I'm waiting for the collector's edition. I hope they do a fully sized art-book, as i am a huge fan of art vg books when they're well done.
  19. I hope Quake-con isn't just another re-edit of old footage.
  20. First picture was new to me today, saw it on another site originally. The second picture has been out for a few weeks. Nice add though.
  21. Fencing isn't exactly slow, in fact it's quite the opposite. If your a trained fighter your movements would be more fluid. Now, if your just a drunken brawling imbecile, or simply untrained, it's another story.
  22. You can see rain on the E3 preview towards the end. I'll let you decide if it's painted or not for yourself.
  23. True enough. It'd just add ever so slightly to my experience if the NPC's around me acknowledged it some way during dialogs. Don't get me wrong. It is the perfect setting, and I'm still psyched about the game. It'd only add to my experience.
  24. I think I'm really going to miss the stats. Every now in then I liked playing an extremely powerful stupid character. Especially in the orignal Fallout's, where if you had low intelligence, it changed how you communicated with everyone. Example: for those who haven't played the original fallout's If I could play as a stupid barbarian, it'd add levels to my playing experience. I know it's a flavor thing most wont care, but I care. :ohmy: Maybe they'll have a perk to make you stronger, and less intelligent. :biggrin:
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