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Everything posted by RustyBlade

  1. As for the first, after 7 months it is best to start a new one. As for the second, you might be prompted for a program to open with, select the toolset, if you are using the latest version it should open.
  2. You are going to have to be a bit more specific, exactly what isn't working? Redesigned alters npc face morphs and the tucked hair mod is used in character generation and the toolset for making morphs. Are you still seeing the stock faces? Does the hair not show up in the character creation section? etc
  3. Putting aside the admonishment for the necro-post (merry Christmas), the obvious choice is the tool of choice for working with Dragon Age files: The Dragon Age Toolset :whistling:
  4. Ok, go with 1.04 asap, it is worthy :thumbsup: As for your specs, they are adequate but as one who was running a 7950 GX2 (1 GB, 2 GPU) vid card I can say that an upgrade there will help. I went to a 250GTS 1GB 256 bit and the difference in game play was... well... spectacular is an understatement but it will have to do.
  5. I'm not aware of a fix but you might try the Bag of Kittens awakening mod.
  6. Sorry to disappoint you but nothing about encounters is random in DA. They will be in the same spot at the same time every time you play. You can download slinks s3 RAVAge which will add more creatures to each encounter (including elites and bosses) and the difficulty levels are editable by changing your ini file but there is nothing to add new encounters unless you were to add area mods and there are many of those to select from depending on what you want.
  7. Zevran is intended to be a pure Assassin, a killer for hire. Leliana as a Bard (=spy) is your thief. It becomes really obvious when you recruit them past level 25 because then you get Zev with max poison, max stealth and one or two traps and Leliana with max stealing, max traps and usually no stealth at all. There are mods that allow you to choose their talents and skills when you recruit them so it isn't written in stone but that is the way the creators intended them to be.
  8. Right click, Open with: select browse, go to Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship and select daupdater.exe and click the install button. Then go to the player camp and talk to Levi. He will put a mark on your map and you are there.
  9. Given what you have read and the fact you said "Actiony-Fiction Type" [sic] I would recommend anything and everything by Tom Clancy, especially the Jack Ryan series (be sure to get and read them in order.) If you are a voracious reader, that should cover you until at least mid February-April depending on your time and speed. It is a bit of a sidestep in your genre but you won't be disappointed.
  10. You will need to romance them again but it should work unless you have alienated them completely.
  11. A little stealth never hurt anybody... In all fairness, I have looked up that mod enough times to know they misspelled it :laugh:
  12. Simple solution: Polygamy. Otherwise you will have to break up with one of them.
  13. The first companion? Which one is first? It depends on where you go first but in any case the only way I can see to be rid of either is to excise them from the save which unfortunately after playing Dark Times is now to large to open. If you really don't want them as part of your party, I suggest you get a nice morph and leave them in camp as window dressing. I made An Alternative Thazulok morph; I didn't see much wrong with Myrdo.
  14. If storm of the century is a neutron bomb then Entropic Death would have to be VX. It is equally deadly if not more so as I have never seen anything emerge while bosses can escape the SoC. Pinpoint Avalanche would then be the JDAM of the spell-casting world (another personal fav.) So I too recommend Orgoloves Armageddon - it's a must have for solo play and if you think the Arcane Warrior is overpowered you should try the Mage-Rogue hybrid that I usually play.
  15. Wait until some templars jump you or some emissary or mage (even one of your own) does a dispel magic or anti magic burst on you while you are tanking :devil:
  16. How about everything one might want or need to do. It does a fair job on creation for what it covers but there is nothing for editing what already exists. As an example, in my DA Kids mod, the camera height and positioning is way off where it needs to be in at least 70% of the dialogue scenes. There is no information whatsoever on repositioning the view. My mod is not the only one that has to deal with this issue; any of the race change mods have the same problem. To have to rewrite every scene is a near impossible task for a non-professional modder that has to go to work every day. Scripting needs a lot of attention. The basic scripts should be ready to be copy and pasted with the text to be replaced color coded and reader friendly. Either that or the scripting layout in the toolset itself needs to be categorized instead of the massively long alphabetical list. While I am on the subject of scripting, it would be nice if the game scripts were un-obfuscated or if that isn't possible, include the nss files and allow the toolset to edit them - it would save many people a whole lot of time. I understand that there are things that must be hard-coded but that which can be changed should be readily and easily changed. The wiki's search feature could be cross-referenced better but I see from just looking that it has received some attention in that area as well as some new content added since I was last there. I'll take a closer look at the new things tomorrow.
  17. It is unfortunate that you can't use the addon mages like Lucius or Lealion; would make for an interesting change of pace :dry:
  18. A manual? :wallbash: Lack of proper documentation and instructions on how things work are the biggest problems there are with the current toolset. One is forced to either search (usually unsuccessfully) for a tutorial written by other modders or resort to trial and error.
  19. So you want a Dalish Mage - Origin :whistling:
  20. There are many ways for that to go. Jowan can tell you that you need a lot of mages and lyrium and Alistair interjects that the circle has both. If she is present, Wynne can suggest it. If no one is present you can go to camp and Morrigan will tell you about it. As for asking someone to go, there are several ways for that to play out as well. A mage PC can enter the fade and the obvious Jowan, Wynne, Morrigan selection so perhaps they didn't want to make a bunch of conversations that people are eventually going to keep banging away on their escape key to end. For someone experienced in making cutscenes it probably wouldn't be difficult to make until they tried to get Mori to voice the dialogue at which point you have a major problem as the dialogue doesn't exist (unless of course they know Claudia Black and can talk her into doing the VO.)
  21. The simple solution is not to die :whistling: Sorry, it's that flair for the obvious thing again :biggrin:
  22. If you use the Advanced quickbar that Thandal pointed you to and set two of the hot keys to up and down it will give you quick access to a total of 36 hot keyed slots (not counting the eight slots used for up and down.)
  23. Damn, ninja'ed by Thandal - usually the other way around :whistling:
  24. Well they don't tell you that you get a dragon, you only find that out after you play it and I will give no more spoilers because it's a really fun mod. Enjoy :thumbsup:
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