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Everything posted by Jimmyjojo

  1. Converting oldrim animations if pretty easy, if it's just .hkx files. For the life of me, I can't get FNIS to work with anything except FNIS Spells. Anyway, here's the page that explains things: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2970/?
  2. Thanks again, OldMansBeard. You've been helping me a lot lately! And Colinpark, don't feel bad, I'm a total noob too.
  3. In this case, I was trying to port over the Katarina armor mod by NewerMind43. 1. I downloaded Nifscan and SSE Nif Optimizer from Nexus 2. I made a folder on my C: drive that I called NIFs 3. I extracted the Nifscan.exe and the SSE Nif Optimizer.exe into the folder that I made 4. I extracted the meshes and textures from the Katarina mod into this same folder. 5. I dragged and dropped the mesh folder on top of the SSE Nif Optimizer.exe 6. I dragged and dropped the texture folder on top of the Nifscan.exe 7. I copied and pasted the mesh folder, texture folder, and the .esp into my data folder 8. I fired up Creation Kit and chose Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires, Dragonborn, and the Katarina .esp. (There's a multiple masters ini file on Nexus if CK won't let you choose more than one master). 9. I made the Katarina .esp the active file, then clicked ok and started Creation Kit, then clicked yes to all on all the annoying and pointless warning popups 10. I did a search for "Katarina" 11. Once the Katarina armor file came up, I double-clicked on the file. 12. I changed the name to something random (doesn't matter what), then saved the .esp 13. I changed the name back to what it should be, then saved the .esp again 14. I took the re-saved .esp, the meshes and textures I changed, and put them all in a zip file 15. I installed it and IT WORKED! It's possible that some of these steps aren't necessary. I'm not an expert at Skyrim mods; my experience is mostly with the Sims. Anyway, I thought this might help some of you. :)
  4. Okay, I can try the Nif Optimizer. The instructions I read on Reddit said to open the plugin in Creation Kit, make a change, like to the name or something, then re-save the plugin. So, I opened the plugin in CK...then sat and did nothing since I had no idea what to do at that point. That's where I'm stuck. But if I don't have to use the CK then I'll do that. Still, I'd like to know how to change the name of a plugin in CK in case that's what I need to do. And, since the tutorial is so vague on that point, I'm going to need someone to explain things to me. Sigh.
  5. Personally, I'm really bummed Jaxonz Positioner likely won't be ported. The author retired. Pooh, what a let down.
  6. Skyrim SE is seriously lacking in cool armor mods, in my opinion. I've got some favorites from the original Skyrim that I doubt will ever get ported, and I thought I'd try porting them myself. Ha ha, what was I thinking? I don't know the first thing about doing this. I've used Creation Kit to make custom player homes, but never armor mods, and I don't know my way around nifskope AT ALL. I read that all you have to do is open the mod in Creation Kit, change something like maybe the name, then re-save it. Okaaaay, how do you do that? I need details! If you can help, I will love you forever. :p
  7. That helps. But I was hoping there was some sort of how-to guide that has step-by-step instruction on setting up your game to use mods. Like the link I posted. I was looking for something similar that explains things for the new Skyrim. I have no idea if the mods I'm using work, if I still need SKSE, if Mod Manager is something I can still use, do I need to use the ENB boost, do I need to make changes to ini files. Again, what I'm really looking for is a step-by-step guide. Again, thanks for any help anyone can give me! :D
  8. Hi all. Sorry if this question has been addressed already. Couldn't find much when I searched. Anyway, I haven't played Skyrim since the special edition one came out, and I'd like to try it. Before the new Skyrim came out, I was using Mod Organizer, LOOT, Wrye Bash, SKSE, etc., etc., etc. Basically, I had everything set up per this page: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide and I was running about 120 mods, with some of the plugins merged, making it 78 plugins. Now I have no idea what to do. I have to start over but I don't even know where to begin. Is there another guide like the one I linked? Do I need another mod manager? Will Mod Organizer work? Will my old mods work? Questions, questions, questions... If someone could point me to some articles or another guide like the one linked...or anything!...I'd be so grateful. Thanks!
  9. Well, maybe once the new Skyrim comes out it will be a little more mod-friendly. I was hoping things worked the same way they do with the sims; you don't have to replace the body along with the outfit in the sims. Oh well...
  10. You seem to have a understanding of body slot partitions, learn about how NifSkope & Creation Kit uses them. Since this is something you might have to do for yourself. Good Luck. I tried to change the body slot of Osare's swimsuit mod. The results were less than desirable. :sad: Sorry for the double post. I borked my other post just like I borked the swimsuit.
  11. You seem to have a understanding of body slot partitions, learn about how NifSkope & Creation Kit uses them. Since this is something you might have to do for yourself. Good Luck.
  12. Hello. Don't know if anyone has made this request before or not, but I would love to see some undershirts, bodysuits, leotards, etc. to wear under armor to make ultra immodest armor more modest. Not all of us are thrilled at the sight of underboob or barely covered nipples or booties hanging out for all the world to see. I'm speaking of female armors of course. The men of Skyrim aren't cursed with gorgeous yet ridiculously revealing armor mods. There is one bodysuit mod that has a chainmail appearance, but I'd love to see something with lacy or ribbed knit material or even leather. I'd make this requested mod myself but I only know how to make things for The Sims 3 and 4, not Skyrim. (I tried. I failed.) Thanks in advance!
  13. Okay, thanks. No big deal, I just won't complete the quest.
  14. For some reason I didn't upload the screenshot showing what hide armor parts are available. Sorry about that. http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot14.jpg
  15. Disabling armour mods didn't work. You know, I had a few moments when Mod Organizer wasn't recognizing the Skyrim, Dawngaurd, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn esms. I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Anyway, here are the screenshots: http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot12.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot13.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot14.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot15.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot16.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot17.jpg http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd422/merockssocks/ScreenShot18.jpg
  16. Actually, I installed some new armour mods, so I'll have to try disabling those to see if they're the cause. The trouble is, I haven't played Skyrim in almost two months and I can't remember which armour mods are the new ones, and I currently have about ten-thousand armour mods installed. This is gonna take some time. Sigh...
  17. Hey there, I'm trying to do that quest in Riverwood where you make a variety of items at the forge. It's the one designed to teach you how to use the forge early on in the game. I hope you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm at the part where I'm supposed to make a hide helmet...but that particular item isn't showing up in the forge menu! I can forge a hide armor, hide boots, hide bracers, and hide shield, but there is no option for a hide helmet. This is the weirdest bug I've encountered yet. And yes, I know it's supposed to show up in the hide section. It just isn't there! Can anyone help? Thank you!
  18. Hmm, are you running LOOT? And/or Wrye Bash? Keep in mind that there's a current issues with LOOT in that if you run it through the sort button in MO you'll get a load order that is arranged alphabetically or just a mess. I run LOOT through MO (you have to do this or LOOT won't work since it wants to look at you data folder, but with MO, you aren't using your actual data folder), but I don't use the sort button. I tell everybody this, but you need, need, need to take a look at this guide, it is super helpful. I can't recommend it enough: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/ Also, if you need to, you can turn on Papyrus logging and see what it shows. I once had terrible issues with Nexus Mod Manager, and I discovered, through Papyrus logging, that NMM wasn't recognizing my Skyrim.esm file. I switched over to MO then and that solved my problem. To turn on Papyrus logging, in case you don't already know this, you go to C:/Games/Mod Organizer/Profiles/Default and make the following changes to the Skyrin.ini file. Use Notepad ++ for this since it organizes things better and is easier to read: [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 Edit: Wait, I just read through your first post again. So your game crashes when you try opening MCM or looting bodies? I don't know exactly what your problem would be, so I would look at your Papyrus log. But if I were hard-pressed I'd say you are hitting your memory limit. It may be that the newest mods you installed were script-heavy or something. I'm running 203 mods, but most of them are armors and weapons...little mods that don't make much of an impact on my game. Let me know how things go.
  19. "umm, LOOT gets stuck starting as an executable from MO, is this not what you meant?" What do you mean by that? I'm a bit confused, can you be more specific? Also, if you follow the modding beginner's guide, it will help you with the whole SKSE. ini file. It explains things very well, too. I actually went through it about five times before I understood any of it, so if it confuses you at first, don't worry, just keep going through it. My main experience with modding is with the Sims, and let me tell you, Skyrim is more complicated, so don't feel bad if you don't understand things as well; there is still A LOT that confuses me, lol. But I do know some things so I'll walk you through whatever you need to the best of my ability. Follow this guide: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/ And, in case I wasn't clear on this, follow this guide! It is immensely helpful. Let me know how things go or if you have questions.
  20. Yup, you're missing a master file. What mod manager are you using? I think running LOOT might tell you which file is missing (not sure about that, though); I know Wrye Bash will warn you of mod issues. Follow this guide here. It's actually a sticky on this forum. Most people don't seem to bother to read it, but if you are going to mod your game, you need to know how to do it, and this guide is perfect for that. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/
  21. So what is your question? Are you having problems? Wondering whether any of the mods might conflict? I'm afraid you'll have to be specific as to what you kind of help you need.
  22. Could the fact that Steam is installed in Programsx86 instead of directly on the C drive be the problem?
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