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Everything posted by Cyrotek

  1. I personally like more "subtile" horror. I dont need stuff that jumps into my face out of nowhere, thats a pretty cheap shock effect. Just think about background sounds and what you can do with it. Also maybe some special creatures that act as "moving soundorigin". Dont know how exactly, but maybe like a invisible NPC that the PC cant touch, that got some custom AI. Like it keeps running behind the PC for a while (footstep sounds) or stuff like that. Also, if you want monsters, maybe some that do stuff you dont expect. Easy ones like Monsters that are only moving if you dont look at them (hi Minecraft and hi ninjacat) or more complex ones that move only in the shadows (maybe just 2 eyes, you know). Iam not entirely sure if stuff like partial invisible NPC are possible withhout bugging the game too much. You coud do stuff like "living" weapons or Armorparts with it. Alternatively you coud just create completely new creatures. Another idea: Living Castle. But it woud need custom interiors that are altered more than once in the playthrough. Also stuff like doors that are gone if you turn around.
  2. I startet out as Melee Assassin right from the start. Melee sneak attacks level sneak a lot faster than ranged ones. I was at 100 sneak before any other skill was at 50. And now the fun part: That was at Vanilla on Master difficulty, now imagine the same thing with some ... mods that add difficulty. Sneak melee is incredible hard then, also you dont oneshot anything anymore right from the start. Btw, heavy armor sneakcharacter with 100 sneak, ebony armor (you know, the deadra one) and 4 parts enchantet with +40% sneak is somewhat ... funny.
  3. The Wii got also a lot less graphical power than the XBOX 360 and ps3. I still had a lot more fun with the Wii than with the other both together.
  4. Its possible to "kite" dragons into a city. Worked for me once at least. Also they seem to "like" some citys more than others. Probaly because there are dragonspawns close by.
  5. Arent you supposed to convert them into the right filetype first?
  6. Yes, but its part of the mainquest and not everyone want to do it. Also it makes it pretty easy.
  7. Played now around 7 characters and got bored with them all pretty fast (ok, 1 managaed it to get to lvl 50, the others are all between 30 and 40). No idea, i did play Oblivion for weeks with one single character, in Skyrim i get bored after 3 days >.>. I personally think its mostly because the game is ways too easy. Iam playin now on master with PISE, Wars in Skyrim and Deadly Dragons, its still ways too easy above lvl ~45. Guess the Mobscaling stops around that Levelrange or something like that.
  8. Just deactivate every mod and try it again. If it works, you know that it is a mod. After that reactivate always just a few and try it again till you get the blackscreen. Then you shoud know which mod you just activatet.
  9. Not every dragon is hostile towards you (at least not as long as no one attacks it), they wont attack by themselfes. And to get dragons to land, that you already in fight with, make sure theres enough space nearby. Or just get Dragonrend, but be prepared for ... wired happenings.
  10. The two Mannequins in Rifton do that all the time for me. Gets annoying after a while. My wife doesnt care about it at all >.>. But happened only in the Rifton House for me so far. I also use the Dovakhiin Hideout mod with a LOT of Manequins and there such a thing never happened. But for a more technical site: I guess, Bethesda was lazy and just made NPC with a Mannequin Texture that shoud stay there withhout anymation or KI kit.. But they are a bit bugged.
  11. Not at all if Bethesda keeps using their "we take every single outcome possible for anything that expands our game"-idea. HEAVY SPOILERS! In TES 6, they will use following TES 5 Story: Dragonborn defeatet Alduin, killed Parthurnaxx, is the Listener of the DB, is the Guildmaster of the Thiefes, is also the Archmage and the Herold of the Companions. On Top of that he managed it somehow to defeat the Stormcloaks AND the Imperials (or Ulfric got killed and Thullius got killed from the Thalmor right after, good situation for a anti-Thalmor DLC btw.). Oh, and he killed the Emperor and did rebuild the blades. Did i forgot anything? Ah, yes, also hes Thane in every City and Champion of every Daedra in the game. Anyone wanna bet?
  12. Who says that he can come back anyways, just because he didnt lost his soul? All the other dragons needed Alduin to be ressurectet, how does he want to get back? Or can he revive himself? Maybe Akathos does it if the time comes.
  13. Now imgagine following: You dont have level scaled items anymore. You do the Thiefes Guild Quest or DB or whatever aaaaand ... get totaly overpowered items just because you finished it at lvl, lets say 5 and those items are supposed for characters around lvl 15 or 20 or whatever. Want Level restrictions?
  14. The problem here is: Skyrim didnt got any interesting and important characters (at the same time). Oh, except Parth.
  15. Parthurnaxx Cicero - no idea, i liked him, he was ... "different" Veezara - because he was the only interesting character in the DB after Cicero Deerkethus - because hes the only argonian follower (i think ...) And of course Sheogorath
  16. Ok were talking about a fantasy world here, so a DNA explanation might not always seem ... right. Anyways, i woud say, at least they woud keep some, lets say unique, things, like the haircolor (you know, dark haircolor = dark fur and the opposite). Oh, and i personally woudnt want a argonian werewolf that looks more like a reptile. Now just imagine the werewolf model of Skyrim and put argonian like scales on it. Woud look ... ehm ... wired.
  17. Was just reading fast over the first post and want to mention a small hint that i found on a wiki: TES dragons dont mate, so they probaly dont reproduce and so dragonlings arent really lore friendly. At least the wiki says that. Anyways, i dont care about lore that much that i woudnt use a mod like this if it is well craftet. Looking forward to it.
  18. Iam not living in the us and know what this is, reading ftw?
  19. R.I.P. Generic Dark Brotherhood Initate. Killed by the listener because he annoyed him.
  20. Actually, it doesn't, but i suppose a little more explination is in order. The unique flavor of each dungeon is, in my mind, a quantity issue as much asa quality. Yes, each dungeon is unique, but none of them are 'good'. Even Laberanthien, a dungeon which has monumental potential, is mediocre. They went for a quantity of unique dungeons, but not having any really good ones, rather than having a few really good ones and a bunch of generic. Ideally, we would have all really good ones, but thats asking your your cake and eating it too. In essence, the dungeon system in Skyrim offers quality, while instead throwing quality-wrapped-quantity at you. Not that their bad, but you know what they say. Saying everything's unique is just a nice way of saying nothing is. The dungeon in Skyrim are in fact better than those in Oblivion. But theres still A LOT space for improvement. And i personally think also, if Bethesda woud implement less dungeons, caves, etc and concentrate more on quality, the games woud be better. I dont need 200 Dungeons if i get 25-50 good ones. Also iam missing some scriptet or random events inside those dungeons. There are so many possibilitys and all you get are a few hole traps.
  21. I know exactly about 2 shields in World of Warcraft that looked great. The others were just tiny forearm protectors. Ok, maybe they changed stuff around wotlk. But i vote for some awesome standalone shields too. In Skyrim are just 2 unique shields that i know of and i got around 8 free shield spots in my basement :(.
  22. There are dwemer weapons in Skyrim. At least i can craft them and fount rarely some. But iam not sure if this is a vanilla item or not, i know i had it, but iam running some weapon mods also.
  23. As long as you didnt used PISE, you cant talk about "getting destroyed by hordes of enemies", because there arent hordes. Get PISE and have fun fighting 5 Draugr Deathlords and a named Dragonpriest on master at once. Take heavy armor (yes, possible as mage), enchanting, restoration and destruction. You will get the most boring character possible, even on master. Just the start is a bit hard. Oh, and i did that as argonian. Who the heck cares about racial abilitys. Assassin type characters are more fun. At least for me. You got some challenge (but here also: at higher levels it gets somewhat boring because you oneshot everything if you play vanilla) and decent guildquests. Also you can switch to some sort of warrior type if you feel like it later on. My 100 sneak argonian is now a twohand fighter in heavy armor.
  24. Get enchanting on 100. Win. Seriously, iam playing with PISE and Deadly Dragons Hardcore on Master with a warrior type character. The only way to survive a direct battle against dragons and not seldom casters is: enchanting gear with resistance. Armor doesnt help if you get twoshotet by lightnings or killed in 1 second against a dragonbreath. The same applies to you, there are more than one way to make a caster somewhat beefy. And if nothing helps: Use heavy armor. Also you shoud think again about your playstyle. I remember my own caster not getting twoshotet by anything because they never cornered me.
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