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Everything posted by Naktis
"Yes, we will go through a forest." Illadriel replied to Cyhran's words. She chose the road that goes through the forest due to it being a shortcut but she also wanted to go there as well. It's been years since she spent at least some time in the forest and she missed the wilds greatly. The wilds and her clan... It didn't take them long to reach the merchant's quarters in Hightown. The streets were bustling with merchants selling their wares as well as the curious people. By looking at all the people in the street it was impossible to tell that something awful ever happened in Kirkwall. The elf brushed past the people towards the huge dwarven statue. A cart already loaded with crates and sacks stood near the statue. A few mercenaries walked back and forth waiting for the rest of expedition members to arrive. "Here we are." Illadriel said and glanced at the others.
Autumn stared at Raven for a brief moment before looking back at the salt. From what she knew the salt is used for either ghosts or demons... or hellhounds, though Goofer dust works better to keep the latter away. "So someone in your family made a deal with the Crossroads demon or something?" The huntress asked as she looked back at Raven. It couldn't be a ghost because compared to other creatures who are vulnerable to salt, ghosts are easy to deal with.
Autumn stepped past the salt on the floor and entered the hotel room. It looked much nicer than her room in that cheap hotel she was staying though the bathroom here most likely looks better than the best room in her motel. "What's up with that?" She asked and pointed to the salt. "Is something after you?"
Great character sheets, Ithil! Welcome aboard! :thumbsup: Glad to have you with us.
Since most of them were already here, Illadriel started walking towards the gates to Hightown. That's where all the supplies were at. She hated going back and forth but it was impossible to persuade the other members of the expedition to carry everything out of town and wait for them outside, thus they had to go to the merchants quarters and then leave the town with all the supplies and the rest of the people. As they walked the Warden listened to the conversations the rest of them had. It was nice to see how everyone were getting along, or at least tried to. She glanced at Thomas who was walking not so far from her whistling some cheery tune and looking around. It was odd how happy he seemed. They were going to the Deep Roads not a fair.
"Yeah. I know how that works." Autumn followed Raven towards the elevator. She noticed how the fellow huntress was slightly bouncing up and down as she waited and it made her smile for some reason. "And here I thought that those modelling places or whatever were clean." She commented.
Autumn stood in the rain for a moment before getting back into her car. She turned the radio on again and fortunately this time it worked. Vision Thing by Sisters of Mercy was currently playing on her favorite radio station. Smiling to herself the huntress started the engine and drove away following Raven's Mustang to the hotel. As she drove, Autumn thought about what happened earlier. Whistler's niece after a long search found her and wanted heck knows what from her, then Raven showed up, Whistler's ghost turned vengeful for no apparent reason... Jennie told that he took out Wendigos he was fighting when he died so why would he be angry at her? What more do they want from her? There's also Amy. She looked so different now... though everybody's changing. Autumn turned off the radio as she pulled into the parking lot in front of the hotel. "Hmm. Fancy." She mumbled as she killed the engine and got outside. "Nice hotel. Much better than that cockroaches infested hole I'm staying in." The huntress commented as she approached Raven.
Great character sheet, Macman. Welcome aboard! :thumbsup:
"Well if we're all ready to go then we should go to the merchant quarters in Hightown. That's where our supplies are at." Illadriel said and walked up to the counter. "If anyone will look for me tell them to go to the merchant quarters." The bartender nodded and continued cleaning the glasses. "Take everything you need from your rooms. I'll wait outside." With that the Warden walked outside, Thomas followed her as he already had everything he needs.
"Modeling? Seems fitting." Autumn raised her head to look at the sky. Still raining. She didn't mind rain unless she had to stand in it for hours or worse... hunt. "I have no idea what Raven's doing in New York" she spoke looking at the Mustang and then back at Amy. "How can I stay in the same place for years when there's plenty of work to do elsewhere?" As she waited for the reply, the huntress heard Raven. "Yeah. I was going to the hotel Raven is staying. She wants to talk about something. Wanna come?"
Autumn watched the woman with the strange look on her face. What was this woman babbling about? Then it hit her. It was Amy. How could she not recognize her? Though she looked different... more weary. "Wish I could say the same to you. You look different." She finally said and glanced at Raven's car wondering if she'll get out of the car or not. "What brought you back to the states? I thought you left, you know permanently."
Autumn turned the radio on and looked at the cafe. Same fashionably dressed woman was now standing outside. Now that she took a closer look at the woman she seemed kind of familiar but she couldn't remember where exactly. As the radio yet again refused to work, the huntress turned it off and got out of the car. The rain was pouring down on her. "Need anything?" She asked Amy.
Ooh! Very very nice. Glad to have such an interesting character in the RP. Love your writing too, it's awesome! :thumbsup: Lol I had no idea that there's a place in the forums to introduce our characters. xD
You don't have to reveal everything right now. You could do that on our way to the Deep Roads or something if you wish. My Warden left the notice hanging above the counter in the Hanged Man about the expedition and where to look for her if you don't know how to join. Here's what the notice looks like: I'm looking for able warriors and scouts to join me to the Deep Roads expedition. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning from the Hanged Man tavern in Lowtown, Kirkwall. I'll be paying 50 sovereigns (gold coins) for everyone who wishes to accompany me in the expedition. Illadriel of the Grey Wardens.
Thomas watched the fighting from the table. He simply couldn't risk to show his powers in public. Who knows maybe the templars are outside the tavern waiting for some mage to reveal themselves. Illadriel walked up to Jadaco. "What was that about?" She inquired, looking around the tavern. She knew that after this it would be for the best to leave as soon as possible.
Autumn looked back at the cafe for a moment before walking towards her car. "Demonic hugs. How nice." She opened the door of the Chevelle and got in. She was hoping that she'll never see the demon again because she will exorcise her. Now it was risky but later... "I will never trust a demon." She said quietly to herself and started the engine. She was more than curious to hear what Raven had to say. Luckily the fellow huntress was still in the parking lot which made it easier to follow. She always stayed in the cheapest motels to save some money, because being a hunter isn't exactly profitable thus she had no idea where the hotel Raven's staying is.
Yeah, I wanted everyone to gather at the Hanged Man so no one would be left behind. I don't mind the Crimson Oars thing, go ahead! :thumbsup:
Autumn stood still for a moment. As soon as she saw Whistler's ghost her hand reached towards her pistol which was luckily hidden underneath the hoodie but she hesitated to shoot the ghost. His words had no effect on her. People change and not always for better. The demon however found a good way how to trick the people in cafe but Autumn wasn't about to thank her or anything. She only nodded to Amber and looked back at Jennie who was standing there looking all miserable. "So you're just gonna stand there or come with me?" She asked as she made her way towards the exit. The huntress wanted to speak with Raven but because she refused to speak with the newcomer around she assumed it's something really important. Autumn stepped outside and sighed heavily. "What happened there in the cafe with Whistler... that's vengeful spirit stuff..." She thought. Every hunter who had dealt with vengeful spirits knew this much. She wondered if the girl, Jennie knew this too...
Autumn was about to tell the annoying woman to go away before she broke her nose but then Jennie used an old hunter's trick and the woman showed her true self. She was a demon. "Yes, you're a hunter. You hunt specific types in specific numbers for some unholy ritual." The huntress mumbled. She hated demons with passion, it was personal and she knew just as well as any other hunter in the world that all demons are the same. Twisted and evil. "You're lucky we're in public." Autumn hissed as she glared at the demon. Not even the woman who was talking not so quietly distracted her from watching the demon. Oh, how she wanted to send her back to hell but it was too risky to do this here.
Nawen heard Rhaine's words so yet again she dropped the bow on the ground and ran as quickly as she could to pick up her shortswords. When she had the weapons, the ranger dashed towards the monster again. Her left arm started to feel slightly numb because of the injury but she only gripped her weapons tighter and ran behind the hydra before starting backstabbing it and avoiding its heads.
Vengeful spirit, eh? Spoiler from Season 7 below! I don't mind as long as he won't stick around forever with them or something. :whistling:
Autumn wondered what help Raven would possibly need. Is someone after her? She was about to ask something when some woman walked up to their table. For some reason she didn't like the woman, though she dislikes everyone at first. "It has a pentagram in it. I thinks it's obvious what it means." The huntress said not even caring that the question wasn't directed at her.
It sure will. Can't wait to go and do that. :biggrin:
"Oh? Good to hear." She said with the slight smile on her face when she noticed the anti-possession tattoo on Raven's wrist. She looked at her own wrist, the tattoo was covered with the sleeve of her Def Leppard hoodie but it was there. The huntress chuckled at last Raven's words. She said nothing when Jennie spoke about vampires and such as she found other people's that heard what she was talking about reactions amusing as well as how the girl didn't realize that hunters don't speak about these things in public. She looked up in time to see some fashionably dressed woman at the counter. The shoes she wore looked so uncomfortable... Autumn turned back to Raven. "What brought you here?" She looked at her cup. Empty. Time to order more coffee.
"So what exactly do you want for me?" Autumn asked as she watched Jennie. She didn't really care why Whistler dragged her into this kind of life but it seemed that he had a reason. She would have made up something instead of spilling the beans but that's only her. The huntress looked up as she noticed the door opening. Her expression changed as she saw who entered the cafe. "What is she doing here?" She thought and nodded back to Raven. She was glad to see a familiar face and especially that the woman is alive. Autumn noticed that Jennie pulled out some picture from her pocket and looked at it before addressing Raven. She could not remember ever having her picture taken back then. "Creepy..." She said quietly to herself.