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Everything posted by Quirkyblonde
Spoilers in this post. FYI. So, I'm out wandering around Skyrim (cause that's what I do) and I happened upon the oddest little dungeon. I don't remember the name of it, sorry. Anyways, I go inside and there's this little glowing blue ball bouncing around the room. I wait for it to attack but it acts like I'm not even there. So being an evil *censored*, I try to attack it and nothing happens. I think, 'oookay, whatever!' and proceed on through the dungeon. In the next room there are a couple more of these bouncing balls and I realize that the one from the first room has followed me as well. The balls make a strangely musical little noise as they bounce around, but are basically harmless. So I continue on. By the time I reach the end of the dungeon there are probably 20 of these little balls bouncing around me, following me around as I kill draugr and skeletons. I claim my loot and exit the dungeon, leaving the strange little balls behind. So, WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY?!?! I'll try and find that dungeon again and see if I can get a screenshot for you guys. It was so weird!
So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer
Quirkyblonde replied to Sabi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
LMAO, I died laughing at Reaper Dwemer. That's cute. But since we're on the subject of the Dwemer and their ruins, I noticed that a lot of ruins have the same machine. The kind that requires those spheres to activate them. Does something happen if you activate one in every ruin? -
So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer
Quirkyblonde replied to Sabi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
speaking of Ayleids, here's a theory: What if the Ayleids had something to do with the Dwemer's disappearance? Was there a rivalry between the two races? I haven't read any lore regarding relationships between these two super powers. -
So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer
Quirkyblonde replied to Sabi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
^_^ This is, to me anyways, the most interesting topic on the forum. The Dwemer are always a source of interesting conversation. I do hope Bethesda gives us an awesome DLC where we get maybe a few more hints into the fate of the Dwemer. To give it all away now would be kind of a let down after all these years of speculation. Better that it always remains a bit of a mystery, I think. --- I will agree that the timeline doesn't allow for Elder Scroll interference, unless some anonymous and enterprising individual snuck back into Mzark (or Mzulft - I get those two crossed) and began screwing with the Elder Scroll at the same time Kagrenac was screwing with his tools. (get your mind out of the gutter!) In the long run, I suppose the cause doesn't matter so much as the result. What happened to them? Where did they go? Did they all just collapse into a cloud of ash and dust at once? Or did they go somewhere else? SomeWHEN else? Did one of the Daedra or Aedra suck the Dwemer into a plane of Oblivion for grasping too far beyond their mortal reach? Did they fall into the time stream like Alduin and wind up in another era like the ancient past or the distant future? I think that to assume the Dwemer would win any war against the rest of Tamriel would be jumping the gun. After all, Men and Mer evolve slowly technologically because of their use of magic. What need do they have for better weapons when they can shoot fire from their hands? And if you study the history of technology, you'll often find that technology advances at about the same rate weapons do. There's a weird correlation there. So even though the Dwemer might have better weapons, we must not discount the power of magic or the backing of the Daedra and Aedra whom the Dwemer scorn. After all, has anyone seen mention of the Ayleids and Dwemer fighting one another? -
I wouldn't count on it always working that way. I've already come across puzzles where you don't have to click one of the rings at all.
So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer
Quirkyblonde replied to Sabi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm still leaning towards the elder scroll having something to do with it. Remember you had to completely reset the machinery to transcribe the scroll to the lexicon. Maybe they were doing some other weird experiment, who knows? It's my understanding that the Dwemer simply poofed. One moment they were there, the next gone. It's stands to reason that their machinery would all have been running. It follows logically that folks as intelligent and crafty as the dwemer would have set up some automated defenses and in their absence there was never anyone who knows how to shut the defenses off. I imagine there's some esoteric means to control the spiders and centurions, nothing so simple as a switch. That said, I think the Dwemer zapped themselves somewhere else. Perhaps somewhere in the time stream a la Alduin. Perhaps they're trapped there forever, perhaps they'll just reappear in some distant future and wonder why their grand homes look so run down all of a sudden. It would be a fun DLC! -
I just hit him until he stopped moving. That worked well for me. ^_^
sounds like a glitch to me. Try exiting the area and coming back. Alternatively, try saving the game, exiting Skyrim completely and re-loading. or just hit it a bunch of times to make sure it's really dead.
Nope! You just go to the temple of Mara in Riften and talk to the priest, I can't remember his name. It's one of the dudes, the guy whose name starts with an M. Maramal or something like that. You get a necklace of Mara to wear around and people who are interested will offer. Easy as pie! :)
Can't summon to a peace talk without joining the Empire?
Quirkyblonde replied to Aluminumfoil's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
you just say that, you don't have to actually join. It just becomes a quest. Personally, I side with the Empire cuz Ulfric is a racist bastard. But that's just me :) -
ooh, another one - run around wearing nothing but a fancy hat and listen to the random comments.
OH! Thought of another random thing to do: Find all of the Stones of Barenziah. There are 24 and they're just scattered randomly throughout Skyrim in ppl's houses and dungeons.
There are guild master quarters for the Dark Brotherhood.
Cabbages and Cheese also work, Leeks however just seem to be more common for me. Basically any item that suits your own insanity. Ah, I see. I thought there was a specific reason for leeks. Maybe a weird pun or something. I dunno, my mind goes weird places sometimes.
I have to say that this little shocker was one of the better surprises I've come across so far. I love that Bethesda has built in some of these events that are kind of pointless. Not everything has a plot after all, sometimes weird s*** just happens in real life.
I like that idea. Maybe a whole quest line where you have to choose the appropriate jarl from a series of candidates based on questioning them. Of course you'd have to find them all first. Too bad i suck at quest building...
Vagrant0, I have to ask, why leeks? Okay so here's some of my random fun in Skyrim: - Find the Headless Horseman (I found him on the road south from Solitude) and follow him to his destination. (It took me almost an hour) - Get all the masks to earn the uber mask in Labyrinthian - Solve the labyrinth in Labyrinthian without cheating - Get married, kill your spouse, repeat process several times. Arrange corpses in amusing positions around the house. - Dive into a river or pond and catch as many fish as you can - Wander around and try to find every location on the map - Start making your own armor and weapons from scratch, i.e. mine the metals and gems, refine the ore, do the black smithing, improve the items if possible, enchant them and sell them! I spend a lot of time looking for Moonstone in particular. It's hard to find good veins of that... - Play interior decorator and place your trophies and treasures in prominent positions around the house. Good luck keeping them there though...*sigh* Um, that's all I'm coming up with off the top of my head. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else. :)
BE WARNED, THERE ARE SPOILERS AHEAD. IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED KAGRENZAL RUINS OR DO NOT WANT TO READ SPOILERS ABOUT RUINS THAT DON'T APPEAR TO HAVE A QUEST ATTACHED TO THEM, DO NOT READ THIS THREAD! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Holy Crap! So I've been on this mining kick, so I can do more smithing for less money, so I can level up in smithing so I can improve my Nightingale armor. Seems roundabout, I know, but that's why I'm mining. So I'm out wandering Skyrim, pickaxe in hand, whacking away at every vein of ore I happen upon. My ever eastward journey leads me to a previously undiscovered (by me) Dwemer ruin called Kagrenzal. So I wandered in and found a big square room with lots of rubble and in the middle a strange glowing light. Being the curious type I touched the light. BIG MISTAKE. Immediately this round fence thing springs up around me and I realize that there are corpses surrounding this glowing light and I'm thinking, oh great! Did I remember to save before I went in here? The light makes this obnoxious siren noise as it whirls around the room a couple times, then returns to it's starting point and sinking into the floor. So now I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. A charge of electricity or some other spell to zap me into Sovngaard (and I just left not that long ago!) Imagine my shock (no pun intended) when, instead of uber zappage, the floor proceeded to tilt and flip over like a pancake on a griddle and me and my new corpse friends are being dumped down a huge pit. And I do mean huge. I felt a little like Alice in Wonderland! Eventually I land with a ker-plop into a deep pool of water and have to travel through lots of tunnels, and lots of Falmer, to find my out at Stony Creek Cave (which has some great moonstone veins, FYI). Long story short - Beware the glowing light!
yeah, that happens to me sometimes. Though since my character got married it's been happening less often. It also seems to help if I do a quicksave once I get everything arranged to my liking.
ah, that explains it then.
Hmm, I wonder if there is! I keep collecting those keys and arranging them in my house cause they look cool. I've often half wondered the same thing.
Aw, dude give me a break! I didn't follow the previews as religiously as some, simply because I wanted to wait and see for myself! I thought the clue in the journal simply referred to the dragon claw itself. I'm a very straightforward thinker, it's part of my charm. ^_^ So I discovered it in a roundabout way, but I still figured it out! :)
see, I was clueless. I've been methodically going thru every combination of the puzzles until I hit the right one up until now. *headdesk* and here I was so excited about my discover! How do you zoom on the PC? I've tried but can't figure it out.
So I may be the weirdest gamer on the planet. I probably spend more time arranging my hard-won trophies in my house than I do actually earning them. What can I say? I'm a decorator at heart. This weirdness has led to a useful discovery. On the bottom of the Dragon Claw keys used to open the puzzle doors is the solution to the door it opens! When I first noticed the symbols I thought, 'surely not. it can't be that easy.' But I tried it out on the next puzzle door and voila! it worked! So here's my question, I'm the first person nerdy enough to notice this? Or is this discovery passe and already discussed. In case I'm the first to bring it up, you should know that manipulating the keys to actually get a good look at the bottom is not easy. I recommend using the telekinesis key (or button if you're a console gamer) to place the key on it's side on a waist high surface, then dropping into sneak mode. That's the best way to look at it.