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Everything posted by Quirkyblonde

  1. is there anyone who can help me with this issue? I'm going nuts here!!!
  2. meh, I don't really need to ride. I just like galloping around on my horsey from time to time. If i want to do that I just tell him to go home, and ride to my heart's content. ^_^
  3. I have this problem too, and I honestly have no idea what to do to fix it. I've even tried knocking him out and hiding in the jail room, leaving him alone in the arena area to give him time to read it. Still nothing happens. What am I missing? In fact, I've even let him kill me several times and still get the same problem. Help!
  4. afraid so, I have the most recent version and it still does this. Not sure why. :-/
  5. I have this problem on occasion too. I'm not sure what the cure for it is...except don't ride horses?
  6. I'm looking to create a quality horse armor mod that will not replace the vanilla armor options already available. I'd like to attempt to modify the existing meshes and create new textures such as Ebony, Glass and Mithril. I'd even like for them to have different protection stats, the way human armor does. I'm fairly skilled at creating textures for 3-D models, though I've never done a game mod before it seems to be fairly similar. I'm also experienced with 3-D meshes. What I don't know how to do is the scripting and such, so I'd like to find a partner to help me out. If anyone is interested, you can e-mail at [email protected] or send me an e-mail here on the site. I realize it must be a fairly ambitious project as it hasn't been done yet, but I think with the right partner we could accomplish this. QB
  7. Is anyone out there aware of a mod that adds new options for horse armor WITHOUT taking away the vanilla options?
  8. Is there a mod for horse armor that DOES NOT replace the vanilla armors available in the official expansion pack?
  9. I'm wondering if there are any mods out there for horse armor that DOES NOT replace the armors already available in the official mod. In other words, I'd still like to have the option of the vanilla armors.
  10. Thanks to Mobiusarcher for the help! <3
  11. I have been wracking my brain, trying to figure out where this mod is and what it's called. I don't even know who made it. (Sorry, I know I'm not much help) Basically, the mod is an alter in the imperial city (Talos Plaza, I believe) that allows you to access the change race menu without losing your stats like you do if you access it through the console. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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