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Everything posted by Gremxula

  1. Have you adjusted the settings? The defaults are way to optimistic. RES 1680x1050 Recommended.........AA and AF x4 Detail high = 20fps or lower for me. I have ati 4600 and 2.9 amd cpu and get an acceptable 30-60(monitor limit) 99% of the time using AA and AF OFF and low Detail.
  2. A quest in Anvil means you HAVE to buy a particular house. So if you intend to do all quests at some stage you will own this house.
  3. The lock picks thing was just an example of how to reduce the frustration the game can cause. If you got the time go back and buy more if you haven't then cheat. IT IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME so your choice.
  4. Just enjoy your game and play it how you want. PlayerAdd.Item xyz number is real cheating but what are you going to do if you run out of lockpicks. :biggrin:
  5. With you on the jumping. Funnily enough the modded Oblivion graphics for me are fine too. Skyrim is just so Grey.
  6. What I should have said if you are struggling against matched level creatures(4 at the time of your first post). Then the final battle to become Arena champion would be extremely hard as his level is fixed at 10. Also the levelled battles after you become champion also has levelled gold rewards. So starting the arena later would make it easier and put more gold in your pocket. You only have 5 Arena fights yet you need to gain 6 levels to have an even chance, as you say you struggle at that. @FnimonSni Yes of course you can do the arena at level 1 all the opponents are matched except one. The champion is fixed at level 10 and you can do a side quest to aviod a fair fight.
  7. The kill moves happen all the time for me AND I FIND IT ANNOYING.....Seriously though timing is better than sheer speed.
  8. It's the way you chose to play. Win a battle then walk away fighting in the Arena alone is just not enough get more XP. LVL 20-30 would be more in line with what you are trying to do.
  9. If all else fails RUN AWAY works 99.9% of the time :biggrin:
  10. Finish the game first then decide what you want to do. Skyrim is a new toy with limited content and can be completed quickly.here's a link New content is the key ... at the moment Skyrim has none.....Oblivion has 1000's of extra hours. No doubt that Skyrim with the release of the Creation Kit will become the leader of the pack in the future. . But at this time Oblivion RULES. :biggrin:
  11. Enchanted daggers work best for me. Stab Stab Stab :biggrin:
  12. I sort of agree with theinsane666. But a lot depends on the PC you are playing on, mine dose a basic Skyrim or fully modded Oblivion. I wouldn't want to say which looks better at the same resolution. Hey its a new toy so it is bound to be flavour of the week for a while. But I suspect Skyrim will not be a permanent home for many for a year or 2 just because of the available content at this time.
  13. There are too many variables in the game to give specific advice but here's a few tips to make the game more playable, use any or all of these. Lower the difficulty setting in options. Always carry health potions. Learn to cast the highest healing spell you can manage. The Katana is a good weapon but not one of the best. I use an enchanted Deadric dagger. Some enemies are invulnerable to normal weapons so carry a silver or enchanted weapon. Get a companion. Vilja is an excellent unique companion. Chatty and her own quests and later a pet wolf. Neeshka is more standard companion if you want a quiet life. I use both at the same time and you can often leave them to do the fighting and carry the majority of "loot", so less trips back to town.
  14. Some people may have missed this series of videos showing just how good Oblivion graphics gets... Makes my game look bad (as in ugly).
  15. I know that you can complete quests using the setstage command but you will have to start them manually. Hope this helps.
  16. I found this today by accident.It shows what Oblivion can look like. Oops just noticed the date ....didn't mean to bump a dead thread. :ohdear:
  17. I especially liked the linked video on p4&5. that looks better than Skyrim on my PC.
  18. I wouldn't be without them. OBMM dose a lot of work for you. It depends on the mod but a manual install/ uninstall is not recommended for more complex mods. Put the files in the wrong place and CTD or the mod just won't work. OBSE is essential to run mods that use the OBSE scripts. Without= CTD. BOSS you can sort the load order of your mods by hand or guesswork but a lot of mods rely on other mods to be loaded first so unless you have the expertise to sort it out yourself then you have to let BOSS sort it out for you. Without you may be lucky but the more mods you have the more certain the game will become unstable and CTD.
  19. As a novice Oblivion modder myself I went down a slightly different route. First step... Decide what you want to add to the game. Benirus Mansion was my first attempt at a mod, after doing the quest I found it too dark to be my player home. Step 2..... @ Furfur1974 like your plate mod :biggrin: I used the tutorial's to add extra lights to the house. Next came shifting the furniture and ditching the tatty mat in the hall. Mod finished.. A couple of days later and extra companions forced me to add extra bedding. Getting a bit fed up with the single enchantment objects created in game, so back to the tutorials. To find out how to create, enchant and place unique objects into the game world. I made a medalion with 4 minor enchantments light, feather,detect life and water breathing. Ideal for treasure seeking. At the moment I am tinkering with scripting and making special unique plants. In conclusion the way I am learning is getting the skills as and when they are needed.
  20. Player.Additem a 100 will add 100 lockpicks to your inventory. This works because lockpicks exist within the game files. If you have added a mod or expansion the this content can also be available to use but it can be hard to find the right "code". ..... Creating a new (custom) weapon/amulet ect. is not possible from the console.
  21. I would add.... The coloured map Map Marker Overhaul Sounds of Cyrodiil Maybe... Sensual Walks to go with the eye candy. None of these will alter the game. If you liked Oblivion on Xbox then Companion Vilja would transform the game for you, a friend you can trust :biggrin:
  22. Played Skyrim for a while but it is now back on the shelf for a while. At least until the much needed patch is out. At least for me Skyrim is buggy here are my problems..... "error free shutdowns" not real CTD's but some are saying CTD on the forums. Broken Quests. NPC's that ignore your actions. Levers etc that won't operate. and the list goes on. .................... On the plus side Skyrim looks better more detailed than vanilla Oblivion even if it takes an insane amount of computing power to do it.
  23. Skyrim seems to be the perfect place for Vilja. If Emma and CD could port her over it would be fantastic. In one way I am sort of glad that Skyrim and my PC has issues (poor frame rates and error free unexpected shutdowns) and waiting for a patch/ mod so I can fully change over. For now when I get mad with the game I just go back to Oblivion and Vilja v4. BTW Vilja v4 is much more than the old version(s) with more well everything. Quests ,dialogue ,mini game, sparing partner and romance are the new features that I remember at the moment.
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