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Everything posted by theru

  1. im getting abit irritated, im trying to export my custom armor theres no changes in body_0 and body_1, meshwize but neitherless when i export them the end up in a mess anyway, and this screws up bodyslide functions since order in 0 and 1 file dosnr match -.- dunno what to do, do someone has an solution to this? http://i47.tinypic.com/20qe3ns.jpg i tried all different solution but it simply wont export in same order -.- and nifskope isnt much help here either, moving nodes mess the mesh up even more
  2. for for spline editing u can magnify it to the mesh to get the body shape then use loft or use ribbon, or even do to spline connect em then add surface modifier, theres another modifier available to dont rem the name thought :/ and its better to to use stand alone mesh if something goes wrong dont edit direcly on the body if u dont plan to make it a tight body suit
  3. looks like u only need to tweak the mouth area abit in nifskope just do that on map drag the line inside the lip contour u will see instant how it will look in nifskope, dont fuss to much in the mouth area inside that line or u will screw up the morph mouth movements in game
  4. aswell http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/ holds some file download tutorials, u can just category search there or with tutorial as keyword and they will pop up and dont forget http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Main_Page theres a category creationkit with some tutorials in it and on the link skyrim some tut there aswell and here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/522532-skyrim-tutorials/ along some post, u have to look in the whole thread to find em thought. non youtube tuts are EVERYWHERE if u want something then please bother to search for it
  5. try to use english ----------------------------- google translator I am new to the forum and I apologize if similar topics were discussed, but have not found anything about it. I have the following active MOD: Sky Apachii Hair, RZL - Lydia Tweaks - No Shadows 10014 and USP. Dll file for further growth chart. All working and I must say that the FPS has increased significantly. One thing I do not understand. The game is set entirely in English again, but that should not disrupt MOD so much dialogue. I suspected it was a change to Skyrimprefs.ini and I did some research. Unfortunately I have a smattering in that sense, but I have great experience hacking on these things. I guess the solution is quite simple. At least I would like to return part of the game in Italian. I get along fairly with English, but certainly the game so I became less fluent. Thank you for your help. ------------------- but unfurtonally i dont support hacking so i wont bother to answer u bc that is not the solution for your problem nor the correct forum to ask such things, sorry why not try this instead http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485797-want-to-translate-skyrim-in-my-language/ all u need is creationkit, some english knowledge and off u go :)
  6. i get this from time to time to control that no other verticles from problem area is weighted on wrong part, then, what i do to solve this i hard paint(weight) the body part i having issue with completely red, no blend option, so if it lower part of leg i make that part red to correct bone, all bending part like knee cafs or wrist have blend wight. this will solve the flat issue part, but the error are in the cross pointer in the skeleton, they are always messed up, but now days i have corrected skeleton(template) with weight capsule on correct part. fix the weight pointers on skeleton and u wont have this issue any more
  7. hehe :D perhaps a accept/decline popup before downloading enforcing people to read the readme/first page on mod, and if they then just click accept without reading, the should not dare to ask :psyduck:
  8. awsum ! i managee to bake in hair and fur modfier into the texture with default scanline ao passes ,p shader hair and mentalray! gives me some idea to improve the default alpha texture/diffuse texture on hair/fur O.o http://i49.tinypic.com/105utcl.png diffuse http://i45.tinypic.com/2zfib1v.png alpha http://i50.tinypic.com/1zyy69j.png shadows with a little finetuning a perfect hair/fur map i tested with just 1 plane not many verticles but with this u use projection and u get a bump map aswell lol took me 3 days to figure this out
  9. is this what ure serching for http://www.creationkit.com/Introducing_the_Skyrim_Workshop#Disclaimer scroll to bottom or this http://www.creationkit.com/Standards_and_Policies
  10. like me im very new to texturing but i found a neat way to bake shadows into the texture without having to learn paint the whole thing and then in photoshop adjust it the way i want it, i asume u know about layers in photshop before trying this. also, theres photoshop brushes for everything http://www.deviantart.com/ search for photoshop brushes and u get almost everything there, eyes noose, pattern or whatever u want 1 way, there prolly a lot more ways but i found this very simple step bake ambient occlusion in max. 1. Make sure your model is unwrapped in a way that overlapping faces wont look odd when the AO is baked into them. (Basically avoid overlapped faces wherever possible in the Unwrap UVW window). 2. When your model is unwrapped to your liking, press M to bring up the Material editor. If you already have a material applied to the model, perhaps with a texture, click on a new material "ball", and drag it onto your model. Under the "Basic Blinn Parameters" of the material, change the diffuse color to 100% white. 3. Go to create--->Lights----->Standard Lights---->and select skylight. Do not click on your scene to place the light yet. On the right hand side you will see the skylight parameters. You will want to ensure the color of the light is set to 100% white. By default it will have a subtle blue tone to it. You will also want to ensure "Cast Shadows" is checked, and you can even change the number of rays per sample for a higher quality shadow effect (this will lengthen your render time, I tend to use 40 rays per sample, instead of the default 20). Click anywhere in the scene to place the light. The skylight does not need to be placed anywhere special, it will do its job no matter its orientation. 4. Select your model. At the top of the screen, select the "Rendering" menu. Select "Environment" and change the background color to about 50% grey. This will help to avoid any odd seams in your texture, the idea is to match the background to the same shade that the majority of your baked texture will have. You can't get this perfect, but it helps. 5. Select the "Rendering" menu again. Click on "Render to Texture". You should see your model (if it is selected) and its name in the list of "Objects to Bake". Look under the "Mapping coordinates" section. Make sure that "Use Existing Channel" is selected, and ensure the unwrap channel is the same as the one you used to unwrap your model. The default is channel One. Next, under "Output", click the "Add" button. I usually just select "Complete Map". Click "Add Elements". You can now choose the resolution of your baked image. You will want this to be the same as your texture, so you dont have to resize the baked image when it is done. 6. Click "Render". A message will appear saying "The following elements do not specify a Target Map slot". You can ignore this, its purpose is to automatically apply the rendered result to your model. I have never used this feature because I will be placing the rendered texture into photoshop to merge it with my texture anyway. Click continue. It will render your image. When it is finished, I like to just click on the "Save Image" icon(looks like a floppy disk) in the render result window and save it to wherever I want it, and I usually choose .BMP as the format, so I dont lose any quality as it is saved. But save it as whatever you like. Done! Now you can paste the baked AO texture into your texture and play around with it until you get it how you like! You can use similar steps for baking any kind of light effect into your texture you want. Just have to play around and have fun. painting wrinkles an easy way 2 http://youtu.be/QfboLe9W16A play around abit with this and u will be able to create a very nice texture ^^
  11. ,, the hard part would be the scripting i say, but elrier when skyrim was fresh i saw someone do a facial texture growth, cant rem the name thought, it was cycle scripted,,a similar script to that and a few different state with a pregnat tummy might work but i dont know how game handles to reupload other mesh each game month-.- if that is possible, if is is it might lagg the game abit :o
  12. Well, go back to Nexus Sounds like a good idea :P . And where is that thread ? Never seen it... i deleted that comment on my steam upload mod comment section, i dont need to have that there, if someone is unhappy with my mod, just go and look another mod, no need to write a thing to express his taste, i model after my own taste
  13. as a modder, texturer(just learnt it since i got toons of complains on my erlier meshes about crappy texture, wich in that time i didt knew how to paint one) and as a coder, in comment section, i prefer comments, that gives both rose and thorns, that keep me going to learn more or develop/create more, but comments and rep down trolls with bad attitude and only got bad to say even thought he havent read, description nor the readme text in mod, that is specificly requires some skeleton or some other litle detail and then he come back to complain, pisses me off greatly, i was on the verge to join another comunity, and i stopped uploading on steam, first comment i got on steam was" u mod like crap go back to nexus", even yet this guy/guys dont have a single thing to show off.
  14. hey

    i have combined my facemod, with your facemod and bellas and got a stunning result, but i do seek alowance to upload this to nexus,do you permit me to do so?



    and this is my mod page


    have the best


  15. taken from the wiki http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Skyrim_common_mod_issues My meshes normal map doesn't seem to render at all even though it's linked into the correct BSTextureSet slot In block details for the NiTriShapeData make sure Has Normals is set to Yes. Num UV sets is set to 4097. And then Spells>batch>update tangent space My mesh is black/really dark. Do the above fix, but this is likely to do with your shader type, and the shader flags. If it is using the environment map shader make sure that flag is set, and there is infact an environment map set up in the correct slot. Other wise use the normal shader type. And also the shader flag for SF_Vertex_Color and the mesh does in fact have vertex color
  16. im starting to get more and more irritated on people,,today among other days i had to rep up peoples post bc someone gone berserk on the rep down button on the simpliest this like, i like this its cool ->someone rep down, "i need help" --> someone rep down->, dosnt matter what people write someone just rep down everything they see, and this pisses me off greatly for such missbehavior of the rep function on comments in files section. THIS BETTER STOP! :verymad: or just disable that function, people are alowed to write what they need and like, normal people if they see something they dont like, they just move forward to look on another file. this happend on several files of mine, and its fulltime job for me to rep up peoples comments , im sick and bored on this people with "i have to rep down bc i have a bad day or somting else"
  17. well theres a simple solution,when it starts stop playing, go and do something else, perhaps sleep? its not healthy for your wellbeing to sit and play hours after hours in games. i did that with another game and i totaly screwed up certain aspects irl , both mentaly/phsykological or what its called and values-.- i never do that again. take breaks during gameplay, it will do u good
  18. what i do, do skinwrap, on full body mesh(unp or whatever,) fo face deform on skin wraptool and put fallof down to 000.0001 or lowest possible(convert to skin) , then open enveloped, click on each bone in skin, and u see where it colors ure mesh, if u click on a bone that dosnt effect ure mesh, delete it. golden rule, if the char still moves weird,, the more red envelope color is more effect the bone, think of how a ragdoll looks like, that makes it easy to assign proper weight rainbow by all bendable part,wrist, red on non bendable part, legs,arms, the whole torso is rainbow more or less in ure case i would prolly use skirt bone for thoose hanging clothes down the leg
  19. i think u got yourself a skin weight problem ^^
  20. if its ok with u did some changes to your texture, did make texture 1 more bluish for a more genie like look, it fits better to my new headmesh i made, i also fixed the lips abit and altered the normal map,


    my plan is to create another rase,, thinkin adding either tail horns or wings.

    so i do seek permission to...

  21. http://i46.tinypic.com/3160ylf.png i want to add this head into the game, ive tried confulator and skyrim tri files made by throttlekitty i think, but when hitting the head up on a char in creatiokit, the face looks instantly deformed, please help
  22. 2 ,juvelry mod and appachii, and 3 retextures, no esp
  23. theres drop down box in creation kit when ure doing the the thing, in craftable section, in there u can select ure armor http://www.creationkit.com/images/thumb/3/36/Tutorial-Customizing-3.jpg/572px-Tutorial-Customizing-3.jpg constructuable object u find it under items section
  24. copy the lighshader from vanilla item/clothes into your mesh in nifskope, and if ure using vertex color check it in lighshaderoption 2 section if not uncheck it, also recheck ure textures if they are new, party invisible stuff goes with interpolate alpha dxt5 while non party transparent thing goes well with dxt 1 tried to attach a file but it was to slow, heres the link to thought http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3746
  25. enai i hope u know, u have a backup button on steam aswell -.- i will push that button each time before i upgrade in steam, so i wont experience this again, watsed work hours
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