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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. Brilliant. I love it. You've written a great, amusing story. I can easily see Lex acting like this in his younger years. xD
  2. Nephenee loosened her grip. "Oh? You're not Thalmor." While the man wasn't Thalmor, he was still downright suspicious. What was a Dark Elf doing out here? And that comment sounded almost incriminating. She eyed the man carefully as she articulated her question. "What is your business here? You're evidently not from the camp."
  3. Nephenee popped outside of the camp with an old iron axe she found laying in the charred remains of one of the tents. She looked up at the trees looking for a respectable branch to replace the tent spar. She soon found a decently sized branch laying on the ground. As she reached for the branch, she noticed a man in the shadow of a tree surveying the camp only a dozen feet away from her. Unsheathing her sword, she approached the man. "Who's there? Show yourself."
  4. Nephenee sighed. The Altmer wasn't worth the time. Giving the reins a slight nudge, she turned her horse around and searched for the most intact tent. She came across a fallen, singed, but still intact canvas tent. Nephenee dismounted and tied her horse to one of the tent tacks, inspecting the tent for damage. The tent spar was cracked, probably trampled by fleeing soldiers, and the canvas was muddled and dirty. It was nasty and unwieldy, but it was better than sleeping under a tree. She began set around to fixing the tent up.
  5. Alright. I see what's going on. So I just throw myself into the thick of things or how do I join in...? Just drop into the camp we're all in right now. It's easy since there's not too much going on at the moment.
  6. Have you tried just doing normal things? Maybe fast travel some, just give it some time to reload the cell.
  7. Foreign relations. American foreign relations are crap.
  8. OOC: The Announcement version of the topic has the character sheets, use that.
  9. Sounds good. Not a fan of dragon mounts, though.
  10. Nephenee took a closer look at the man as her horse trotted over. "Mm. Definitely trouble." She kept her hand on her blade as a precaution.
  11. Lute of Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, and Hououin Kyouma of Steins;gate.
  12. There's obviously something wrong here, yes. It's opposite for me. :psyduck:
  13. "Of course." As Nephenee turned to leave, she heard the distinct sound of a horse's clop. Looking at the new arrival, she examined the man. "Oh, an Altmer. A messenger of some sort maybe?" she said, thinking aloud. "I don't think he'll last long here..."
  14. "I see. Worry not, I'll make sure to avoid giving you any trouble." She nudged her horse's reins. "I guess I'll uh, make myself home in that lovely tent."
  15. "Is that an invitation to do as I wish?" responded Nephenee.
  16. Nephenee let out a silent "Ah," and noted this in her head. "In anycase, it looks like whatever that arsonist did turned this place into a hell of a camp. Do you need any assistance?"
  17. In Oblivion, necromancers practice in secret to avoid being discovered and killed. I'm fairly sure the Arch-mage commands a fair amount of authority in the Imperial City. In Skyrim, it's pretty much fair game. That difference, though broad, leads me to believe that necromancy is universally banned in Oblivion.
  18. OOC: I just wandered into a camp and am talking to the head of it right now. I don't know that much else. Maybe you can just waltz in too? :P --- "Huge price tag, is it? That's... Unfortunate. I still have peppercorn and a few grand soul gems if you're interested in that, but that's all I have on me." She looked at the horse. "At this point, I might as well get rid of the bags and become a knight," she joked. She probably would make a decent knight, but it really wasn't her thing.
  19. That was a different era, things have likely changed since Skyrim.
  20. Agreed. It's really immersion breaking to see everybody and the chicken trying to maul the dragon.
  21. The merchant put the gem back with a pained smile. "I assume you prefer wholesale, then?" she said, half joking.
  22. "If you go to the right sources..." Nephenee reached into one of the bags, and pulled out a grand gem. "...You can get them surprisingly cheap." She turned the gem over. "To a certain extent, anyway. I'm not bad with a sword, so I do go 'shopping' at some old ruins from time to time." She tossed the gem up in the air and caught it. "Of course, there's always the stupid adventurer that sells things they find for almost literally, dirt cheap."
  23. "I had a large portion of my wealth invested on shipping armor and weapons from Colovia to Solitude, until that damn arrogant captain wrecked our ship on the Northern ice." Nephenee looked sadly at the sacks and bag on her horse. "Without capital, all I can do right now is move spices and soul gems, maybe some other things." EDIT: Nephenee turned to look at the person addressing her. "My, a werewolf. Nice to meet you too."
  24. Archie stared at the vampire with an annoyed look. "You're quite mature for a centuries old person, aren't you?"
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