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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. OOC: Going to skip ahead a few days to make it in time for the party. :P Nephenee and Benjamin arrived at the party as Selene bet the key to Proudspire manor. "I'll call that bet. I'll throw in a ship laden with gold!" Nephenee sat down at one of the seats at the table, while Benjamin, not a gambler, talked to the other nobles.
  2. Sounds like fun, so yes xD
  3. "Excuse me, Lord Montgomery, Lady Nephenee." The two turned to see the ship's captain, a plump, middle-aged man. He was a relatively new captain. "Breakfast may be delayed for half an hour," he continued. "What for?" demanded Nephenee. "Ah, about that. We are doing ranging tests." Benjamin blinked. "At this hour? On what target are you ranging on?" The man's face twisted a bit, flustered. "A-ah, sorry. Pirates. Some filthy opportunists showed up in their dinghies and we thought they would make good practice for the soldiers." Nephenee smiled at the captain. "Don't worry about it. Nobody is going to mind a few sounds over breakfast." "As you wish, milady." The man bowed before disappearing up the stairs to give commands. Nephenee turned back to Benjamin. "He seems like the type that sucks up to people to climb up the ladder. Being in this position makes it a bit difficult to relax these days." Benjamin scratched his chin. "Speaking of friends, we should visit Barrius while we're in Solitude. I've heard his wineyard is the best Tamriel."
  4. Over the sound of the sea and waves, a clock from within the ship chimed seven times. "Fancy breakfast?" said Benjamin. Nephenee nodded. "Might as well." She turned around and looked out towards the bow of the ship. As she looked ahead, a few crewmembers scurried to bring tables out to the deck and set them up for the two and the officers of the ship. She looked around at the sea around her, observing the other East Empire vessels. Surrounding the Ronoa was a couple dozen other ships keeping course with it, proudly flying the colors of the Empire. Most of the ships sported elaborate gilded woodwork and trim coats of paint. Directly ahead of them was a large Imperial warship, proudly escorting the ships with its long rows of cannons and Imperial legion standing guard. It was an Imperial Treasure fleet.
  5. It's more of an annoyance that an issue. I get the 502 randomly but a refresh brings the forum back within moments.
  6. OOC: Does this replace Adventures of Skyrim? Twenty years later, Nephenee had seen the fruits of her plan. She was the Earl of Almsgard, and was married to Benjamin, who was the new Lord of Almsgard. She had successfully taken over the East Empire Company and restored it to beyond its former glory, owning hundreds of ships and thousands of tonnes of goods. She became one of the most wealthy and powerful people in the Empire, alongside Benjamin. On a cold Skyrim day, the couple were returning to Skyrim after many years to deal celebrate the grand re-opening of Solitude's East Empire Company headquarters. Nephenee and Benjamin leaned on the worn railing of the Ronoa, at the stern of the ship. It was the first ship that Nephenee had built for her new company, twenty years ago. Nephenee sighed, breathing out steam as she tucked her arms into her black peacoat. "Twenty years since then," she said. "The years really do go by quickly." She put her arms around Benjamin, who smiled. "Indeed they do. It's amazing how this ship still looks majestic despite its age," he said. Nephenee grinned. "Just like you," she teased.
  7. Perhaps the skull fell through the floor?
  8. "Do I know you?" said Thongvor Silver-Blood, looking up, wearily. Nephenee looked at the Jarl. His elbow was leaning tiredly against the stone throne, propping up his hand that was reading a worn book. Around him, the hall was sported an unseemly amount of bare stone, void of furnishings such as standards and trophies. The merchant shook her head. "My name is Nephenee Monroe, a merchant. I pray you are doing well, Jarl Silver-Blood?" The Jarl looked up with a rueful smile. "I would be lying if I said I were, merchant." It seemed the Jarl was too weary to preserve his image. "The precious gem bubble is it, my Jarl?" asked Nephenee, setting her plan into motion. The man nodded silently. "Perhaps," Nephenee began carefully, "I can help you pay your debt." "My debt? It's of a substantial sum. I highly doubt a merchant of your stature can conjure up the funds legally to pay a seven figure debt." Seven figure sum? That was a little more than Nephenee had estimated, but she shook off her doubts. "You underestimate me," replied Nephenee. She waved her hand for one of the mercenaries, who came hurriedly up with the chest. "That chest there contains fifty-thousand gold, alone." The Jarl stared at the chest with greedy eyes. "Alright. Come inside." He got up, gesturing for Nephenee to come into the adjacent room for negotiation. The first part of the plan had been successfully completed.
  9. I have a slightly annoying issue with my networking here, mostly in part because my filesharing setup is not working when I want it to be. I have a dedicated fileserver running Windows Server 2008 on my network. Because I have limited ethernet ports and wires, I sometimes hijack the server's cable for other devices(Ex. other laptops, configuring a new router). Annoyingly, when the connection cuts, my main desktop refuses to recognize the mapped folder(Fileserver (\\SERVER-PC)(Q:) after I reconnect: It also does the same when trying to access Server-PC via Network connections with the correct credentials: However, if I try to access SERVER-PC via Remote Desktop, it logs right in, within seconds. For the most part, restarting my main desktop again solves this issue, but I prefer to keep my desktop on at all times due to some of the applications I occasionally run. What is the most agitating though is all other computers on the network are unaffected, they pick up the server the moment it comes back online. Are there any small network settings that I may have missed?
  10. It was now a week since the entire incident had occurred in Markarth. With the money in tow(Along with Benjamin & company along with a few well paid mercenaries), Nephenee put on her best clothes and made her way to Understone Keep. A dull looking guard outside the residence barely acknowledged the group. "The Jarl will not be seeing any more bankrupt gits," he said, looking down as he fingered a copper coin. Nephenee shoved a gold septim at his face to get his attention. "I will be seeing the Jarl, thank you." Grubbily grabbing the coin, the guard grunted in defeat as he opened the doors to the keep, letting the group pass. Nephenee made her way up the stairs of the keep to Thongvor Silver-Blood sitting on the throne in a pitiful state. It didn't look like he had much sleep in the past few days. The plan would go perfectly.
  11. Welcome, and pray tell what Avalon mod did you use?
  12. http://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/ At the moment, it's the best freeware cleaner available out there. I was actually surprised when EA support brought it up during a support conversation. Manual works just as well, I suppose, but only if somebody has experience working with the registry and isn't just lazy. :P
  13. Can't you just use CCleaner instead of manually wiping out the Skyrim registry files?
  14. No, the only message I got was "suspended". It was probably suspended because the voices.bsa was modified, so Steam couldn't update.
  15. I've fixed the issue. I verified the integrity of the game files(Looks like one of the mods conflicted and was replaced by Steam), and the game updated fine.
  16. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/548070-skyrim-update-14-now-live/ 1.4 is live and out of beta. It doesn't matter at this point, because Steam is currently downloading a "suspended" 1.3 patch. :/ I've got a bunch of mods on Skyrim already, including some Chinese/Japanese mods that I no longer have access to. I'm reluctant to do a reinstall.
  17. Is there a solution to the Skyrim update suspended issue? Steam isn't even updating 1.4, because I exited Steam when it tried to patch my 1.1 to 1.3 and reversed the process, and the 1.3 update is still going, but "suspended".
  18. Got it. Going to wait a bit so the site can be sorted out, because presently the colors make my eyes hurt. >.<

    Skyrim needs some more love, too, by the way. :P

  19. OOC: I'd prefer the roleplay stay here, it's a bit annoying to jump around. :( I suppose I'll use it, but please, somebody fix the green and purple high contrast backgrounds. I can't read.
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