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Status Updates posted by Thor.

  1. Hey was up, hows the catapult mod coming along (:
  2. the last poster wins practice
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Werne


      It will never be over.
    3. Ithildin
    4. Deleted54170User


      Who see's a never ending story for this ever ongoing game as I see it?
  3. i understand, sometimes i can disappear to, but that just means I'm away from my pc :D
  4. AHHH!!! lol okay i take your word on that
  5. Your a true friend for that sheep canon pic, now wheres my chicken powered rifle. o.O
  6. okay, Pagafyr had a good one going int he last poster wins, Hopefully it'll surpass it in epicness right. Curious, strolls over to the rp nexus.
  7. Lol i figured why change it, its been there sense i first registered on the nexus. I guess its a mascot of sorts :D
  8. back from vacation, did i miss anything ????
  9. Hey was happening, join us in the world record attempt at the last poster wins, we need strong dedicated posters like you to help us beat 400,000 posts. Come in and make yourself at home.
  10. Hey great to see the rp is going on strong, but i would be better suited to be in the rp nexus. I mean it'll be a great hit. Already its turing out good, but i would have to quote tag everything from the beginning. i wouldn't touch it just paste it in side the rp nexus for you 2 to continue. it'll only be a place holder.
  11. Welcome back, hey TheCalliton hows it hangen...
  12. :D yes it was a looonnnggg time getting all that fish ready for the freezer... 50 maximum count Woot..
  13. K I'll keep spreading the word,and try to get the sheeps invasion forces attention, i know there secret plan to take over the nexus. Its in numbers i tell u.
  14. check out the RP brokenergy
  15. check out the RP brokenergy
  16. Okay then, help spread the wors to the rest of the herd. I salute to you in sheep tungue, BAAAHHHHHHH!!!

    glitch pending

  17. Please help us out with this amazing rp

    The Sheep Wars: the wakaening

    Please help us out

    Double post glitch warning

  18. Please help us out with this amazing rp

    The Sheep Wars: the wakaening

    Please help us out

    Double post glitch warning

  19. AAHHH the sheep are every where, please help us out in this amazaing.

    please we need your help to advertise this amazing rp


    SSorry for the double post, explorer glitch

  20. AAHHH the sheep are every where, please help us out in this amazaing.

    please we need your help to advertise this amazing rp


    SSorry for the double post, explorer glitch

  21. please help us out in the Roleplaying section of the lounge, we need all sheep for it to work out.

    Its title the sheep war: the awakening

    Explorer glitch, it likes to double post in here for some reason

  22. please help us out in the Roleplaying section of the lounge, we need all sheep for it to work out.

    Its title the sheep war: the awakening

    Explorer glitch, it likes to double post in here for some reason

  23. Please help us with the new and amazing rp,


    We need all the help we can get, we need the sheep as well, you know those sheep avatars roaming the nexus, well it all started because of a similar rp which started along time ago in a far, far away galaxy o.O

    Double post possible incoming

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