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Status Updates posted by Thor.

  1. I wish The nexus had a generic imageshare, you know those random pics of you I:
  2. Here is a idea, post a comment on a pic of mine



  3. CONGRATULATIONS you are now President of the LOUNGE. Now that you are President you have certain responsibility.Post a comment in the mod section of the nexus and link it here so i could give you a Kudos. I can't for some reason in the forums itself.
  4. Sure thing, i didn't want the job anyways.
  5. Power, its not the phenom, in fact it runs really cool. Its your PSU, 1000 watts is recommended.

    In fact there are new models coming out that'll destroy Intel. Already they set records, 8ghz on liquid hydrogen (:


  6. Yes, yes it does, the last bit of it kinda sucked but the All of the stargate Atlantis stuff was good (:

    Lol i5, use the i7 (:. Errrr AMD rules.

  7. 3 HDD's

    Seagate Momentus HDD, nearly as fast as assd, main c drive. Lightning fast start up times, Clocked it at 5secs at times.

    My other Seagate barracuda drive at 750gb

    last but so cool OCZ ssd at 128gb mainly for gaming (:.

  8. Nice a Phenom fan, Welcome. (: I meant your made up specs lol.

    I might go get myself a new Motherboard soon, mine is lacking ram. It only has 6 slots.

    I was hoping to get at least 12 sticks of ddr3 at 2000mhz. That's on the things to do.

  9. I wish i had your comp specs, sigh..
  10. Welcome to the anti sheep Campain if you didn't get the last message.
  11. This is a anti sheep service anouncement

    Welcome to the anti sheep movement, you have been selected by our mass array of super computers to be selected in our anti sheep campain. Why the word sheep blipped across our screens in our gigantic war room, it seems you sparked weapons fire, it was a ceasefire for a bit there. This has been a automated message from the Antisheep Movement.

  12. You Win (: Whistling silently. Oh strange notice the 2 thors. Its because the nexus realizes my greatest xd. Needs to be fixed.
  13. Believe it or not the last game i Beta tested was Black ops for ps3. Its actually more like who you know xd, i thought it was crap.
  14. I, i want in (:
  15. To bad, well if your in the beta testing mode i was wondering if therwe was a Borderlands 2 beta out already xd. I can't wait for that game or even pray 2 (:
  16. Lol Good for you Pagafyr, its a good game (:.
  17. If your thinking of getting it, its so worrth it. its one of those games once you pick it up you wont want to drop the controller.
  18. glitchy today
  19. OOPs double post, nooo iw sh there was a delete button.
  20. Check the mismatched texture thread, helpfull tips if your thinking of building a new pc.
  21. Thanks a lot for your help, check out the fixed version of my Char, might even post this in the imageshare.
  22. Yup hes a insider i think??, OO hush must keep it silent.

    With his excitement i have high hopes (:

  23. Heey was up ocverload1977, welcome back.
  24. Heey was up ocverload1977, welcome back.
  25. Lol not as regular, you should see my posts in the forum games. every day i post there atleast once, atleast try to.
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