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Status Updates posted by Thor.

  1. Lol true at that
  2. Same to you, please join the Christmas hat contest, lol chances of double post is oddly high, glitch (:
  3. Same to you, please join the Christmas hat contest, lol chances of double post is oddly high, glitch (:
  4. There is a Christmas Hat contest happening in the Loune, if you want to participate just post (: Glitch possibe double post, explorer
  5. There is a Christmas Hat Contest happening in the Lounge, please join.
  6. Go into shift alt delte and go under the task manager, look for the steam exe, click on it and end its process. If you have to remove both processes and see if you can launch steam again.
  7. I know its a amazing fix that Bethesda for shame denies it, its a shame really.
  8. Hey Was up TheCalliton, long time no see, hows it going (:
  9. Hey Was up TheCalliton, long time no see, hows it going (:
  10. Somethings fishy happening with the friends list, I'm seeing doubles. 0.o
  11. Hey XanAlderon was up, I see you are getting words wisdom from Pagafyr to (:.

    Oh is it just me that those sheep are gaining in numbers O.0, something must be done (:

  12. They in my opinion went a stepbackwards in Skyrim i mean come on one ring slot and the lack of Staffs on your back like they had in Oblivion. You would think they would have learned something from Oblivion by now.
  13. no thats the wrong comand, tcl is what you use to remove collision (. walking on air tends to fix the glitch.
  14. Yes tgm is bad, only use it your hoarding stufff in your house (:
  15. If your bored come down to the ban for fun thread lol.
  16. Thanks fro the translation (:
  17. Thanks fro the translation (:
  18. Eh sorry for the double post, i seem to have a strange glitch happening with explorer for one click double posting. You can see it even in the friends list. Also back on sobject keep it up Pagafyr (:
  19. Hey check out the cold fusion thread, oh its real alright and a huge cold fusion race is in the works as well.
  20. Hey Fonger check out hte cold fusion thread its real all right, might even change the world as we know it (:
  21. Its nice to travel once in awhile, I'm planning on heading over to the states, a friend of mine bought a house down there, he offered me a chance to stay for 2 weeks. I'm Expecting for a long drive then eh, a good 24hours i say, Its right on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Infact he has a dock and a boat. How would you like to to go fishing on the gulf of mexico, Now that would be interesting.
  22. Sounds like fun Pagafyr, i wish i could travel like that. Money and work tends to get in the way ):.
  23. Its not that, i just prefer not to use them at all, hotmail or the email address my isp provided me with, I'm just like that i guess (: Edited
  24. Hey check out the screen in the f2011 thread. Its Epic, little bright through, had to turn down the gamma (:.
  25. Although you wouldn't catch me on Facebook or twitter, i like my privacy thank you (:
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