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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Go figure, right? Because yes, technically, there is no lawn! XD
  2. ...is open. ¬_¬
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. AliasTheory


      <jumps out of crater like a generic anime hero> <draws sword in midair> <does unnecessary aerial acrobatics>


      lol I'm so clever.

    3. naomis8329


      <builds two cages, puts a combatant in each, hangs key in space between cages and walks away>
    4. VesemirTheWitcher
  3. You people...the world is coming to an end. ._.
  4. Oh geez. I'm "open" huh?
  5. Yeah, that's cool. But just like a lot of other things, don't overuse it.
  6. Can't be too much of one or the other. Gotta have some of both. The educational system won't teach one how to make friends, when to trust others and many of the basic aspects of modern life. To me, anyway.
  7. Ah. Well, you have an important job to do and I'm a college student. It is completely understandable and my time will come eventually. Just enjoying life here while I can.
  8. 1 and 3 are basically the same. But yes, I know...you and I seem to think very much alike. And as of number 2...eh, true, but BD here is always advertising his stuff to me. I'm obligated to rate. :p
  9. I like how you agree with nearly all criticism I spit out, Slicer. :p I find it kind of funny for some reason.
  10. Oh, one last writing idea for you:

    Italics. You can use it to stress words and emphasize certain parts. For example, a flashback might be in italicized text instead of normal text. It is one thing you can do that could not be normally done on paper.

  11. Oh. Bath. Not batch. Haha. I usually shower in the evening 'cause I like to go to bed clean. It is more of an Asian thing to do. Others like to wake up in the morning in contrast.
  12. I don't know what comment you are referring to.

    And I know the blur comes from the explosion. You can open geck and change the explosion blur if you really wanted to stick with ingame stuff. I think it is too excessive...the detail of the world is gone. =/

  13. With your computer? Wow.
  14. You actually see that system as something valid? I couldn't care less about that. Everyone expects you to do the right thing, and only marks you down when you're wrong. Good is only expected.
  15. Keanu's a cool guy. I just looked over his writing today and decided to offer a bit of advice. And happy birthday. Though I'm not quite sure if you want to remember at this point. Hehe.

    You can check my "about me" page for more information if you're interested.

  16. Huh. Same name as my mother. Anyway, I've noticed your posts in the forums for a while now, particularly in the debate section, and you have some very nice things to say. I think you deserve a bit more for some of your wisdom as well, similar to some of the other bright-minded users here. Here's a kudos.
  17. Oh my gawd, the first day you did not visit my profile. mind iz blown
  18. Dunno if you caught it, but I edited my post and added some more stuff for you. I'm just feeling bored and felt like blabbing random stuff.
  19. I don't have a big ego. I've learned to accept a lot of things; we all like to think we're right, because nobody likes being wrong.

    I suppose I like talking to other people so I can learn from their experiences too and vice versa.

  20. Cool, thanks. I have been enjoying talking about myself a lot lately. I could talk forever about stuff I've done. Sometimes I feel like I can talk to a rock all day.
  21. Just followed you through BD's page...the central hub for all things social. :p

    Cool interests. I never played paintball, but my younger brother did once. He was playing outdoors and tried to hide by lying down on the ground. Too bad there was a red ant nest there.

    Oh, nice P90 airsoft gun. I think.

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