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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Not any time soon, huh? Five days is quite soon actually...even a weekly schedule is indeed a challenge to keep up with.
  2. Yeah, see? Seriously. I look at those things and just go, "wut da eff." Apparently the outside of your computer is equally important.
  3. Go and Google and look at high-end gaming desktop computers.
  4. Never mind, it was a lame joke anyway. :p
  5. ...well, when you get one of those ginormous, monolithic, self-esteem-lowering hunks of machinery some call a computer, let me know. lol.
  6. Haha, same here. That's what I'm trying to do, too. We all need to make a new trend here. :)
  7. Man, I think Oblivion is just prettier in general. Hard for all of us Fallout players to make nice shots since we can't rely on lush, grassy landscapes all the time...or fantastical realms of abstract awesomeness.
  8. Checked out the pic and as for the dream...

    *post it* *post it* *post it* /chants

  9. Well, start remembering. :p
  10. Hope you're doing fine too. Hey, go post in the dream topic I made if you haven't already.
  11. Get anti-virus software. Seriously. Better than buying a new computer or nuking your computer and all of the precious data on it. Worth the investment.
  12. Wonderfully said in my thread regarding honor. You now have reached 10 kudos...double digits! :)
  13. I'll try help you out some more when I have time, but remember GIMP is open source. Google is your friend.
  14. Wow! Awesome bdays. :D And yeah, it'd be cool if you read some. :)
  15. You missed it because...I dunno. It's been around for like a month now. Or maybe a little more. Check my "about me" page for more info.
  16. Filter > Distort > Whirl and Pinch.
  17. Goal was to make the drawing cartoony but yeah, thanks. :) De saturating the colors might make it more realistic. I don't know GIMPs interface well so I'll try to get back to you on that.
  18. Small announcement: won't be posting any update on the story until Monday or Sunday. Too busy. Sorry!
  19. Just stopping by...it has been a while. ;)
  20. lurking on other forums is fun
    1. Eiries


      Posting is even better. ;)
    2. AliasTheory


      ...or watch people yell at each other who both lack any real arguments. Yeah, mainly on those. :p
  21. I haven't left a comment here for a whole month! What's up?
  22. Hello there, I think it's time I dropped you another comment. Here it is. :) And nice little "about me." Most others I try to look at are empty.
  23. Oh and took another look at your deviantART. You have some nice drawings; perhaps you should try outline and recolor them digitally? And you have some awesome "favorited" works as well.
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