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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Looking forward to whatever modding you decide to do for NV...even though I'm not getting it as of the moment.
  2. Nu = top tier in CT before the nerf stick came. Too safe, too powerful. Hakumen wasn't all that good until the sequel, CS...in that he has ridiculously good range and benefits the aggressive player.
  3. What are you sorry for? This is a forum...you come, you go and you come back again. Sometimes for quite a while. We've got lives to live. ;)
  4. Sorry for the late response, but you could learn to use the pen tool in GIMP or Photoshop or whatever. Plenty people do that.

    You should post on other peoples' walls sometime. :)

  5. Heck no man. I never heard about the game until weeks before the launch and then I was absolutely hooked. If you have friends that are willing to shoot up some bad guys, explore cool places (and argue over some sweet new guns in the process,) you need to get this. Dueling is hilariously fun.
  6. Nice interests. Just like my best friend back at home. Loves all that Japanese stuff. Me too, but not so much...and I am full Japanese. A crime... :p
  7. Hey, have you played Borderlands? Or heard of it? Excellent game. If you like Diablo you might like this.
  8. Yep, I know about the photos 'cause a while ago Eiries was all like, "HEY MAN. THREAD NECRO. CHECK 'DIS OUT." But anyway...yes, all very nice. You can both draw too. That makes you both infinitely better than me.
  9. You said it. Crazy buggy. It really disappoints me how things like the infinite XP and infinite money glitch can be replicated easily too. But at least glitches can kinda make for funny jokes for us PC gamers since the console can usually get one out of a sticky situation.
  10. This is a pretty good candidate for "awesomest NV glitch evar" too.

  11. BlueDanube's slowly taking over your page, man. And glad I could help with the whole glitch thing...always helps to do your research before basically, everything. :)
  12. *points to his status update*
  13. I stumbled across your profile from TESNexus and took a look at your deviantART as well. It might be collecting a little dust, but you and Eiries have quite the collection of works. I love the photography.
  14. Which bug? The exorcist-begging one or the spaghetti man?
  15. Hey, since I figured BD's page is like the hub of all things social:


    Bethesda's already addressing the issues everyone's complaining about. BD, you can feel free to use your awesome advertising skills to get the message out. :p

  16. It might be a cool idea to do a little bit of some overlay with a screenshot and the black background. I dunno. It might make things a bit more interesting...'cause I'm sure after a while the monocolor background gets to you.
  17. Hey. I got a kudos today...for doing nothing?
  18. The sheer awesomeness of your desktop caused my self-esteem to crash and burn. It might be a bit monochrome, but sweet. :D
  19. Oh. OK. All I'm saying is that I don't think it is right to see all these physically unnatural women, and he's saying I shouldn't be trying to draw the line and to not look at all that stuff. But I don't think I even have the choice to not look at all that stuff. Unless I quit the imageshare altogether, we have a problem...for a lot of people. Evidently he's the minority and he should move.
  20. Just watch? What are you referring to...?
  21. I found better lol...check the status update on my page
  22. Screennames. Whatever. 1234567890. Like you decided to smash your head on the number pad and call it a name. lol.
  23. So you were the creator of the pet thread. :) Great topic. And nice instant messaging usernames...
  24. Thanks for reminding me Blue hehe...I was about 5 messages away from having a full inbox.
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