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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Hehe...that might be kinda interesting. Though yes, taking care of a pet is tough. Obviously, one needs to make enough money for more than just himself. Did you know that if everyone in the US stopped buying pet food for just an entire year, according to predicted statistics, we could solve world hunger in the same time frame? That would be something.
  2. LOL, I was wondering why I suddenly had 3 messages in my box. Stray cat, huh. A close friend's water-loving cat was the same as well. And yeah, my dog's female. Had her ovaries removed quite some time ago.
  3. Care to enlighten me on what that is? Also, maybe you should try search and comment on my dog too...I miss her. ^^
  4. Guess the plan didn't succeed then regarding V's topic. Nobody's posting so just let it slowly die like the rest. ;)
  5. Hmm...it has been another month and I thought there might be more comments here. =/

    I like your profile picture. I saved it to my comp. :)

  6. Hello...just visiting again. I like your fun facts...'cause I agree with quite a lot of them. Mostly the dislike and hate ones.
  7. I guess so. Now the Fallout 3 imageshare is becoming more like the TES imageshare... *sigh*
  8. Running out of picture ideas, huh? I always feel inspired over here. :) Anyway, your notion has converted a good portion of the image share to closeups of females... :p
  9. lol. I wouldn't know. XD
  10. Thanks for commenting on my old picture...I stumbled across your profile and now I have to say this: Holy crap. You have a LOT of posts. But incredibly sweet "about me" though.
  11. Less effects help retain the detail of the original picture...I noticed the backside of the dude has increased clarity.
  12. Picture looks better IMO. More detail. Just remember...an opinion's an opinion. :)
  13. I'm busy enough as it is. Plus I'm not all for these type of screenshots. It is more of the game doing the work and less of the photographer, if you know what I mean. Part of the fun with taking pictures in the games are finding ways to truly paint a scene with the stuff given to you.
  14. Hey, sorry I haven't gotten around to your GIMP thing. Whenever I need to use the pinch-type brush I use my outdated Paint Shop Pro...though I'm sure CS5 has to have something like this. The tool might simply not exist, which in that case, you need to invest your money somewhere else. =/
  15. Keanumoreira...the master of typos in my comments section, it seems. :p
  16. It seems you understand now according to your post...would like to see some of your other works. :)
  17. What do you mean you don't know what I meant? That is the feedback you requested.
  18. I think you have to be. If one can't see any good in anything, he isn't living, and IMO, he isn't human. We're beings that thrive on knowledge and emotion. Without a sense of good, one lacks a purpose to go on.
  19. I do. Just for something like Fallout 3, I can't have more of the same. But on the other hand, for fighting games and FPSs where the competitiveness of the game is practically of a friggin' sport...yes. Mostly the same, please. :)
  20. Oh. And blue + orange FTW. XD
  21. Well, there will always be people who like more of the same and some who don't, so not everyone can be satisfied. But the thing is, I've played like 300 hours of Fallout 3. I think that's enough.
  22. Watched it...the opening cinematic is beautiful, but the gameplay is what counts for me. Still too much of the same.
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