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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. Stormtrooper sheep...
  2. The graphics card needed for the video below are not for every day PC customers...

  3. I would never hurt you :O I didn't mean it like that! And on topic, i will try to get that video where they showcase the Realtime rendering Edit:
  4. Indeed, but will stop the threadjacks (hopefully)
  5. Hello, quite some time we havent spoken, i hope i have not offended you in anyway
  6. Your Graphics card should handle it too... and btw, the combat is incredibly hard!
  7. ...Slightly better then MW... Check your sources again Ser. :excl: Also, something to keep on mind in movies is some of the movies are shot in real and then effects are added. Also it takes around 20m to render a Viper in 3dsMax using Vray so there is no chance that even the best of computers can do it. However i do remember a Nvidia quadro show case where it showed peopled real time rendering on a porshe.. and WOW :woot:
  8. Welcome.. Have som SPA... Wait someone stole my stolen line already :(
  9. Alright, thanks for the clarification... so i didn't download stolen mods then.
  10. What about the mobs? I am to understand that there is huge mobs around and I don't think a newbie could survive with but his fists?
  11. Loved your work
  12. Fileplanet is planetelderscrolls? If so, i used to download mods from there due to the much higher DL speed and no ad... I didn't know it was stolen mods :facepalm: IF it is planetelderscroll you are talking about
  13. Well i am going slowly throught it, enjoying Geralts awesomeness.
  14. My brother told me a joke about Osama yesterday, felt like sharing cos I geniunly laughed :hurr: Anyway: Dude 1: Did you hear Osama is dead? Dude 2: Yeah, funny what Americans can do when PSN is down!
  15. Can I ask a question.. I tried minecraft (SP) and it didn't appeal much to me, i couldn't too any of the things you stated and I couldn't even craft things. If i where to buy Minecraft, how much time would it take to get started? Is it grinding to get materials? And how much TIME of grinding?
  16. Hello This thread serves one purpouse: To discuss The Witchers 2 against or compared to Dragon Age II. Some thread has been threadjacked and went slightly off-topic due to people battling it out, so for the sake of keeping the other thread clean, if you REALLY want to discuss/debate this battle, do so here please.:armscrossed: -HM P.S: I will have no say in this, i'd rather keep my opinions to myself on this one. :facepalm:
  17. We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason. And here I thought it was only here in this community it was like that.... Nope. It's like that here in Australia, too. Apparently I'm supposed to let the intruder slice my arm off with that knife he brought with him, and then hope that the judge will give him something close to the 15 years the law allows (knowing full well that he'll get off with 3 years, less time already served)...IF they catch him. So.. wait. Why do you do if someones DOES break in? In my house we keep 2 samurai swords in any case something would happen but my dad's face freaks out mostly anyone who messes around i.e throw stone and eggs in our window (regular). But the law is seriously messed up, in UK you cant hit anyone "Youngsters" so they have the right to come and screw around and there is nothing we can do about it. Crap, if someone breaks in and the house holder (UK or Austalria) takes offensive measure i am not sure we can even plead self defence... plus with the new police cuts.. Wait there is no difference anyway WITH the police.
  18. Father was in Algerian Army mhhh.. Bben, jeez.. Vietnam!
  19. One of your post you said that, and i totally agree
  20. We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason. And here I thought it was only here in this community it was like that....
  21. Easy difficulty is to enjoy the storyline, Dragonbird :) Normal is to have a challenge and feel more realistical If you feel like a pro, why don't you go for Insane, with DDO Style Permadeath (IF you die, savegame is deleted and you restart)
  22. Yeah... The camera work is also breaky cool too. Then he "gives birth" to the baby and... eat it!

    Man visitors to our profile are going to ask themselves question

  23. I get it :D That babies one was way gross >.>
  24. /flex muscle I am more into the arm wrestling. you shoulda have seen how i took down those dwarfs!
  25. Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys. Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".
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