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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. Ah good old Razer, great looks, high price, falls apart within months.

    You deserve another kudos for that. too bad i gave you one before

  2. I have been affected yes, emotionally. The fact how people goes bonkers over a service for online gaming is freaky scary, i suggets professional advice from psy-thingee centres. Look at how people are reacting: PSN withdrawal symbol???? Sounds like drugs to me.
  3. Talking on fanatism, the online gaming thing is freaky scary. People going nuts over a ONLINE SERVICE FOR GAMING. Jesus christ, some people seems to have heart attack. Its seems worse then drugs that :X
  4. how you liking Crysis 2 crazy ass bugged multiplayer?
  5. Engineer all the way. Nothing beats the XM8-C, Rex and AT4/CG!!! Favourite type is Conquest, i swear do not let me get into a tank or heli
  6. Meh! My brother went for 0 Kill soldier, pure healer soldier. He was switching to his defib and switched to the MG by mistake, he fired a shot and killed a guy across the river. My best shot was probably with the M95 SA, i was jumping down, looked behind me and saw a guy aiming at me, i shot and killed him in the head, opened my chute and took out my Rex, gunned down a chap in the alley behind the building, and repeatdly knifed people on my way up.
  7. You might want to check out DDO (dungeons & dragons Online, free) there IS the rogue class and those buggers are highly needed too! As for the batman thing, my little brother used to be a die hard fan of batman cartoons!
  8. Hello all I have been toying with the idea of over clocking my CPU, a AMD Phenom X4 2.6Ghz. My case is that: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nzxt+lexa+s It has plenty of cooling me thinks, so do you suggest i over clock it? Do you have any guides to recommand? - HM
  9. Am i right to feel good after i noticed this comment on my only relevant mod?
    1. HellsMaster


      "I dont know were my comment went but i wanted to thank u for making them!!!!How about a healer cm, but no matter, I had put down oblivion for a while but u brought me back!!!! "
    2. Netwit2008


      Of course! Folks download, they even like mods, but can be a bit tardy with the ratings. So if you got a comment, especially one like that, you should be throwing your chest out and feel very proud! imho :o)
  10. So it doesn't mean that mods will be just releases for fellow elite modders? Also, a suggestion, you should make a rule that said modders don't post picture available to view to anyone in the image section, we have them more then needed. Also, as much as I appreciate the concept, hope that this will not encourage the elite modders to make personal blogs or forums where they share their mods with their friends only (seems popular with japanese mods). -------------------- I released 2 shitty mods, but this just might be what i need to jump back and actually do something cool or a CM Mod which doesnt depend on other .ESPs To all you modders out there, i do hope you do not forget people that appreciate your work, and as always, don't let the trolls and flamers get at you. -HM
  11. Been mostly disgusted at fellow Students. Also i kinda dumped BC2 for Dungeons&Dragons Online. Awesome community there ^^ But thank you for asking, how are you doing too? Havent seen you much on MSN
  12. Me too, I just hope not too many of CODs camping children come across and ruin it. OMG Theres a camper behind that wall *two seconds later after use of rpg* What wall? Lemme correct that for you:
  13. Awesome signature, ser! Have a kudos!
  14. Pre-ordered it for £23 on Sunday ^.^ Should receive it tomorrow! I absolutly cannot wait for this game. Also Broke, CDP got a secret E3 Announcements, might be TW or TW2 for consoles.
  15. I agree, DarkeWolf, i do not condemn all Americans because of the act of the Governments or the Army. @Sync I did not invite you in the thread, if you do not like it, take your trolling away. @Aurelius Of course, really, do you think i am that ignorant? Happens in all country's and i am not a tad bit disappointed by the act of the French, they are French after all. My issue is how people are ranting over OBL death and his bloody atrocious murder while their own government Kill Innocent Civilians in "Collateral Damage". Also, great French, the saying is spot on. I have not replied as I simply had other thing to do. Edit: Also, this is not a movie, its reality, so what is with the movie quotes?
  16. Start with 1. I loved the 2nd more then 1
  17. Hello all You all know it by know, OBL is "Dead" and presumably killed un-armed. Know may people rage on him being a demon, a monster ect for what he has done. Ok, so what DID he do? Let's keep it at plain mass murder. Kill innocent people. Now, what rights do USA has to talk about Justice and killing a demon while themselves go in other countries and MURDER INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Is it me or its some kind of dry humor? They go and kill and un-manned armed (Which i am used to by now, USA seems to love that) and claim he was a Murderer while themselves killed numerous civilian in other countries. Now here 2 comments i found: Junadelacruz: So many civilians were killed in Afghanistan by the USA that Human Rights Watch and others were blocked when trying to collect casualty figures. The USA acts like the psychopaths glamorised in their B-films and then wants the world to admire them. When we despise them they say we're jealous! l wouldn't want their human rights abuses on my conscience. Poppymarenge: How do we know he was a demon? He never stood trial. All I know is that the Americans went in and shot a man, in cold blood. They said this man was guilty but I've never seen any proof either way. Please i want intelligent replies, un-biased, un-patriotic. If you come here to tell me TROLOLOL HOW DARE YOU DOUBT THE WORD OF THE GVRMENT then take your trolling away.
  18. There was quite a backlash when pictures of Saddams sons were published, maybe they don't want a repeat of that. What about doing the necessary to quel the doubt back home? I also had a question, if he was so evasive and died so many times before, WHERE THE FRIG DID THEY GET THE DNA THEY COMPARED IT WITH?
  19. Crysis 2 did a pretty damn nice job graphic wise for DX9! What is dumbed down is the gameplay, textures, amount of weapons, Multiplayer ect. I can live without DX 11, i just hope they wont tone down the whole word like Bio did in DA2. For what i have seen so far TW2 looks gorgeous. I just hope they wont limit the game overall for the consoles.
  20. Dark0ne, on this one i totally agree. My aggro should be on the twisted Media and not individual people, so on this I apologize for what i said. But what am i to do against Media?
  21. Okay so much for being civilised American Troops. Also so much for using his wife as body shield. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/photos-bin-laden-burial-may-released-144018224.html Now i wonder whats taking so much time to be release..... its just a picture after all, people has seen "worse" in films and video games dont kid yourselves.
  22. I like your spam greetings, iz awesome!
  23. Thats it, you are therefore going to hell by doubting the situation, you will be known as a comedian and funny man while in your grave, Thats how "some" people think of thinking of your own anyway. But in all seriousness: Yes there is something amiss here, something hiden and not told. Edit: @Greywaste "guy's, keep in mind, that showing off a photo of the face of a dead muslim with 2 bullet holes* in his head isn't the kind of thing you necessarily do on a whim just to placate the "pics or it didn't happen" crowd considering what the picture's release could result in" Well IF you are assiocating both then read: Associating muslims with this douche is unaceptable. It is a common mistake associating Muslims with terrorists, not all bearded man are there to blow your house. Oh and how many people i saw and heard saying things like: Can't wait to see how america will deal with those turban wearing scum.
  24. Oblivion 2 ^.^ Epic Title, long time no see by the way, how you doing?
  25. Nothing dumbed down? Let me give a rather LARGE exemple. The world. In DA1 it had the whole map you could go to and in DA2 4 Main locations. I totally understand you TheReverendTholomewPlague, i hope it wont be consolised like DA2 and Crysis 2 were.
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