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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. ZTE Blade AMOLED HD Screen, Running Cyanogen Mod 7
  2. Find me on PC, my soldier name is Noopleh
  3. Hi all Just found out that the console version of BF3 will run at 1280x704... not even 720p. I just laughed at this. Also it seems the PS3 is kinda weak for BF3 and they need to render the HUD after all things amonst other things. - HM
  4. If I want to be a true racer, I'll go drive a car in real life, tyvm. I have played it online. I don't like it, GT5 is a terribly lame game IMO.
  5. GAMECOM got a wide range of headset, awesome quality.
  6. I found that NFS games are more enjoyable then ridiculous racing games such as... GT5? Yes, I played that game and was horrified about mostly everything. The gameplaywas just terrible. Paid reviewers FTW
  7. I agree with Corlan. Dragon Age 2. ALSO, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Terrible, terrible!
  8. Is this a how to play NFS thread of a GT5 vs Forza fanboy thread? To the Original Poster, I have found out racing games in general are easier and more enjoyable if you get a Gamepad to play with. Might want to look into that. They don't cost a lot and if you get a Xbox pad, you get even more games you can play with it.
  9. People will always complain anyway. :facepalm: People can never be satifised, because it can always be better :armscrossed: . It's harsh but true.
  10. The witcher 2 has been announced of 360. Meaning PS3 Fantrolls are already going mad at Xbox. Some of you might be happy. Me? I don't care. I am playing it on Computer at a level Xbox and PS cannot dream to achieve >:D - HM
  11. I'd go and personally blow Steams HQ to bits. If dragon existed....
  12. Because until a few month ago i didn't have internet connection (Not everyone has always on internet at young ages). I have played Diablo II, tried WoW (Meh), Starcraft II (Meh).. Only Blizzard title i enjoyed was Warcraft. To me Blizzard doesn't make you a PC Gamer.
  13. I know... only thing you can do is use the Quen sign a lot and have some vitality pots before under wilderness
  14. hehe, Kids? Didn't you hear i am officially an adult since the 19th may? :armscrossed: On topic: Seriously, those guys on that page are making my day....
  15. Recent exemple of one of the worst games: DA2. More bad then goods... repetitive. Otherwise, Big Rigs: Over the Road racing , remember when i saved up for it then bought it.... :facepalm:
  16. Both company are huge and efficient. BioWare is under EA now, explaining the turns of certain games they made. Couldn't care less for fans, it's all about money and revenue. And don't tell me BioWare is under low budget.
  17. Was having a look thru the dicussions below the article.. some people got crazy posts. - Tavern Thug I saw bioware fan the other day , nasty creatures. -The GrandMasterisBack (Reply to T.T) Ye, they're worse than drowners And wait... there is Jim too o.O
  18. The sitebot has decided to get creepy. His title now says: Fear me. :ohdear:
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