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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. Fable: the Lost Chapters is quite cheap and is super fun. You might not like Half Life since you need all the steam crap for it. Mount and Blade: Warband is an excellent indie developed game!
  2. idk about that but SC2 is a much more complete game. its endlessly playable online, IMO the best single player RTS campaign and new games types every week in custom games. 90% of my time in SC2 is all custom games. also BF3 is awesome. my 3 main games are BF3, SC2 and skyrim. skyrim has mods, battlefield has large enjoyable battles and SC2 has all kinds of fun. i would have added mass effect 3 if the ending didnt kill all interest in that game. i even loved the muitlplayer i was at lvl 75 when i passed the game. also i like Civilization V, if you're bored pick the biggest map possible with slowest time(more turns) that a good way to waste 10-20 hours of your life As I said to each there own. I didn't like SCII, the storyline was ok but repetitive. Multiplayer was one of the worst community I have met. BF3 I used to like, but it's a CoD-BF Hybrid, full of bugs, I don't like.
  3. LOL SC2 is a much more complete game, LoL only has one advantage. its free. never really liked "Defense of the ancients" kinda strange how that custom game took off. i think bunkerwars is funner. to each there own, no need to get all aggro :) @OP, Yeah dungeons and dragons is free, you can pay monthly, or pay for points or not pay at all and unlock quest pack with earned favor. Edit: For a more complete game, I wonder why Starcraft II is slowly going down.. read somewhere that LoL is the new star craft II in Korea iirc.
  4. RTS= Real time strategy RPG= Role Playing Game MMO=Massively Multiplayer Online FPS= First Person shooter Starcraft II isn't that goood. I suggest the following: The Witcher 1 and The Witcher 2, the very best IMO. A RPG. Dungeons and Dragons Online, a MMORPG. Crysis and Crysis 2, a benchmark and top of the end FPS. Leage of Legends, a Online RTS. Battle for Middle Earth I and II, a RTS offline. Edit: Assassins Creed I and II, don't bother with Brotherhood and Revelations. Mass Effect 1 and 2, don't play Mass Effect 3 I suggest.
  5. So I head the ending sucked. I thought it was due to military thingee. But i'll make myself a favor and alt+f4 and get an alternate ending. Right now I am disapointed. The animation sucks, the 3d model sucks, the texture sucks. Hell this is not 2009 anymore. Some says that DA2 was the pinnacle of gaming, the numero uno RPG ever made. Some thought it was a rushed and fail game, that's what I inclined too. To me ME3 is like what DA2 is to DA:O. A rushed and failed game.
  6. Dota is a no-go for me. Steam? No thanks. Apparently the community of DOTA2 is ever worse then the one of LoL. Where everyone is a demi god and if you can't play like a "pro" you and your whole family will burn in hell. That's my brother's and friends impression of DoTA2.
  7. Hey guys I have sinked so much time in this game, around 600 Hours XFire says. So, anyone playing on the EUW Server? So we can have a game sometimes :D Also, if you are interested I can always give you a referral link! Find me as Ilithius. bold so you can make out the capital i and lower case L.
  9. Yes but men really don't care. Yes, yes I do. I don't fancy seeing men armor with there dingdong slinging out maybe as much as women hate seeing oversized super XXXXXL BBB bikinis.
  10. That one is just genius.
  11. It's not so bad.. you just need to get in the game I guess. Early game it's boring but not anymore. I just hit Gask for 1,3 million damage with my Hammer
  12. I just hit a mini boss in Reckoning mode so hard I instantly killed him, couldn't "F" finish him. oO I am using a Prismere Hammer and critted him for over 2000 <div><br></div><div>Edit: Typos</div><div><br></div><div>Edit 2: No wonder, I was on my 6th stack of Battle Frenzy *maxed out*</div>
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCWJUSulnro&feature=player_embedded
  14. Playing it. Not THAT good in my opinion. Camera is a bit iffy too. Edit: Nope, doesn't break the expectations I had from skyrim. I mean, the races and customization. Nope. This game has just been over hyped ala EA's BF3 and DA2.
  15. HellsMaster


    I don't mind seeing a little bit of skin here and there tbh. OP: Could you take gameplay video of combat please?
  16. Not Biblical event but quite similar. Muslim believe in something a bit like the apocalypse you could say.
  17. 800 kills isn't that bad. My two top weapons got over 2000 kills each. It would be hard to get another weapon on top of that
  18. you never where the lounge lord :P I AM!
  19. Would love to meet the other witcher. I am highly doubtful about Shani is Triss is the back bone mostly of TW2. So the patch would be HUGE if they add Shani. I doubt it :/
  20. Pirates will pirates game. As much as companies try to stop it, it is unavoidable. some people got no consience. And yeah, unlike Skyrim, CDR aren't punishing there customers by FORCING you (don't give me that stupid argument either, it is forcing, just like Origins, you need internet, you NEED steam to play it) to install another software to play there games. I wouldn't give a damn about steam if it would be a Multiplayer game, but for a single player game? really? Some people don't like being "forced" to use a software they have absolutly no NEED for. Some may like being reminded to spent there money on games they will never play, some will just adore the digital destribution service and think of it as the redemption of PC gaming, some really couldn't care less. I ain't pissing myself either tyvm. TL;DR: CDPR don't force 3rd party software to play a SP game. Some people think Steam is the guardian angel of PC gaming. Some don't like it. Edit: this is my last statement in this thread, the topic has already been derailed.
  21. And yet, the game still has a piracy rate of 5 pirates for every 1 legitimate buyer. Not sure if trolling or stupid. I never said it helped lower piracy. They help make there legit customer enjoy the game without the hassle of bulls*** software (skyrim *wink wink*)
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