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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. Likewise :) I'd pay for that content if they'd ask for it. they deserve it
  2. Whhhhhhhhhhhhat??????! I didn't hear of this! See, CDPRojekt is one of the best companies when it comes to customer satisfaction! No Steam bullcrap, DRM shnizle. Free DLC's, right to use models for mods... I mean.. do you see anyone else do this?
  3. Been playing LoL too for some bit. Was gona make a thread for a request. DO WANT!!!
  4. Yeah I run mine sandboxed. Can't access any of my files
  5. <3 the cat just chillin! I shall take a picture soon!
  6. DX11 overhaul with Godrays. Witcher 2 - quality animations.
  7. Any know this race/armor/bow? http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/1466165-1326671135.jpg
  8. Glad Tiffa's still modding then... after the flame she got on her anthro mod I thought she quit!
  9. Any seen this armor or race? http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/3112235-1326479339.jpg
  10. unless he/she is a :pirate: Makes me chuckle each time. Some people don't like to have the steam over-lay. You know you can disable it right? Are they :pirate:s too?
  11. i remember somewhere in the middle of the thread that we've discussed all of the lore creatures, mainly the Limothiit, which are fox-like creatures which i wouldnt mind those as well if they're anthropomorphic foxes, hehe. x3 I second that! @leetfart: Yeah there is a mod for them. Don't know if its still up. I am going to try to contact Tiffa and ask her if she is working or if she is gona work on making anthro wolves for Skyrim.
  12. iirc there is a bermecian race for oblivion, so you could always ask the dude if you can use his work
  13. The witcher 2 is a good one to review yeah. Also....... feedback....... You got an amazing voice! I was drifting off to sleep xD
  14. are you using a ENB settins with SSAO? that kills FPS
  15. Bloody hell that's some awesome work and talent in here. Reminds me of Wolven Anthros in Oblivion, the modder left due to flaming and such so: NEVER LET HATERS GET AT YOU! I support this!
  16. Have you tried the CPU thingee mod and/or the 4gb LAA patch?
  17. Howdy Any gents working on DoF and Godrays shaders? Cheers - HM
  18. That's really sad to hear about that cat. Not in every country there is laws against animal cruelty. Well, On topic: When I moved to UK, First house, in London: Our neighbor where racist. we where targetted by colored yobs that lived in the streets. We had to go through burned bins, hate messages and broken windows. And ofc, it's against the law to hit young kids so we where f***ed simply put. We moved to outside of manchester - salford: Once again targetted by racist yobs. Our neighbor where okay. 1 of them suicided inside his own house. We moved to eccles - still manchester: People in the street where cool, our neighbors wasnt. They where loud, drunk and had no respect for anyone. There dogs barked the whole day and since my father had 2 heart attacks he would like peace and quiet so we moved to: Manchester - Trafford: Currently where we live. IT's a tiny house but at least we aren't bothered by anyone
  19. Vindictus is terribly unoptimized however, and you MUST grind a lot. A FREAKING LOT. I stopped playing when I reached level 50 I think. The MMO I'd suggest is.... DDO! Dungeons and Dragons: Online. It is free so you can get a good taste of the game before you think of putting money into it for additional raids ect. The character creation is very good and you can mix up up to 3 classes to make your very own customized class. The Graphics aren't that good, but the raiding and community and dungeons are pretty fun and cool
  20. That's a serious accusation, telling someone he is a pirate, borderline rude. Since the 1.1 (i think) update, the one that killed all my mods and 4gb patch, I reverted to the initial .exe and blocked steam from connecting to the internet. So I still have the retail version of the game.
  21. Hey all Downloaded a few mods but I have no idea how to enable the plug ins. Tried looking it up google but found nothin. Any help would be cool! - HM
  22. Thank you for the response. Disappointing, as the talent seen here, really could have added to the stock game, like it does to DAO, Skyrim, etc. Oh well. You do realise if people can mod a MMO it will kill the money income of a company? who wants DLCs and expension packs when you got a huge fanbase that does even better job of releasing content and that is free too! It's not about money, it's about people hacking the game and beating everyone else. Search in the nexus for cheat mods and you can find lots. Also, it's really hard to put new models and textures in MMOs as it would cause tons of bugs. There is a host but those are the biggest two. My dear, its always about money. They don't give a flying f*** about cheats, trust me, well maybe they do a little bit.
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