well.. this is a very, very delicate topic right here and i got the feeling that its going to start a flame war. anyhow. My feelings about this is, well, kinda of not good. For people like us, muslim, where severly banded together as "terrorist" where in fact "we" had nothing to do with it... i understand that many people where, and still are, upset, but one should let grief cloud their judgemant. After quite some had gone by and the situation had reverted nearly to normal, investigations where made, where it revealed that no terrorist where part of this scheme. It is true that Ousama did take credits for those actions ( even though he himself works[used to] right into the pocket of the American Government), but if you look around youtube and the web, you will see that terrorist had nothing to do with it, nor muslim had. You will see what they where trying to do is fuel the hatred toward muslim of the people to push them into irrational act and to get their means. If you are indeed going to seek out the truth i suggest using Yahoo, for google hides many website that they dont want people to see. Also, i hope people are not going to flame after this. I am just an educated person, whom life thought me that one must look outside the appearences, for appearenced are really deceptive..