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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. Basically, I install Windows 7, I get my Steam directory and copy it back over to the new OS. No problems for any other games as far as I can tell. I open up Skyrim after getting a few new mods (just armor mods and stuff, shouldn't affect me, right?) Then I get ready to start a new game. I watch the amazing opening sequence, guys head gets chopped off, I'm up to the block, Alduin shows up then when I stand up, my guy starts running forward. Except he's not moving forward, he's just acting like it, and I don't have ANY control over him at all. I'll post my load order here to see if that helps.












    Necessary Markers.esp









    Ezio's Armor.esp





    Lich King's Armor.esp


    Tyrael Armor.esp

    Warglaive of Azzinoth.esp




    Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp




    Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp



    Leveling Destruction Perks.esp

    Leveling Destruction Perks - Only Perks.esp

    Pananacakes HorseRidingFollowers.esp




  2. Could you post up the script? It will probably need a minor modification. It would also probably be a good idea to make it a completely new script and then you can edit it without modifying the original.


    As well, if someone has a mod that changes the mining script, it'll potentially prevent your mod from working properly.


    Edit: I don't have the CK handy but I'm guessing it's an onhit event.


    You're going to want to make sure the akProjectile is not set to false. This is for melee.



    This is what I'm thinking:



    Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
      If ( akAggressor == Game().GetPlayer() ) && ( akSource == MySpellProperty)
      	script block to collect mine ore 
      Debug.Trace("We were hit by " + akAggressor)




    This is obviously untested but may be a good start


    This, it's making sense! Help much appreciated, it is a good start!

  3. Maybe it has something to do with the animations shown when mining, or perhaps the vein object isn't registering that it's being hit, thus won't do anything?


    I'm going to try a different type of casting I suppose, a projectile seems like it would register better. It's too late where I live though, it'll have to wait.1

  4. I attached the script MineOreVein (or whatever it is) to an absorb health spell, obviously so you could magically extract the ore rather than using the pickaxe. I set it as a concentrated cast as well as an aimed targeting. Any ideas on why it wouldn't work when I cast it on a vein in-game?
  5. NAME: Ellundil


    RACE: High Elf


    AGE: 560


    HEIGHT: 6' 7"


    CLASS: Rune-Master


    APPEARANCE: Long, kept hair, dyed to a bleach white. It is partially kept out of his eyes by his silk headband. Though he is a tall elf, he still maintains a very lean, muscular build, well enough to handle himself to handle a bar-fight with two Orcs and a Nord. He has a massive tattoo that swirls and consumes his upper body- irradiating a slight blue. As if it were a rune embedded into his body. His eyes are soft and full of pain, containing memories that still torture his mind.


    CLOTHING: Absolutely. No. Shirt. That would cut off his supply of magical energy- supplied by the rune.


    ARMOR: Although he has no idea how to handle himself in heavy armor, he loves wearing a custom forged Dwarven Armor that has been dyed into a deep-black. Without a cuirass of course. No helmet either- he can't stand how it constricts his mind.


    EQUIPMENT: An elegant elven blade- believed to be crafted in a very ancient paste- extending 4 feet in length. It has been enchanted over the years by many elven lords. The blade's name has been righteously named as, "Lithrandis" possibly meaning, in an old elven tongue, everlasting life. Other than that blade he likes to keep a tome of spells, a large collection of scrolls he has obtained from the libraries of his homeland, should he need the great power they behold.


    SKILLS: Master of Blade and Destruction (and another skill unknown to others but Ellundil and of course me). Expert of Conjuration and Enchantment. Apprentice of Mysticism and Illusion. Complete Novice of heavy armor.


    PERSONALITY: Keeps to himself, doesn't discuss his past. Is willing to travel with others, so as long as they dont ask too many questions.


    HISTORY: Ellundil has told few if not none his dark story. And he is not willing to with just anyone. It would take a true-love, a true-companion, and a best friend to bring his history to the light of day.

  6. New personal quest: Make an awesome house


    Ugh, now I have something to do again


    Thanks so much




    You have until January, that's when the Creation Kit comes out. (Too far away IMO)


    There are some insects in jars that you can find, they're quite rare as far as I can tell though. I've got a glowbug in a jar and a butterfly in a jar, they make quite lovely decorations :D


    I think we need a database of cool unique items that make neat decorations, with images and stuff and where to find them


    Insects in a jar... nice idea! Could place the glowbug somewhere on my bedside table then the others in the kitchen/alchemy room.


    As for the images, people can post them in threads, then put where to get them in spoiler tags, but this isn't a spoiler forum so I'm not sure if that's okay :unsure:

  7. Can anyone show me some pictures of their houses? I have some unique items like a golden statue of some lady, and this oval pink crystal thingy, some golden and ebony ingots, Cyrodilic Brandy set about my house, but the thing is... I don't know what else to put. I'm a thief, so I have a lawful-evil standing, but I'm not afraid to go acquire certain items that would make my house look awesome. Basically, i want to see how people like to fit these into places they look natural for, and also what type of items look good outside of a chest.
  8. Wouldn't a Divine Intervention spell cause players to miss events? Im thinking of the thieves guild quest where...



    you have to kill the guild master and escape the flooding dungeon, if the player teleported out of the flooding dungeon they would miss the start of the next quest, returning the key.



    This has always been a large issue with the mark/recall spells, or anything like teleportation or leaving a dungeon early, I remember a quest in Oblivion where you were approached for a quest while leaving a dungeon, but if you teleported out it would break the quest. So what does it come down to? Either I have to find some way to dis-allow these types of spells to be used for ALL sorts of quests, or the users would have to tread with light feet when using it in interior spaces.


    A warning not to use it during quests should be enough, sadly it won't stop some blaming you for breaking their game. :rolleyes:



    Some people just don't, ermm, this is what they look like.







    I would like a spell that makes a dublicate of yourself. Can either be used as a companion or sparring partner :P

    Another one would be a spell that creates a magical eye that you can control and fly around with while examining your surroundings for a limited time. Of course, during this time you shouldn't be able to move your own body :)


    Maybe a TFC effect set to a timer? Not sure if that one goes through walls... did you perhaps get that idea from the Eye of Killrog? And as for a duplicate, maybe a version of your actor with a celestial looking texturing. ;)

  9. Wouldn't a Divine Intervention spell cause players to miss events? Im thinking of the thieves guild quest where...



    you have to kill the guild master and escape the flooding dungeon, if the player teleported out of the flooding dungeon they would miss the start of the next quest, returning the key.



    This has always been a large issue with the mark/recall spells, or anything like teleportation or leaving a dungeon early, I remember a quest in Oblivion where you were approached for a quest while leaving a dungeon, but if you teleported out it would break the quest. So what does it come down to? Either I have to find some way to dis-allow these types of spells to be used for ALL sorts of quests, or the users would have to tread with light feet when using it in interior spaces.

  10. +1 to Mark and Recall, invisibility and lock spells.


    As a plus, having the Divine Intervention spell to use in enchanting should be fantastic.

    In Morrowind I used a lot the Divine Intervention amulets. They were very useful at the end of a very large dungeon, or simply if I got lost in a cave.


    I enjoyed Middas a lot in Oblivion, some conjurated creatures were very fun (melon atronach xD).

    Some more variety in conjuring creatures should be awesome.


    Do elaborate in this "Divine Intervention"


    Also I was a frequent user of the Midas Magic plugin for Oblivion, I would definitely want to incorporate some of its spells.


    Waterwalking - Spell, potion and enchantable effect

    Levitation - With all the mountainous terrain, it's more than time for this spell to make a comeback. Spell, potion + enchantable effect!

    Summon Golden Saint (are there even any resources for them?)


    Fortify <Skill> maybe?


    And why is candlelight in alteration when it should be in illusion? And calm/fear in illusion when it should be in alteration? Those things are really annoying.

    I'm kinda glad Chameleon is gone. It was always overpowered and isn't really needed. At least it wouldn't be if Muffle actually worked properly.



    The main purpose is to add more spells, but I could do some mixing in terms of spell class.


    I'm partial to Chameleon, as long as it's not too easy to get 100% Chameleon, I think it should be fine.



    Chameleon is needed





    Yes, it is.



  11. I'd like to start off with saying that these look great!! Truly awesome :D (Kudos-cookie for awesomeness!)


    The only thing that comes to mind right now is the "Champions Staff" from DA: 2, I think some of the new animations would look more natural on it than in the previous Elder Scrolls game.. Couldn't really find more pictures of it sadly, they were mostly far away shots of gameplay. (sorry :/ )






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