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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. There are a couple of things you should do before installing mods willy nilly.


    1.) Get FOMM

    2.) Get BOSS

    3.) Get NVSE

    4.) Get 7zip

    5.) Then you run BOSS

    6.) Launch your game using FOMM


    If the game still crashes, make sure you come back with a load order and where you purchased your game.


    UPDATE: This happened to me recently, make sure you have EVERYTHING each mod needs to work, I accidentally forgot to add the master file to a couple .esp's and I had the same issue.


    If all else fails, disable all mods and try running vanilla, then enable one by one to pinpoint which one is the issue.

  2. Today, a child approach me and exclaimed "Wow! You're really tall.."


    My retort was quoting Abraham Lincoln when I said "Tall enough for me legs to reach the ground, just like you,"

  3. ...And you seem to be following the before mentioned trend :thumbsup:



    A foolish person is 'quick' to condemn what they do not understand. A wise person is 'slow' to condemn what they do understand

    -Martino, Joseph P



    Great quotes guys! Keep up the good work!

  4. I think that the game's concept is very interesting. Throughout the movies you never get much insight on what's going on "In the North" during the "War of the Ring" which seems quite appropriate for the title. The game shows what happened between the elves and the dwarves in the north during the 3rd age, whilst the war for the ring was going on. The main battles it focuses on are between

    Sauromon and Rohan, as well as Sauron and Gondor (Different battles same war)

    I cannot really think of anything bad about the game, other than the fact that they might not follow the lore of the book- and go on the movies. Overall I think it will be a great game, maybe a classic :thumbsup:

  5. Hi there! This looks great... Is it alright for you all if a Khajiit joins in your adventures?

    Mind you however, I've never RP before and English is not my first language. Regarding the first issue, I've read the rules. About the second, I don't think spelling would be a problem, but my writings may not be as polished as I've been reading in your thread so far!:blush:


    Some noobish questions: Do you keep in contact via chat/PM to organize the turns/posts and story content, or is this more a 'find a gap in the story that may fit you and jump in'?

    And about the Inn itself... about where in Tamriel is it located? Just being curious.


    Some of us will keep in contact with eachother to ensure we dont hijack eachothers ideas, not sure about the whereabouts of the tavern, however a great way to introduce your character to the RP is to have them walk through the doors of the Inn, grab a nice ale and relax by the fire :)

  6. I have created this out of love, and enjoyment for Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings (along with the Hobbit and Silmarillion) are some of my favorite books of all time, and I believe they have changed me in many positive ways.


    Remember when posting: Please no useless trolling/flaming, follow Nexus rules, and most importantly Have fun!!!, I know I will :thumbsup:

  7. Memento mori: Remember your mortality.

    Jack of all trades, Master of none!

    The Gurkha Soldier

    Bravest of the brave, most generous of the generous, never had country more faithful friends than you.

    Professor Sir Ralph Turner MC

    "True Knighthood: We serve our King and People, when our king's wishes go against the better of the people we must lead him back through council or bring war to his doorstep"

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