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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. Should they get their own section, like a joke section? Well, it has its up and downs, but I don't think we need it. For someone who is complaining that they are looking at retexes in the top-100 section and sees that My Little Poney: Friendship is Magic shields are somewhere in the middle of it, that's like complaining that there's another retex that turns ebony armor red. The community thinks it belongs there, so it's going to probably end up there, and just because it's a joke doesn't mean a modder for it doesn't go through the same amount of work as a more serious modder. That's just my spill... I was looking for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic stuff here on the nexus and this was the first result. :)
  2. Ellundil was shocked, and he was full of grief, then he mustered his voice and shouted "She will know of your love, Kalin, and I swear that she will receive what you have thus forth given thee," he trailed off, then began to breath heavily.


    Ellundil's emotions rose into a fever pitch once more, and his runes began to glow like flame, then what seemed to be flame became flame, and what was flame turned into the light of a thousand suns, and he unsheathed his sword and ran forth, slaying every imp, thrall, shadow-beast, and otherwise demon-like creature before him, until he reached his shadow. His lights now faded and he was belittled once more, and the shadow overtook his mind, and sent his thoughts back to his home-land of Rauros. He could see the empty throne, with a morning woman next to it, he could see a large crater just down below the throne, which stood solemnly midst a burnt down castle. He heard her lament, and it touched his heart, then he rose again once more and fought his shadow. He began to glow again, and the light turned to wings and he flew, as if gravity forgot all about him, then he raised his hands and smote the shadow with all the flame and lightning he could conjure, and it began to dwindle, down to nothing, until Ellundil had it down to its knees, then he rose his sword and he chopped its head off, which then released a light, which brought him to where he wanted to be. Sovnegard.

  3. Ellundil strode forth unto darkness following Kalin's lead, Ellundil knew he probably could have opened the portal himself, given more time seeing as it was his original plan to go alone, but he was contempt with battling demons. As Ellundil traveled through the dark halls they seemed extremely quiet, and cold, they were being watched, but by what or who? It was, in fact, his own shadow, which in this world had started to manifest itself, then it grew heavier and heavier as they got closer to the top of the keep, and then finally Ellundil's shadow sprung up and struck him in the back. Ellundil lurched forward unto the cold relentless ground, and heaved himself up from it.


    Ellundil, a very tall muscular figure was now belittled by his shadow, which had grown more ferocious and gigantic. Ellundil was going to fight all of his fears and hatred within that moment, and this was quite the shock for Ellundil, even taking his recent training into consideration, put his training never was able to help him cope with the past, something he buried beneath his heart long ago, that now stood before him in a tall, dark, abyssal chamber.

  4. Elllundil was as calm as ever, then he approached Kalin out of the shadows,


    "You're being irrational," he stated. "This was my plan, the liches were almost finished summoning, and we wouldn't have been able to take them out before this undead lord was summoned, it's better he stays in here than out there, in fact I don't think he'll be bothering us very much," his voiced trailed off, "..this was my plan all along, I had to find a way to travel through dimensions, and now that you're here with me I suppose you will have to accompany me to Sovnegard, lets be off, if you will."

    The elan decked the elf with a right hook. "Like hells I will! This is the Abyss, not some gateway to whereever the hells you want to go!" Kalin scolded him. He gestured wildly at Everlost. "The demon prince that occupies that structure is not someone we want noticing us! Not even the gods have managed to end his existence permanently. And for your information, this particular creature has me on his special guest list, and I'll be damned if I'm going to become his entertainment for an eternity!" With that said, he actually picked up Ellundil and started carrying him back to the portal, ignoring the rune-mage's protests. When he came back to their exit, the soulknife paused in shock and dropped the elf as he saw that the portal was gone! "Oh, now that's just absolutely perfect!"


    Kalin turned to the Ellundil slowly. I am going to throttle you! he swore silently. There was another way out of Thanatos, but he was reluctant to even consider the option. Tymora, why can't you grant me good fortune when I need it for once? He sighed. Looking at the elf, he said slowly, trying to keep his temper: "Listen, there's another way out, but we're doing this my way, understood? We'll have to be quiet and fast. Otherwise, death will be the least of our concerns." Without saying another word, the elan tunred away and starting walking towards the only other portal that they could use...the one inside Everlost. Bloody fool! he cursed Ellundil, frustration and anger coursing through his heart as he stealthily approached the dark citadel of the Prince of the Undead...


    Ellundil was now becoming impatient, for he did not like being controlled by another against his will, for Ellundil would not harm his friend Kalin.


    "You're being irrational, you wouldn't even let me tell you that I can open a portal to Sovnegard, but nooo! You just had to carry me off didn't you? I could just leave without you, ya know? But I won't, now if you would help me channel my magic, I would be very grateful."


    And with that said Ellundil then placed a summoning rune around him, and focused his magic for, slowly a portal to Sovnegard began to open, the world could be seen forming, but a great mist engulfed it. Ellundil now struggled for words.


    "Now... could you please... help me... channel thi...ss..."

  5. Elllundil was as calm as ever, then he approached Kalin out of the shadows,


    "You're being irrational," he stated. "This was my plan, the liches were almost finished summoning, and we wouldn't have been able to take them out before this undead lord was summoned, it's better he stays in here than out there, in fact I don't think he'll be bothering us very much," his voiced trailed off, "..this was my plan all along, I had to find a way to travel through dimensions, and now that you're here with me I suppose you will have to accompany me to Sovnegard, lets be off, if you will."

  6. The biggest miss from my point of view were the unlock spells. I chose alteration in Morrowind and Oblivion for this, my favourite characters being the magic powered traditional assassin. Bound Weapons, bound armour (that's missing too), invisibility, unlock... I used to stack up on a full array of these to ignore their physical counterparts.


    I was planning on putting them back in myself but if someone else is going to do a magic expanded mod I'd be happy to hand them over or whatever. If you fancy a hand scripting wise, let me know. My abilities have come on since what I released for Oblivion :D


    Unlock spells are a MUST, also some bound armor is not necessary because of the alteration armor spells, the only use for it would be looks instead of practicality, but I'll see what I can do ;) More bound weapons though, because it needs more variety. Invisibility is in-game already ;)


    And I would :wub: having help with scripting!! Thank you so much :D I'll keep in touch.


    Only 64 spells? I did not know that. Poot.

    A big "Yes, please." to Lock/Unlock. And Feather. And Waterbreathing. And how about a bound pick axe? Or some kind of "extract ore using magic" spell. If one can transmute, surely one can extract? That'd save having to carry that heavy old axe everywhere. That'd be nice.

    *waits impatiently for CS*


    Bound pick-axe would be easier, but what's the fun in that? Extract spell it is then! :dance:


    @Draco85 (Multiquote messed up)


    Chameleon would be oh so very nice, I'll be sure to add it. Also some storm spells for the elements?? Hell yes! ;D


    Mark & Recall should be easy, but for having multiple ones it might be a little harder, not sure cause the CK isn't out yet, but that'll definitely be included :D

  7. Ellundil had been cutting his way forward to the liches this entire time, he knew the others could handle the Necromancers. Ellundil also knew that if the liches weren't stopped soon, whatever it was they were summoning would be there very soon to tell them exactly what "it" is and probably wouldn't be polite enough to say why it was going to kill them, or why "it" wouldn't stay for afternoon tea.


    Ellundil, as he rose his blade, shouted again, "FUS RO DAH!" he exclaimed.


    Now the army of undead that was once before him had opened up a path to the liches, they were channeling magic but somehow still holding up a ward of protection that wouldn't let Ellundil through, so he had to destroy it, obviously.


    He now sheathed his blade and prepared his spell, there was now a circle around him that was irradiating power and light, burning the undead foes that would wish to disturb him, then, finally he released the power he had been containing into a large beam of lightning. He was becoming furious with power, but he still focused it, more and more he focused, he was about half-way depleted of his power when the ward bust, knocking him backwards.


    The undead had now filled the path he previously cleared, but he was not ready for another shout, so he sprinted forward with his blade risen high in the air and began slashing his foes once more. Bones flew through the air, and blades hit Ellundil's skin, but he recovered quickly, by many means of divine and self power. He now summoned another circle about him, and it healed him even further, curing him of the poison that was starting to seep through into his blood. Now they began to burn in a white-hot holy fire, and he plunged forward like a whirlwind, right into the lich's portal.

  8. To verify your steam cache you must open up Steam ( obviously ) then go to library, now you right click The Elderscrolls 5: Skyrim, then click on properties. Go to the local files tab and the option should be right there... your thing probably got messed up because Steam made an update to where you could launch the game with an external .exe ( err you can check my accuracy on that matter but I'm pretty sure it allows you to launch it without having to use the Steam overlay. ) Hope it works. Cheers.
  9. Kalin extinguished the flames shrouding his blades at Rhaine's gesture, the light going out, leaving his mindblades to glow eerily in the dark cavern, casting a pale, violet light across his features. Sorry. Not much I can do about that, he apologized mentally. He squinted his eyes and was surprised as Kismet faded into sight from the shadow, faerie fire lighting the Drow's form. "Ah, how nice of you to join us, Kismet," the elan said politely. "Sorry for the lack of enemies, dear elf. Perhaps there shall be more in the future. I-"


    Kalin cut off in his speech, clutching at his scars as a memory triggered by the dark elf's words and the scars on his chest stopped him in midstep...


    Kalin's chest was tingling as he fought against a fallen eldritch knight. Blood and bodies lay scattered across the floor of a summoner's room. Someone had been summoning demons lately, and the local clergy had wanted him to investigate. He'd found the rogue wizard preparing to summon a greater demon from the Abyss. The soulknife had managed to defeat the guards, but the blasted spellcaster had been well-trained with a sword. A blast of magic sent him flying against a wall of the room. Before Kalin could recover, the wizard muttered a word of power and opened a gate. The scars on the elan's chest suddenly felt as though a hot brand was being pushed into him, causing him to to cry out in pain as a marilith slithered through the gate...


    Kalin shook his head as the memory faded. His face had become extremely pale. A horrible realization had just struck him. Oh no... Looking at the priestess with a disturbed, shocked face, he said, almost at a whisper: "Rhaine..I was wrong. There aren't any demons in here...the liches are summoning one...a big one..."



    Ellundil had become extremely adept in Illusion magic simply because he liked to play harmless jokes on people, but nonetheless his self-conscious made this type of magic extremely easy to him during his time at the College of Winterhold. This allowed him to talk to his party members in full voice, but still shroud it from other living (and supposedly undead) creatures. No, this is not telepathy, simply creating the "illusion" that there is no sound coming from Ellundil's voice to whom of which he does not want to hear.


    Ellundil continued from behind Kalin, and in all honesty, Ellundil wished he could have been the one in front leading the party, but he wasn't going to complain or make a fuss over it, he just followed along in line. He noticed that they were no longer in a long cave corridor, it had opened up into another room with four paths, however, the one on the left had been blocked with fallen rocks, the one that kept going forward looked as if it had been (or still was) a mine for iron, silver, and gold ore. However, there was one thing in-particular that Ellundil noticed about the right passage, and it was that it was covered in gruesome amounts of blood.


    Ellundil spoke heartily, "Well now! I wonder which way to go... Ah the hell with it, when it doubt, go right!" he then took this moment to leap ahead of Kalin and go straight in, then, seeing a very ominous light he stepped forward even further, only to find a decent host of enemies. The liches didn't seem to notice his presence, but they knew quite well that he was there, though he couldn't tell if they were aware of the other party members. At this point, the dead (or draughr) started rising out of the ground, out of the walls, ashes rising from urns.




    And now he cleared his voice on further, now eliminating his Illusion field of sound, then shouted to the horde of undead before him; "YOL TOOR KREIN!" which then caught the majority of the creatures on a mystical fire. He now charged forward with his sword ready, feeling his will now screeching upwards to the heavens, and he could feel his flesh pounding with gifts of the divines laid upon him by Rhaine. He could also feel his heart thumping against his very soul, for he cared about those whom he fought side-by-side with, and he knew this would not be an easy battle to overcome.

  10. Reona nodded in greeting and calmly stated, "Ellundil." She knew he was coming; although his mind did feel exponentially different than before, the cloak that was clasped around his neck was more than enough proof of his identity.


    Welcome back, Arva said with a smile.


    Reona then turned and walked up to the decaying horses, kneeling and whispering a short prayer for each of them before placing a hand on the dog's side and closing her eyes, preparing to do the same for him. To her surprise, the animal stirred under her touch, barely breathing, close to death. A single tear traced its way down her cheek, and she ran her hand down the length of the dog's back, able to feel every vertebrae in his spine, noticing several broken ribs. Its tail thumped against the ground weakly. Reona closed her eyes and whispered, "Slytha." Sleep. The dog fell into a deep slumber.


    I know you've got a soft spot for dogs, but are you really going through with this? You're just a novice! Arva said, concerned for both her and the animal.


    She said nothing in response and looked down at the dog, pressing her hands against its broken ribs and mumbling a line over and over, its ribs realigning and healing slightly, then making its muscles regain a little strength. She then sagged forward, exhausted once again.


    Arva sighed and poured energy into her body, Honestly, I have no idea why you didn't think of having me help you in the first place after Kelemvor showed you it could be done. I'm a soul. Pure energy.


    Able to move normally again, Reona unchained the dog and whispered, "Vakna." The dog's stomach growled, and it stood up. It was weak, injured, and still hungry, but alive nonetheless. Feeling accomplished, Reona walked back to the group, her face red, and the dog followed, keeping its head lowered near the ground, its tail slightly waving back and forth.



    Elllundil approached, and indeed he had changed. His appearance was not all too indifferent - he was indeed taller and had a wider girth about him as well as a slightly new tone to his skin. A severe scar was lain on his left cheek. His outer, gruff appearance did not however reflect how he was inside, deep inside. He now acted more noble, more courageous, more... wise. He was indeed born anew, and it showed through his power and his speech.


    He began; "Ahh, my friends, tis' good to see you after such long travels." he trailed off. "I never would have thought that I would be starving for the company of friends but in this -" he cut himself off. "Speaking of starving..." he stated.


    Ellundil then knelt before Reona's newly attained "companion" and gave the beast a haunch of goat meat. Though he tried to make it discrete as possible, he healed most of the dog's remaining wounds - but it was still in no shape to be fighting.


    Ellundil picked up his pace, "Ahh, where was I?? Oh blast it to hell. Who cares?!? It's great to see you all!"


    Ellundil then plunged forward and invented a new form of friendly affection, a "hug-tackle" and that's exactly what he did to Rhaine, then followed to do the same with Kalin, even though he could tell that he would probably be very discontent with it. Lastly, he roughed up Reona's hair a little bit and gave her a smaller squeeze of a hug, then smiled happily.


    Ellundil then grew a bit more grim, "We should probably be moving in the cave now."



  11. Well after noticing that the Stormcloak Cuirass is worse then the imperial light armor, i felt cheated, it's not really ballanced to make one guard armor worse then another.

    Stormcloaks Cuirass Armor rating: 21

    Imperial Light Armor rating: 23

    Riften/Solitude/Whiterun/Winterhold Guard Armor rating: 23


    Well isn't that just unfair for the poor stormcloaks?


    That's just the thing... they ARE poor. It's like the American Revolution, the "British" have all the nice things (guns, outfits, red petty coats apparently fitting for war) and then we were poor, so we couldn't afford nice things like red petty-coated armour for our soldiers. It's all in relativity.


    With that said, I'm sure when the construction kit comes out I will make something like this in which I increase armor stats for some, maybe including a possible .esp for this.

  12. Dont'cha worry Kayla, ya know we understand :)


    I am trying to get this up guys, but all my stuff is on my old computer. Also I have a 13 year old daughter that yammers in my ear! LOL



    Don't worry. You know how those damn 13-year-olds can be. :rolleyes:


    Wait a second.... I'm not fourteen yet :armscrossed:

  13. Gahh! But that's what werewolves do. They. Destroy. Everything. That's why you shouldn't control when you go wolf. So Everything. Tries. To. Kill. You. then you destroy Everything.... or do a D&D thing were you can still use weaps and armor as a werewolf, and use the humanoid form like Skyrim does, and for going full wolf you just look like a really mean wolf, only bigger.
  14. I can't stand how weak I am as a werewolf. I feel like 100+ health and stamina don't really help my character at all. Yeah, I can sprint from Solitude to Riften faster than my horse can, whoopteh-doo that doesn't mean crap if it's gonna make me feed on a dead corpse to stay in wolf form. What do you guys think is good and bad about the werewolves in Skyrim?
  15. Ellundil, with his new sense of clairvoyance, knew that his former part would soon be arriving near Redrock, so he equipped himself with his brand new gear. Ellundil still wore the cloak granted to him by Kelemvor, but now he had newly forged armor. During his time with the companions, he spent at least three days admiring the Skyforge, then the blacksmith finally told him to quote, "go for it" and indeed Ellundil did. For his newly brandished tunic, he made it out of a variety of materials. The chainmail portion under a thick plating of gold, was made of ebony. The plates on the outer portion were embroidered in a beautiful pattern of malachite, the armor however shaped across his torso like an 'X' only so he could sheath his newly forged sword made out of skyforge steel on his back. His bracers were made of ebony, and brushed backwards from his hands, and to these bracers he placed flawless sapphire, ruby, and diamond, to harness the elements of his power. Lastly, his boots were of dark elven craft (mainly to match his ebon-ic set of armor) and granted him swift speed and great balance. These also worked much like a lightning rod, and would divert dangerous energies down and out of Ellundil, should anything go wrong. Ellundil then went forth to the road ahead, and sat on his night-black celestial steed, waiting for the others.
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