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Posts posted by iansaltman



    Rhaine shrugged, "Very well. I thought steeds might be of use when trekking the frigid mountains of Skyrim, but suit yourself. I'm sure the opportunity will present itself should you change your minds. So," she took the glass of mead and raised it to her companions, "May Waukeen and Tymora grant us good fortune of both kinds." She downed the glass in one gulp, set it back on the table, then winked at Reona, "Perhaps, while I prepare Thanatos for our sojourn, you can use your feminine charms on the barkeep and ask him if he has heard anything about our undead foes in the north? And," she added to Kalin and Ellundil, "it wouldn't hurt to ask the other patrons as well. Tavern walls have ears, and this one has heard many a tale and tragedy, I am sure.


    Ellundil rose from his seat and stretched a little, his joints popping, before drinking all of his mead at once and gently sliding his chair in its place under the table, "Before you turn in that key, Reona, I'd like to get the rest of my things from the room. Leaving them here would be a great folly."


    "Oh, right," she replied, taking the key out of her pocket and placing it into Ellundil's right palm, and he patted the top of her head with his left hand before disappearing down the hallway.


    Reona turned to Kalin and crossed her arms, "I do like the idea of having mythril armor, as it's very light, and my fighting style relies on my ability to move faster than the enemy. I'm strong enough to hold quite a bit of weight, but I do fatigue quickly if I have on anything that weighs much more than I do."


    Ellundil returned a few moments later and tossed the key to Reona, "I think everything's in order now."


    Her arm instinctively shot out and snatched the key from the air, so swiftly that the edges scratched her palm slightly. She walked to the bar and smiled warily at the Nord barkeep, setting the key down. The aura about him felt strange, almost as if he were an animal of some sort, and an extremely strong animal at that, which made her quite nervous.


    "Hello, I'd like to return my room key. I did have a bit of difficulty with it, by the way. It's very worn and may be broken, but I'm not sure," she said, laughing nervously, heat blooming across her nose and cheeks, "I also have a few questions for you, if you wouldn't mind answering them. Well, they're about the... undead... in Skyrim. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary up there?"


    Noticing the Breton sitting near where she'd been standing, she jumped and curtsied, "Oh! So sorry if I was interrupting! My friends and I are just in a rush to leave, and I didn't notice that you two were talking. I'm usually not so careless, but we've had an eventful morning."


    Arva laughed and sent out a thought to Rhaine, She's not too great at using those 'feminine charms', but she still wants you to listen in on this, just in case she does glean a bit of useful information.



    The nord threw the bosmer a new key, took a deep breath and then started talking;



    "The draugr? They smell bad, they look bad and they are nords who passed on a long time ago, if I were you, I would avoid them. And no, I haven't heard from, or been near, my homelands for so long that I doubt that the village i call home still exists. But I wouldn't mind helping a lady with her questions. I don't have anything better to do"


    He then looked at the other customer at the counter, Redemin and said; "And I'm sorry my good sir, but I do not know any work for a person of your....interesting profession, but I think the legion might have need for a bounty hunter. I recomend asking the prison warden or the guard captain, they should know more about bounty hunting than me".


    He looked at the bosmer again and leaned over the counter and said; "now, did you have any other questions?"


    Rhaine frowned as she put the bit in Thanatos's mouth. That wasn't exactly what she was hoping to hear. She had studied up on the creatures of Tamriel when she had first arrived in the world of Nirn, and she already knew that draugr infested many Nordic barrows - much like elven baelnorn, or desert mummies. Although she would destroy them if she came across them, common draugr were not her targets.


    It seemed that this particular Nord had been away from his home for too long to know of any recent undead development. She communicated a thought to Reona: Ask him if he has heard about any necromancers on the Skyrim side of the Jeralls.


    Rhaine then began buckling the saddlebags behind the cantle, wondering if Kalin and Ellundil were having any better luck.





    Ellundil knew he would simply kill over and die if he had to ride a horse. He would, not, ever, do, it, again. His recent control over his powers started to kick in, however, and his mind started to work. Ellundil was beginning to create his own spell, rather than attaining it through a random chain of events.


    He made sure he had plenty of space (for he knew his magic went into mishap many times before this) and his runes began to glow - and shape themselves into something new.


    The light around Ellundil began to glimmer and shimmer, like the morning sun rising over the ocean, and then, from the light grew a celestial steed that would bare Ellundil for the rest of his days, and without the unrest of a normal flesh-horse.


    Ellundil, feeling enamored with vigor rode to the stables, and declared himself ready for the days, and adventures that lie ahead of him.


    (Now, at this point in time Ellundil's hunting boots had laces that were bound to become untied at any second, barely hanging on, because he was NOT a very good KNOT expert; which one could infer that any other knots tied in such similar fashion could be less sturdy as the one being spoken of now, but surely that doesn't have anything to do with this story, right?)


    Rhaine glanced up to see Ellundil astride a strange steed: it was a ghostly pale horse, almost transparent, shimmering softly with golden light. Well that's subtle, isn't it? she thought with a slight eye roll. The magical horse contrasted starkly with the shadowy cloak about the Altmer's shoulders, the two almost in a direct contradiction to one another.


    She cinched the girth of Thanatos's saddle a little tighter, then lengthened the stirrups, "Well, I assume that since you are standing here you gleaned nothing at all from the other patrons? Oh, and," she jerked a thumb at his laces, "your boots are untied."


    Seeing his companions obvious discontentment with his horse, his mood began to change. (Which at this point you should damn-well know changes the color of Ellundil's runes, so lets assume for the time being it changes to a nullified blue)


    "Well... maybe now it'll be more inconspicuous."

  2. I am resuming control of my character Ellundil. My exclusive thanks goes out to Kayla (tokyobleach) for doing such a great job with my character, as well as Gruemaster and Auriana for creating such a vivid story with many details (which took me awhile to catch up on) so I would like to give them a great round of applause and a second "thank you very much! :D "


    Rhaine shrugged, "Very well. I thought steeds might be of use when trekking the frigid mountains of Skyrim, but suit yourself. I'm sure the opportunity will present itself should you change your minds. So," she took the glass of mead and raised it to her companions, "May Waukeen and Tymora grant us good fortune of both kinds." She downed the glass in one gulp, set it back on the table, then winked at Reona, "Perhaps, while I prepare Thanatos for our sojourn, you can use your feminine charms on the barkeep and ask him if he has heard anything about our undead foes in the north? And," she added to Kalin and Ellundil, "it wouldn't hurt to ask the other patrons as well. Tavern walls have ears, and this one has heard many a tale and tragedy, I am sure.


    Ellundil rose from his seat and stretched a little, his joints popping, before drinking all of his mead at once and gently sliding his chair in its place under the table, "Before you turn in that key, Reona, I'd like to get the rest of my things from the room. Leaving them here would be a great folly."


    "Oh, right," she replied, taking the key out of her pocket and placing it into Ellundil's right palm, and he patted the top of her head with his left hand before disappearing down the hallway.


    Reona turned to Kalin and crossed her arms, "I do like the idea of having mythril armor, as it's very light, and my fighting style relies on my ability to move faster than the enemy. I'm strong enough to hold quite a bit of weight, but I do fatigue quickly if I have on anything that weighs much more than I do."


    Ellundil returned a few moments later and tossed the key to Reona, "I think everything's in order now."


    Her arm instinctively shot out and snatched the key from the air, so swiftly that the edges scratched her palm slightly. She walked to the bar and smiled warily at the Nord barkeep, setting the key down. The aura about him felt strange, almost as if he were an animal of some sort, and an extremely strong animal at that, which made her quite nervous.


    "Hello, I'd like to return my room key. I did have a bit of difficulty with it, by the way. It's very worn and may be broken, but I'm not sure," she said, laughing nervously, heat blooming across her nose and cheeks, "I also have a few questions for you, if you wouldn't mind answering them. Well, they're about the... undead... in Skyrim. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary up there?"


    Noticing the Breton sitting near where she'd been standing, she jumped and curtsied, "Oh! So sorry if I was interrupting! My friends and I are just in a rush to leave, and I didn't notice that you two were talking. I'm usually not so careless, but we've had an eventful morning."


    Arva laughed and sent out a thought to Rhaine, She's not too great at using those 'feminine charms', but she still wants you to listen in on this, just in case she does glean a bit of useful information.



    The nord threw the bosmer a new key, took a deep breath and then started talking;



    "The draugr? They smell bad, they look bad and they are nords who passed on a long time ago, if I were you, I would avoid them. And no, I haven't heard from, or been near, my homelands for so long that I doubt that the village i call home still exists. But I wouldn't mind helping a lady with her questions. I don't have anything better to do"


    He then looked at the other customer at the counter, Redemin and said; "And I'm sorry my good sir, but I do not know any work for a person of your....interesting profession, but I think the legion might have need for a bounty hunter. I recomend asking the prison warden or the guard captain, they should know more about bounty hunting than me".


    He looked at the bosmer again and leaned over the counter and said; "now, did you have any other questions?"


    Rhaine frowned as she put the bit in Thanatos's mouth. That wasn't exactly what she was hoping to hear. She had studied up on the creatures of Tamriel when she had first arrived in the world of Nirn, and she already knew that draugr infested many Nordic barrows - much like elven baelnorn, or desert mummies. Although she would destroy them if she came across them, common draugr were not her targets.


    It seemed that this particular Nord had been away from his home for too long to know of any recent undead development. She communicated a thought to Reona: Ask him if he has heard about any necromancers on the Skyrim side of the Jeralls.


    Rhaine then began buckling the saddlebags behind the cantle, wondering if Kalin and Ellundil were having any better luck.





    Ellundil knew he would simply kill over and die if he had to ride a horse. He would, not, ever, do, it, again. His recent control over his powers started to kick in, however, and his mind started to work. Ellundil was beginning to create his own spell, rather than attaining it through a random chain of events.


    He made sure he had plenty of space (for he knew his magic went into mishap many times before this) and his runes began to glow - and shape themselves into something new.


    The light around Ellundil began to glimmer and shimmer, like the morning sun rising over the ocean, and then, from the light grew a celestial steed that would bare Ellundil for the rest of his days, and without the unrest of a normal flesh-horse.


    Ellundil, feeling enamored with vigor rode to the stables, and declared himself ready for the days, and adventures that lie ahead of him.


    (Now, at this point in time Ellundil's hunting boots had laces that were bound to become untied at any second, barely hanging on, because he was NOT a very good KNOT expert; which one could infer that any other knots tied in such similar fashion could be less sturdy as the one being spoken of now, but surely that doesn't have anything to do with this story, right?)

  4. Luckily I have a "revert to vanilla" guide for Fallout: New Vegas.






























    (If you have lonesome road, just dont delete any of the files associated with the game)


    Then I would recommend making a backup through Steam. Steam>Restore/BackupGames - In the top left corner of the Steam window.

    Also, if you have deleted FNV files use my other "guide"




    1.Open Steam

    2.Go to Library

    3.Right Click <<Insert Name of Game Here>>

    4.Click Properties

    5.Click Local Files

    6.Click Verify Integrity of Steam Cache


  5. Ellundil couldn't help but :facepalm: at the amount of mead such a small creature was able to down in a matter of seconds. He knew she was going to say something stupid during "tale time" that she would surely send Rhaine into a furious rage. (Seeing as she had two full tankards already) and took her to a room, layed her down, and proceeded out the door, ready to listen to Kalin and Rhaine's tale(s).

    Reona grabbed hold of Ellundil's arm as he made his way through the doorframe and turned him to face her. She looked up into his eyes with a serious expression, "I'm fine, and when you return, I have some things that you need to know. Go listen to their tales, and retire when you've heard everything they have to say. My tale and their tales shall be part of your mind-breaking lessons."


    With that, she crawled into bed, "Wake me when you get back. I may not have gotten drunk, but I am feeling the effects of this stuff."


    :facepalm: Ellundil thought "So so drunk..." Then continued downstairs and plopped next to Kalin downing some mead.

  6. "Ahh, a welcome sight if ever I saw one!" Kalin exclaimated, "I'll pay entirely for our stay, if staying is our intention, and we'll be able to share our tales around the tavern's finest wine." Kalin walked along side Ellundil and whispered almost uninteligibly: "I know that you tried to erase our memories, and I understand why, so I won't tell the ladies. But that won't work on me, unfortunately, and if you try to do it to me again, I'll be very upset." Kalin's eyes were stormy for a moment, then immediately brightened as he took a louder, more cheerful tone. "Come along, miladies and good sir! I'm eager to hear your stories during our meal!" Kalin went and held the door open for Rhaine and the young elf named Reona. "Ladies first," he said with a flourish.


    Rhaine burst into laughter as she entered the inn, "I know what he tried to do, Kalin. And I, for one, don't understand why. "


    She remarked to Ellundil as she passed him, "But, rest assured, if you try it again, you will find yourself meeting your maker sooner than you anticipate. Playing with divinity is not a wise thing."


    Reona followed her as they crossed the threshold into the bustling tavern. It was crowded and noisy, like almost all the inns she had visited in Faerun. She spied a booth in the far corner, with room enough for all four of them, and she politely pushed her way through the throng until she reached it. Without a word, she sat and scooted into the corner next to the wall. Reona settled down beside her, and the two men took their seats across from them. Rhaine waved to a waitress, and the slightly disheveled woman approached them.


    "What'll ye be drinkin' tonight?" the waitress asked a little wearily.


    "A small glass of wine for me," Rhaine said, and gestured for her companions to order their drinks.


    Ellundil ignored the comments made by the others in the party; for he knew that his powers in telekinesis were not strong, but everything is worth a try. For the first time in Elludnil's adventures had he met a group of people who matched him in power, which was a striking feat to behold. He played off his position nanchalantly:


    "Waitress, my fair maiden, I would very much enjoy a pint of your stoutest grog, and I don't want them to stop coming,"


    Ellundil motioned to Reona to order her drink.

    Reona attempted to blink away the haziness of her mind, cursing Ellundil for trying such a drastic thing in a tone so low that only he could hear it, then addressed the waitress in a murmur audible to everyone else, "Some mead, please. Strong mead. I'll need it, after such an... eventful day. Hell, bring a tankard of it," she reached up and massaged her temples with the index and middle fingers of each hand.


    She turned to Ellundil and whispered almost silently, "You had better be glad I had up defenses around my mind, or else I would have been affected more strongly than this. I'm far from a divine being, therefore more susceptible to having such things work on me. Seeing as how I know what you were trying to do, I'm going to offer some lessons on invading minds to you. May even be able to teach you how to take the energy from dying enemies so magic doesn't take such a toll on you."


    She smiled thankfully as the waitress brought in the drinks, her heavy tankard full to the brim with richly-colored mead. She thanked the woman and took a deep drought, pretending not to notice the few stares she was attracting until she had downed half the tankard. She slammed it down on the table and hiccuped as warmth bloomed across her nose and cheeks.


    Ellundil couldn't help but :facepalm: at the amount of mead such a small creature was able to down in a matter of seconds. He knew she was going to say something stupid during "tale time" that she would surely send Rhaine into a furious rage. (Seeing as she had two full tankards already) and took her to a room, layed her down, and proceeded out the door, ready to listen to Kalin and Rhaine's tale(s).

  7. "Ahh, a welcome sight if ever I saw one!" Kalin exclaimated, "I'll pay entirely for our stay, if staying is our intention, and we'll be able to share our tales around the tavern's finest wine." Kalin walked along side Ellundil and whispered almost uninteligibly: "I know that you tried to erase our memories, and I understand why, so I won't tell the ladies. But that won't work on me, unfortunately, and if you try to do it to me again, I'll be very upset." Kalin's eyes were stormy for a moment, then immediately brightened as he took a louder, more cheerful tone. "Come along, miladies and good sir! I'm eager to hear your stories during our meal!" Kalin went and held the door open for Rhaine and the young elf named Reona. "Ladies first," he said with a flourish.


    Rhaine burst into laughter as she entered the inn, "I know what he tried to do, Kalin. And I, for one, don't understand why. "


    She remarked to Ellundil as she passed him, "But, rest assured, if you try it again, you will find yourself meeting your maker sooner than you anticipate. Playing with divinity is not a wise thing."


    Reona followed her as they crossed the threshold into the bustling tavern. It was crowded and noisy, like almost all the inns she had visited in Faerun. She spied a booth in the far corner, with room enough for all four of them, and she politely pushed her way through the throng until she reached it. Without a word, she sat and scooted into the corner next to the wall. Reona settled down beside her, and the two men took their seats across from them. Rhaine waved to a waitress, and the slightly disheveled woman approached them.


    "What'll ye be drinkin' tonight?" the waitress asked a little wearily.


    "A small glass of wine for me," Rhaine said, and gestured for her companions to order their drinks.


    Ellundil ignored the comments made by the others in the party; for he knew that his powers in telekinesis were not strong, but everything is worth a try. For the first time in Elludnil's adventures had he met a group of people who matched him in power, which was a striking feat to behold. He played off his position nanchalantly:


    "Waitress, my fair maiden, I would very much enjoy a pint of your stoutest grog, and I don't want them to stop coming,"


    Ellundil motioned to Reona to order her drink.

  8. "Hah! I like you already," Kalin said with a grin on his face. "To answer your first question, I was trying to stop a wizard from opening a gate to the Abyss, and the portal exploded when I interrupted the spell, which caused me, I believe, to be teleported to this "Nirn." As for your second question, his guards just happened to fancy me as an archery target during my attempt," Kalin said, rolling his eyes, "and then proceeded to fill me with arrows." He looked past Rhaine and saw the young girl helping the third elf and added: "I believe that's enough details for the moment. Your friend looks like he needs some assistance."


    Rhaine nodded slowly in understanding, brows slightly raised, "Perhaps your accidental teleportation was a blessing...it might have been the only thing that gave you a chance at life. In any case, you committed a heroic and admirable deed. I commend you, friend."


    She turned to see Reona walking towards them with Thanatos's reins in her hand. Ellundil was wearily slumped in the saddle, grasping the horn for balance. Her horse's ears were pricked, his eyes bright even in the swiftly fading twilight.


    "Yes, and Reona here has a story to continue," Rhaine remarked pointedly. She once again folded her wings tightly to her back, her dark cloak covering them. She reached for her hood and pulled it back up, the shadows of the cowl accentuating her sharply chiseled face. With those simple changes, she transformed from a radiant angel to a deathly serious warrior. Her mouth became a hard line, her eyes piercing despite their returned normality. "Which, by the way, you should do. And quickly."


    She was not pleased with her wasted power, which she had used out of false vengeance against Reona's supposed killers. Truth be told, it was partially her own fault for not paying close enough attention. But Reona could have at least tried to stop her. On top of that, she refused to travel with a murderer. Reona had already admitted to killing her brother, and rather bluntly - Rhaine expected a full justification for such actions.


    Ellundil was tired of such folly, though he was weak physically he could still comprehend what was going on around him; still having control over his powers. He felt the emotions of others around him, and he could not bare to be on the road to the Inn any longer.


    Within' a moments notice, there was a flash of light. Ellundil had used his powers to (attempt) to erase everyone's memory of the recent events that had transpired. He tried to fill in the gaps in their memory from where he teleported the part to the Inn - filling them with images of battling a troll under a bridge, a twisted road, and a forest of trees.


    Now within' sight of the Inn (Damn, finally) Ellundil hopped down from the horse, and began walking for the door.

  9. Shark - I believe it would be more-likely to survive by having a foot bitten off than by having every part of you torn by little fishies with big teethies.


    Would you rather eat a bowl full of maggots, or eat three japanese beatles? (And Im talkin' BIG ones)

  10. "Indeed," Rhaine answered, "I thought his name appropriate."


    She fingered a silver stud on Thanatos's bridle absentmindedly, "Your people remind me of the druids of my homeland. They have a healthy respect for nature and for life - taking only what is needed and giving back when they can. In this, they are much like we Doomguides. We are taught to respect all life...that every soul and spirit has value. It is our duty to destroy the abominations of the undead, as they are twisted perversions of life and defy the natural order of death. Some would be surprised to learn that we do not seek death or revere it. In fact, we do whatever is within our power to keep mortals safe from incidents that would shorten their lives. A natural death is what Lord Kelemvor wishes for all people, and it is his command that no man or woman die without a Doomguide at his or her side. To die alone is to die afraid, and fear anchors the spirit to the mortal world, as does hatred and anger. We are also taught to honor our ancestors and to study history, for without the endeavors of those who have gone before us, we cannot understand ourselves and where we are today."


    Looking back at Reona, Rhaine analyzed the elf's attire more closely, and was puzzled. Her sword was naked, her feet were bare, and she wore a dress that was certainly not suited for travel. She decided to voice her curiosity, "Reona, your dress is more suitable for a funeral than a sojourn on foot. And your sword has no sheath to guard its blade. You may, of course, choose not to answer me, but I feel I must ask: why are you garbed so?"


    "I suppose that I can tell my story to you. It will pass the time while we travel, after all," Reona looked over to Rhaine and smiled meekly, her pale cheeks tinged with a burning red. She looked back at the path ahead, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes for a split-second, thinking of how to phrase everything she had to say.


    Her electric eyes, framed by long, delicately-curled raven lashes, seemed to lose their brightness and become downcast, looking like the pale sky on a rainy day. She parted her amaranth lips slightly and blinked with thoughtful slowness, noticing the soft glow of Ellundil's runes on her black sleeves, before her voice, quiet and hardly audible, broke the silence, "Aye, a funeral it was... Let me start at the beginning...


    "I had a very normal childhood among the few other children in my village. One thing that was different about me, however, was that I and my brother were always together. We were an odd sight, I must admit," she paused and her lips curled up in a sad smile, "He was the tallest Bosmer I had ever met, and I was tiny, even by our standards. We contrasted sharply: he tall, I short; his hair like sunlight, mine like midnight; he garbed in all white, I in black; he was outgoing, I was introverted... The adults of our village affectionately referred to us as 'Angel and Demon'. As for why he is dead, I killed him."


    Reona's eyes widened and her face contorted into a vicious snarl as she felt a sharp sting in her neck. An arrow. Her expression changed to one of shock as she noticed what was going on.


    Ellundil's hand was wrapped around the shaft of the arrow that pierced her flesh.


    Ellundil felt adrenaline course through his veins - a power emerging through his body - a feeling he never felt before. He was becoming stronger.


    Within a moments notice his runes began to grow a blood-red, as terrible as death, and he sprung into the air - ready to strike the force that was about him and his party. Running through the trees near the road, fast as a streak of lightning - he drew his sword out. Twas' not long before he came upon the bandits that had sought to hinder the party's efforts (They are simple highwayman, so they were not far off) and began to go blood thirsty.


    The power that Ellundil felt was extreme - and he loved it. As he easily pierced through the bandits one by one (like a steak knife through fresh butter) their souls came out of their bodies - entering Ellundil's rune - growing its aura. This went on - slewing bandit after bandit, when finally - he was full of souls.


    Ellundil began to levitate in the air, his long hair rising high with him, and released a deathly cry of flame and terror. This engulfed the bandits' camp in rapid torrents of fire - leaving nothing but a large crater - and in the middle of it sat Ellundil exhausted - with even more bandits on the way.

  11. To get this out of the way right now: Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) is NOT compatible with tesnexus, falloutnewvegasnexus, fallout3nexus, thewitchernexus, and dragonagenexus. Likewise, when you are using IE 8 or 9 you need to ensure that you have IE 7 compatible mode OFF so that everything shows properly. In my personal opinion, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are superior, faster browsers, both of which work with all of the nexus websites, I hope I could help/clarify things for you.
  12. Has anyone else had a little problem with the popup windows when downloading.


    To download files I have to open the download file in a new tab (not a big problem) to actually download a file. The pop up window seems to get stuck and a download never starts if I rely on the pop up window.



  13. Wish You Were Here (Waters, Gilmour)


    So, so you think you can tell

    Heaven from Hell,

    Blue skys from pain.

    Can you tell a green field

    From a cold steel rail?

    A smile from a veil?

    Do you think you can tell?


    And did they get you to trade

    Your heros for ghosts?

    Hot ashes for trees?

    Hot air for a cool breeze?

    Cold comfort for change?

    And did you exchange

    A walk on part in the war

    For a lead role in a cage?


    How I wish, how I wish you were here.

    We're just two lost souls

    Swimming in a fish bowl,

    Year after year,

    Running over the same old ground.

    What have we found?

    The same old fears.

    Wish you were here

  14. qSkillPerksDLC01.esp




    One of those is referring to Dead Money, a DLC you do not have. The red "!" means that you are missing a mesh/texture, so go back and make sure you installed ALL of your mods correctly.

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