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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. What the the title says. The game crashes randomly when going outside. It comes up with a loading screen for about 4-5 seconds and then BOOM! It crashes.

    I DO NOT HAVE ANY MODS INSTALLED. It is just a clean game and for some reason when I go outside (The Wasteland) it crashes upon exiting any interior and into the Mojave.

    And, once again, I do not have any mods installed and do not use FNVSE (Fallout New Vegas Script Extender).


    Ps. This started happening when I installed a mod and I had to reinstall the game completely.


    Please Help!


    Try this.


    1.Open Steam

    2.Go to Library

    3.Right Click <<Insert Name of Game Here>>

    4.Click Properties

    5.Click Local Files

    6.Click Verify Integrity of Steam Cache

  2. Some more details might be nice, such as: What version of Fallout New Vegas you have, if you have any mods installed, if you have tried a new save, etc. Get where I am going with this? I would love to help you, and I am sure others would too, but without any info on your problem we would basically be trying to shoot a bottle in the darkness, it's pretty difficult to nail it just right. :happy:
  3. Have you tried creating a new save? Your current save might be "bloated" so a new one might solve any errors. Some other things you might want to try are:


    Run a program called BOSS to keep your mods in a correct load order


    Make sure you get NVSE so that you can run a bunch of mods


    Make sure you activate archive invalidation under tools in FOMM


    Another things you might want to try is validating files through Steam:

    1.Open Steam

    2.Go to Library

    3.Right Click <<Insert Name of Game Here>>

    4.Click Properties

    5.Click Local Files

    6.Click Verify Integrity of Steam Cache

  4. This is taken from the "credits and distribution" section of the mod:

    Credits and distribution permission


    Other user's assets

    Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets

    Upload permission

    You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file

    Conversion permission

    You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file

    Modification permission

    You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator

    Asset use permission

    You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file

    Author notes

    This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

    File credits

    This author has not credited anyone else in this file

  5. Most mods will actually work very well together. Any incompatibly issues should be easily resolved by using BOSS for Oblivion as well as Wyre Bash. Another thing you will need is OBSE (For Oblivion, obviously) and MWSE (Likewise, for Morrowind) As long as you aren't bogging down your game with SO many mods, it should be running fine. If you occur problems and think it's your load order of mods, check this forum here.


    -Ian Rambo Lewis :)

  6. Any type of load order can help, I recently reverted to vanilla and added mods one by one, my game is much more stable now.


    This tool can optimize your computer, I would highly suggest using it, I use it myself once a week to ensure that my computer stays perfectly clean and my games running smoothly :)

  7. After half an hour of silent traveling, Reona gave into her curiosity and turned her head to the ever-composed Raine, "Forgive me if I am too intrusive with this question, but your wings, my lady, I admire them greatly. They are as dark and graceful as the clever raven's, and I cannot help but barrage you with questions."


    She sensed the discomfort and rigidity of her quiet friend and looked back at Ellundil as best she could, noticing how unusually pale his hands and arms were (as that was all she could see of him), and smiled a little, "The questions will take your mind from the motion of the horse. It is a bit sickening to be bounced around so much until you get used to it."


    Her gaze flicked back to Rhaine, "I must first ask whether the wings are capable of flight on their own, or if you require a bit of magic to help keep your body aloft. One would think that your shoulder muscles would be quite strained if the wings themselves supported you..." she trailed off, mumbling myriad theories to herself, feeling the soft brush of the horse's consciousness against hers. She thanked Thanatos and promised to give him a sugar cube or carrot when they got to the inn, "I had but one other question, probably more important than the other: Where did the wings come from?"


    Rhaine laughed, "Don't worry, Reona. In fact, I am glad for your questions. Few people, even from my world, stop to understand why I am the way I am. Instead, they stand back and stare in fear, or in awestruck silence. You don't know how many times I have wished for the hourglass to turn back to days when I seemed more....ordinary. My growth in strength and power has gifted me with many useful abilities, but it has also isolated me from the rest of the world."


    She pulled her wings back to a more relaxed position, "As for my wings, I actually cannot fly at all. For that to be possible, my bones would have to be hollow, and even then I could not wear armor. They do, however, provide a bit of a boost in speed when I run, and can allow me to jump farther than normal. It took me at least five years to learn how to use them to my advantage. For the longest time, they were simply a nuisance. I had to have my armor and clothes special made to allow for them...they were constantly getting in the way or moving on their own. Finally, I managed to gain control over their muscles to some extent. Although, they still seem to act of their own accord, at times.


    "And where they came from?" she chuckled, "You'll have to thank my Lord Kelemvor for that. I remember the day I 'received' them as if it were yesterday. It was a day or so after I had destroyed a Dracolich in the Underdark of Cormyr. I was back at my forest encampment, and I felt a burning sensation in my back, right under both shoulder blades. It wouldn't cease until I removed my armor. But then, it worsened again, and my vision became a hazy black and red from the pain. My Lord couldn't grant them and they simply appear, oh no. I had to grow them. It was the most pain I'd ever felt in my life. I think I finally passed out. But when I woke, I found them covering me gently like a blanket, and the pain had subsided. I remember being awestruck, and a bit incredulous. But there was no doubt who they had come from. They are a symbol - a mark of sorts.


    "They are a mark of my..." she trailed, and knew this would only incite more questions.




    Ellundil was feeling sick and nervous, he heard little of what Reona and Rhaine had spoke of, and he didn't really want to at the moment. He started to become more faint, how can I get my mind off of this dread he felt inclined to speak.


    "Thine maiden of fortune, Rhaine, how is it that you came upon such a stallion of grace as the one I sit upon this very moment."


    He thought he posed a valid question, and he figured knowing about the animal that bode him on his travels would be able to ease the feeling of dread in his stomach. Just thinking about it more made his runes turn to a darker red, a scarlet colour. He felt an odd stroke of heat surge through his body, he wanted to think of something different, and eagerly waited for a response.

  8. I had this problem as well, I am not even sure what it was. I worked and slaved over it for a long while, only to find out I had to reinstall. I did not have Oblivion on Steam, so if you have it on Steam then you should verify your cache.


    2. Go to Library
    3. Right click Oblivion
    4. Properties
    5. Local Files
    6. Verify integrity of cache

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