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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. Portable campfires? Even portable campsites. Each upgraded campsite is nicer and warmer than the last, but also more expensive and heavier. I.E. A tent with a fire made out of bear pelts would weigh ~50 with a cost of (say 1/4 of a decent house?) 2,000g. It could have a chest for goods, a cooking pot, alch. table might be too heavy to make sense, so possibly a smaller version of an alch. table just for the tent... and while I'm on alchemy, you could have potions that would warm you like resist cold or brand new ones, as well as food items like hot cocoa :wub: I think I rambled a bit too much didn't I? Oh well. Great idea :)
  2. I am still waiting for the construction kit for Skyrim just like everyone else, so I wish to have most of my mod planned out before its release so I can be ahead of the game and get my mod produced in a much faster fashion. Now, onto the details.


    I felt inspired to make this mod after approximately thirty hours of Skyrim game play. Before playing the game, 64 spells seemed weak. After playing the game, magic was so satisfying it didn't matter. Now that I'm a master wizard, I feel slightly deprived of certain abilities/spells I think I should have.


    I would like to include spells from Morrowind and Oblivion (Such as mark & recall) possibly some Midas Magic spells (If I can ever contact Xilver from the plane of AFK) and add some other spells submitted to me by you, right here on this thread! Yes you, not the person looking over your shoulder about to assassinate you right now, you! So come on down (the page) and comment!

    If an admin sees this, do note I have posted this in the general forums before being accepted into the mod author forum. If you wish to lock or remove my other post, I will have no arguments.



    Rhaine grinned, leaned forward, and hugged Thanatos's neck before turning him towards Reona. The character that she always assumed her steed possessed was reaffirmed by the Bosmer's words.


    "The plan? We're going to head to Redrock Cave and see if these bandits have any useful evidence against their contractors. If they are indeed in league with the necromancers, as Selene thinks they are, then we need to waste no time in eliminating them. It would be also be wise of us to keep moving as we solve this puzzle. I have no doubt that these contractors know we aren't dead yet, and they will likely stop at nothing to send us all to early graves," Rhaine's tone was grim. They couldn't allow their foes to get ahead of them.


    She pointed her horse's head to the southeast, "Brax said the hideout was this way, marked by a large cavern entrance and flanked by three poplar trees. Hold on tight, Kalin. Reona, can you keep up?"

    Reona decided not to think about the potential dangers that lay ahead. She knew she could die, but there was no need to worry herself about it too much. Stretching once again, she let out a tiny, almost musical, laugh and winked at Rhaine, intertwining her arms behind her head, "I'm sure I can. Remember when Ellundil was hurt? When I was running to see what was going on, I passed a rider on a black horse riding at full gallop. Wasn't that you?"


    She always was quite fast, Arva explained, a few stray strands of his hair blowing in a nonexistent breeze.


    Agreeing, Reona smiled a little as she finished stretching and adjusted the gauntlets Kalin had let her use, as if trying to keep them perfectly aligned, "It's probably the only thing I've ever been naturally good at." She let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes, "I like it, though. A good way to take your mind off things, running. The world around you seems to disappear and your whole being becomes entirely focused on that simple task."



    Without another word, Rhaine cast a mischievous smile Reona's way and then kicked her heels into Thanatos's flanks. The mighty horse reared, almost vertical, bellowing a cry to the sky before leaping across the road and plunging into the forest to the southeast.


    "Running does he- GOOD GODS!!!!" Kalin shouted as Thanatos reared up. He clutched Rhaine's waist tightly, holding on for dear life. "BLOODY...DAMN...HORSES!" He cursed between the horse's bounds. I swear, I hate horses! the poor elan yelled mentally. When will this end!? The soulknife began praying that they arrived at the cave soon. Before this bloody nightmare kills me! He kept silent after that, trying to stay on the horse and keep his heart from bursting. Bloody horses!...



    Thanatos reared back and shot off into the forest faster than Reona thought he was capable of, his tail streaming behind him, and she smiled to herself as Kalin screamed loudly. Holding her sword away from her body, she ran after the horse, and soon caught up with the others, the cool scent of damp earth filling her nose and pleasing her senses.


    Reona noticed Kismet seemed to have fallen down, hearing her mumble something about a disgrace to herself. Reona skidded to a stop, helping her up with a gentle smile, "No need to feel like that, now. It's not the first time someone's fallen down, and it's definitely not the last."



    Rhaine hunched low over Thanatos's neck, her auburn hair streaming behind her like flames, melding with the long, wavy raven mane of her steed. The stallion placed every step carefully, even at such speed - he dodged tree roots, boulders, and animal holes with a dexterity that was unexpected considering his great size. His head pumped up and down, ears flat, snorting with every stride. Turf flew backwards in clumps as his heavy hooves pounded the earth. Rhaine looked upwards and leaned even farther as large tree limbs and foliage whizzed by, just above her head. She certainly hoped Kalin was keeping his own head down. The poor elan was nearly squeezing her in two from fright.


    She saw Reona catch up with them for an instant, the elf's legs unnaturally swift as she easily kept pace with Thanatos. Then, she suddenly fell behind. Rhaine assumed there was a reason for her doing so, and she thought little of it, trusting the Bosmer to regain her speed later. The priestess squinted, focusing on the woods ahead and searching for the gaping maw of a cave with three poplars nearby. They couldn't be far now...


    Ellundil had gone ahead of the party for some days, here is a brief description of what happened in his travels, but do to storytelling reasons the details will be revealed to character dialogue:


    Since Ellundil sought out to figure out what this sudden surge of power meant, he went directly to the "College of Winterhold" in the northern portion of Skyrim. He had consulted with the new appointed arch-mage Lothlorias about how he felt about this new power. After two days of study in the library, they finally figured out the answers. Ellundil was indeed Dragonborn, but not in a normal sense of being able to use "The Voice" he was literally half dragon, so now they had to find out how to bring forth Ellundil's inner dragon. After mere hours of research, Ellundil learned that if he absorbed a dragon's soul he could then bring forth his inner dragon and become a true half-dragon half-Altmer, but there was a catch. He would have train his body, his soul, his runes to be able to accept the change.


    Between this time, and Ellundil's arrival at an abandoned fort near Redrock Cave, he had gone through vigorous training at The College of Winterhold, High Hrothgar, and the Companions in Whiterun.

  4. There's a dragon shout that

    renders an enemy's armor useless, you can find it in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary for one thing..

    I'll have to look up the details later. I don't think I saw it in your thread.

  5. Leave your OOC stuff out of the RP, either post it here, talk to one another in chat, a private message, or a comment on someone's profile, please please please! I can't express enough how it bothers me. I have my preferences set to 30 posts per page and I get on and there's two more pages to read, it takes a lot of time for me since I have a lot of IRL stuff to juggle, and I would really appreciate if it was kept to different areas. I'm not mad at anyone and I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just stating my feelings.




    EDIT: Oh mah gawd, I forgot to put "not" in front of telling



  6. On the topic of spell tomes, could someone mod in eating the tomes?


    Like, you want to learn spark so you open the book up, read a bit and then rip out pages and start chowing down?


    That's what it feels like you're doing in-game anyways.


    Haha! That's quite... creative. Maybe some sort of absorption method would be easiest ;D

  7. Yes, please more spells! The more the merrier....but try not to add as many destruction spells. Concentrate on making the other schools of magic have useful spells.


    Destruction will have a couple effects brought back from Oblivion, however, I do agree the other schools need more focus.


    I would really like to see an Illusion or Alteration spell that creates a darkness equal to night.








    Making it nighttime? Or perhaps a shroud of darkness?


    Levitation would be handy with all them mountains.


    Genius, or perhaps another spell just for mountains.. no your right. A levitation spell makes more sense ;D




  8. Recently, Skyrim came out, and I created this game-save which starts you out right where the guy says "Who are you?" but that's not what this post is about. At the time of posting this, I'll be at 996 unique downloads. It has come to my understanding that you need 1,000 to be in the mod author group. Now, you might say, "Why would someone not want to be in the mod author group!? It's special and stuff." Well, the answer in my case would be simple really. I believe that other authors of actual mods deserve such a position more than I do, however for some strange reason people don't end up downloading their mods. I just feel that if I'm accepted into the group that I don't deserve being in it. I would rather be accepted into the group after creating an actual modification or plugin for Skyrim whenever the Construction Set comes out for the game and create a "Spell Tome Expansion Pack." which is precisely what I would like to be known for instead should it be successful as I want it to be.


    So what do you think? Do I deserve to be in the mod author group because I had a good idea, or should I wait til' later so I actually deserve the position.

  9. I am still waiting for the construction kit for Skyrim just like everyone else, so I wish to have most of my mod planned out before its release so I can be ahead of the game and get my mod produced in a much faster fashion. Now, onto the details.


    I felt inspired to make this mod after approximately thirty hours of Skyrim game play. Before playing the game, 64 spells seemed weak. After playing the game, magic was so satisfying it didn't matter. Now that I'm a master wizard, I feel slightly deprived of certain abilities/spells I think I should have.


    I would like to include spells from Morrowind and Oblivion (Such as mark & recall) possibly some Midas Magic spells (If I can ever contact Xilver from the plane of AFK) and add some other spells submitted to me by you, right here on this thread! Yes you, not the person looking over your shoulder about to assassinate you right now, you! So come on down (the page) and comment! :)

  10. Oh just come on ._.


    I'd like to think that there are wood elves and khajiits out there that you can marry :/


    Every list of NPC's that you can marry have not stated wood elves or Khajiits. Kind of a letdown..


    Can someone please prove this to be false?


    Whoa whoa, they have a list of NPC's you can marry!? Where is this wizardry!? If I look at it, maybe I can see if there are Khajits/Wood Elves on there, maybe something you missed. Also, whenever the Skyrim Construction Set comes out I am sure someone will make an expansion for the NPC's you can marry.

  11. For anyone who wants to try, you have to max out destruction. Type in advskill destruction 500000 into the console to get there. Make sure you get the book "Power of the Elements" from the Winterhold College destruction instructor. Then go to these locations. I have the same issue as the chap above, and I cannot seem to figure it out. It only worked on that first location for me and the second doesn't work. I recall trying to go to the third one but got distracted.
  12. I'm having a little bug with books. When I open them from my inventory, I can't close them again. It's fine if I'm just reading them from the world. The only way to fix it is to reload a previous save.


    I have customized my keyboard. Is there any way to correct this?


    Try pressing tab, or the button you use to open the menu.

  13. Ellundil was unaware of the events that had happened behind him - and he probably wouldn't have cared anyways, for he had learned something on his ride, that he had control. For once, his powers brought him control, he was in control, and he knew that he had greater power now, but little did he know how it manifested inside of him, how it burned through his blood, how it clenched to his heart, he was indeed, Dragonborn.
  14. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this one... I want to take my character, Ellundil, to the next level. Something extreme, but I wanted some feedback and permission from the fellow players first. Originally, I thought up a large story on how to become a lycan/vamp. breed, but since one of the characters (MikeRyan's) is already a half-breed I had decided to scratch the idea. So I left myself thinking, since we are heading to Skyrim, why not lead myself to the path of becoming a half-dragon. (Much like a Red Dragon Disciple for anyone who plays DND/NWN) But I did find a problem in this. Ellundil has extreme, uncontrolled power. He is afraid to release his power because of some of his past (which still remains a secret) that of which leads to it releasing itself during times when Ellundil's emotions rise to a "fever-pitch." Since Ellundil's powers derive generally from his body and soul, and becoming a half dragon would strengthen these by a tremendous amount, I wanted to see what everyone thought. I think this is a very interesting path for my character to take, and I would love to do so, but I wanted to make sure that it's OK with everyone to do it before I start writing up a huge story on how to do it/ Ellundil's past that lead to it. Okay, I thinks that's enough, but if you have any more questions post a reply on here, PM me, leave a comment, or catch me in the chatroom. Thanks for reading ^_^
  15. Aardron sat down, completely puzzled, maybe he should have given this place a miss and headed onward, but he had needed to relax, He sat down, and began to puff on his pipe once more.


    And Ellundil, once more tried to get the people to leave the Inn, seeing as his efforts had become futile, he yelled one last time "LEAVE THE DAMN INN!" and with that - he was off, bound for Redrock Cave to see if he could find anything. He didn't care that he had left the others behind now, and he was travelling at an alarming rate, however, he felt calm and in control with his celestial steed.


    It was indeed a strange thought that such a creature would ride through the rain, on an old road, in a dark ominous forest, but actually seeing it was entirely different. The steed seemed to be camouflaged by some magical force, it took on the appearance of a white - almost blue stallion as it began to ride further along the road, it was starting to learn it's place.


    Ellundil felt confident on his steed, for he know he was in complete control, and unlike before on his previous ride, he wasn't prepared to get off any time soon.

  16. "You'll end up with more scars than me!" Kalin laughed out loud. He was in good mood now, and felt quite jovial. He calmed himself for a moment and said to the young Bosmer: "Reona, so you don't become all scarred and ugly as Selene implies, I'm going to lend something of mine until I make your armor." With that, he muttered a few words power, and the mythral gauntlets he wore came into view.


    Grinning at everyone's surprise, he took them off and gave them to Reona. "These are very light and strong, and should help deflect swords and such, considering your combat style." The soulknife felt some anxiety leave the young elf's face and smiled again, glad to help reassure her. "Hope you'll like 'em.


    Ellundil slammed down the rest of the alcohol, he wasn't as drunk as he would have wanted to be, but he made due with what toxins he had-then mounted his steed.


    "For the love, will we ever leave this damn inn!?" He shouted aloud, hoping the other members would hear him.

  17. "not at all little one" "now tell me honey wear did you get that sword? it is... familiar"

    still not taking her eyes off her mirror she said, "funny this little situation is it not, and honey don't worry i dont plan on making a couple of ellundil and myself." "what? surprised that i can read your thought's?" "most are, now tell me something of yourself little one"

    her eyes glowed with a soft glow but in the dark of the room it was clearly noticeable that she was not normal. she stared at reona's sword not taking her glowing eyes from it's blade.


    Ellundil saw that Reona was becoming more and more uncomfortable, so he bust in answering the "mysterious woman's" question;


    "My, as you say, runes, were formed purely off of my emotions. Being the magical entity that I am, I was beginning to lose control of my power, I saw the danger it caused. I could destroy forests, towns, castles, mountains, and one day, it just so happened I did. That's a chapter left for later times, however."



    Ellundil was surprisingly calm and relax, and you could tell by the way he had gone through five beers, and four decent swigs of brandy, that he was having a simply awful time.

  18. a drink if you will, she said without taking her eyes from her mirror, "you dont expect me to get my own do you?"


    Ellundil stood dumbfounded for a moment, "Err... right on the way, malady," and with that he was gone.


    Now, standing before the barkeep he ordered, "Two be- fou- make that eight beers and a bottle of brandy, I think I'm gonna need it."


    The barkeep put it all on a tray, then Ellundil used a bit of petty magic to float it over to the table where the "mysterious woman" sat.


    Ellundil, now getting back his grounds, gave her a kind glance and asked, "And what might your name be?"

  19. hmm so your not without intelligence my dear hmm, although it seems like your friend in your head is doing all the thinking, now im hear to find out what was on the note you gave to the barkeep, if he doesn't tell me i crush his skull. hehe see you around sweetie.

    with that she leapt towards the barkeep


    Then with that Ellundil broke his silence, bursting into the inn. Ellundil strode forward to the bar grabbed his new "friend" on the arm and thrust her back from the barkeep. He then spoke, "Now, that wasn't so nice was it? How bout' we sit for a moment and have a few beers. Yes, a few more beers would be nice."


    Reona quickly got dressed and stepped out into the main room of the inn with Kalin and curtsied to the barkeep, "Your help has been wonderful, and we appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and cannot stay any longer," She quickly tossed the keys (which she had tied onto a note explaining what their quest was about, and an invitation for him to join) toward the counter, satisfied with hearing the barkeep's hands close around them with an inhuman speed before they could hit the counter.I knew it, she thought with a smirk as she walked outside with Kalin.Much too fast to be human. You were right. I just wonder what he really is... Arva said as they met with Rhaine and Ellundil.Reona took Arva and pierced through her dress and shift, then sliced around until she had cropped them so that they both ended slightly above her kneecaps, "That'll speed me up when I run, I think."Rhaine, seeming a bit distracted, turned toward the road and said something Reona didn't understand.






    Ellundil sat on his celestial steed and fidgeted very impatiently, then he couldn't bear it any longer and blurted out to Reona:




    I can't wait any longer, shall we ride forth together into the South? We can set up a decent camp along the road then contact the others through Arva, or other conventional means.

  21. Reona quickly got dressed and stepped out into the main room of the inn with Kalin and curtsied to the barkeep, "Your help has been wonderful, and we appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and cannot stay any longer," She quickly tossed the keys (which she had tied onto a note explaining what their quest was about, and an invitation for him to join) toward the counter, satisfied with hearing the barkeep's hands close around them with an inhuman speed before they could hit the counter.


    I knew it, she thought with a smirk as she walked outside with Kalin.


    Much too fast to be human. You were right. I just wonder what he really is... Arva said as they met with Rhaine and Ellundil.


    Reona took Arva and pierced through her dress and shift, then sliced around until she had cropped it so that it ended slightly above her kneecaps, "That'll speed me up when I run, I think."


    Rhaine, seeming a bit distracted, turned toward the road and said something Reona didn't understand.


    Ellundil was feeling clever, so of course he began to express that in one of the only ways he knew.


    "Well, you took long enough princess. ;D Now all we need is 'Queen Kalin' and we are all set to go."


    Ellundil is not dimwitted, and not off of his toes either, he knew quite well about the figure lurking about them, and he knew it for some time. Likewise, he also knew that he was probably not the most introductory person that had ever been in the universe, so he left the pleasantries to his other companions, only one of which that seemed to have decently polished "feminine charms"


    The nord threw the bosmer a new key, took a deep breath and then started talking;



    "The draugr? They smell bad, they look bad and they are nords who passed on a long time ago, if I were you, I would avoid them. And no, I haven't heard from, or been near, my homelands for so long that I doubt that the village i call home still exists. But I wouldn't mind helping a lady with her questions. I don't have anything better to do"


    He then looked at the other customer at the counter, Redemin and said; "And I'm sorry my good sir, but I do not know any work for a person of your....interesting profession, but I think the legion might have need for a bounty hunter. I recomend asking the prison warden or the guard captain, they should know more about bounty hunting than me".


    He looked at the bosmer again and leaned over the counter and said; "now, did you have any other questions?"


    Rhaine frowned as she put the bit in Thanatos's mouth. That wasn't exactly what she was hoping to hear. She had studied up on the creatures of Tamriel when she had first arrived in the world of Nirn, and she already knew that draugr infested many Nordic barrows - much like elven baelnorn, or desert mummies. Although she would destroy them if she came across them, common draugr were not her targets.


    It seemed that this particular Nord had been away from his home for too long to know of any recent undead development. She communicated a thought to Reona: Ask him if he has heard about any necromancers on the Skyrim side of the Jeralls.


    Rhaine then began buckling the saddlebags behind the cantle, wondering if Kalin and Ellundil were having any better luck.


    "What about necromancers? On the Skyrim side of the Jerall Mountains, I mean," Reona said, crossing her arms and looking up at the Nord, feeling the strangeness of his aura. She then heard something Rhaine said to Ellundil, still connected to her mind, and her eyes grew wide.


    "...Oh, and your boots are untied."


    Reaching around to feel her back, she jumped at the realization that the bow had become untied and the laces hung loosely, the dress in danger of falling off. The extending of her arm behind her back loosened the dress even further, it seemed, and the upper half of the dress slid down to her elbows. Her face flushed a deep red and she was suddenly quite grateful for her shift.


    Gods above and below, why do things like this happen when I have no arms!? Arva exclaimed.


    Oh, calm down. At least I'm not naked.


    Laughing nervously to fend off the strange looks she had received, she stepped out of the dress and said, "Shouldn't have let someone who can hardly tie a knot lace up my clothes, I see. Well, next time I'll know, right?"


    Reaching out to Ellundil's mind, she thought icily, You will suffer for this.


    Rhaine laughed aloud, first at the now blue horse, then at Reona's predicament. "Dear, dear, Ellundil...what shall we do with you?"


    Satisfied that Thanatos's black, silver-studded tack was all in position, she put her foot in the stirrup and hoisted herself up, swinging her leg over his broad back and settling down in the saddle. The stallion shifted fluidly beneath her, then began slowly backing up as she flexed the reins. She turned him towards the stable doors, passing Ellundil's colorful steed, "Come on then, friend. Let's go to the inn's entrance and wait on our comrades, shall we?"


    "Indeed we shall," retorted Ellundil, riding forth on his colorful (but still slightly dimmer :dry: ) steed.


    Ellundil, obvious to his personality, would not give leeway to the fact that he was starting to enjoy travelling with others, though the short time he had been doing it. He also did not want to admit to himself that his trust was forming with them, but it still had miles to go, and many adventures and hardships to go through, before it was bonded together like perfectly forged silver.

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