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Everything posted by marharth

  1. That still doesn't make it right... Well of course its not right, the whole "For The Greater Good" ideology fails in many ways. This is about if they help or hurt the USA though, and people were talking about some of what I said.
  2. This might sound bad but I might of changed my mind about this... In the long run, the CIA killing people that are not in the USA doesn't hurt us at all if no one finds out. There are situations where the CIA might of hurt us, but killing people not friendly with the USA doesn't hurt us, as bad as that sounds.
  3. North Korea is probably working with Iran, and Israel is a huge US ally in the area...
  4. I also think it will start with the US messing with Iran. However I think the second action will have to do with North Korea or Israel.
  5. This isn't a debate about if it will start or not, I think everyone can agree we will have a WW3. If you don't think we will have a WW3 then image this as a hypothetical situation. So basically, what will piss off someone so bad that we will want to start another war with major countries involved? I think it will have to do with conflict in Iran, but would like to see other peoples views.
  6. The title has changed, therefor posting about one word governments would be off topic.
  7. What if you liberate someone who doesn't want to be liberated?
  8. Where on earth do you get your facts from? The Sunday funnies? It would be nice if your argument was supported by facts instead of supposition. The Postal administration is hemorrhaging money yearly and needs to close 3000 local unprofitable locations. The Social Security Administration requires episodic infusions of cash to stay afloat, the beneficiaries will soon be drawing more than the paying members put in to it (thats you by the way). Welfare helps the country? In what financial dimension is that? It's called an entitlement program, meaning we pay for their benefits, no taxes paid at all for money received by the beneficiaries. The only fact you got even minor league right is the Defense Budget. http://i897.photobucket.com/albums/ac177/Aurielius/chart.gif Just as an aside to the relevant posters, sorry for taking the thread sideways but some peoples egregious misstatements cry out for correction. Welfare helps people get jobs and put money into the economy, that's common sense on how that would help. Not sure if you noticed but the economy has to do with more then just spending and taxes. About social security, do you think 30 years is soon? It won't run out WITH THE CURRENT amount it has in the system until about 30 years into the future, social security will not be a issue. The postal administration runs like a corporation. There is no way it would add to the budget. If it closes offices then fine, but how do you think that would add to the budget?
  9. Social Security is adding to our debt. We need to cancel it too. Oh, and Welfare, that's adding to our debt. Better scratch it. And the Post Office, nothing but deficit there, shut 'er down. Yeah, compared to most of that stuff, war's cheap. And I'd much rather feel safe knowing we're fighting them over there so they don't have to fight them here than knowing I'll get social security when I retire.... assuming there's anything left by then. Social Security has a surplus, it is not adding to our debt at all, its helping the country more then anything... Welfare also helps the country. The post office isn't adding to our debt since it makes profit from what it does. Most of our deficit comes from our defense budget, no idea how you can think the war is cheap...
  10. Social Security is adding to our debt. We need to cancel it too. Oh, and Welfare, that's adding to our debt. Better scratch it. And the Post Office, nothing but deficit there, shut 'er down. Yeah, compared to most of that stuff, war's cheap. And I'd much rather feel safe knowing we're fighting them over there so they don't have to fight them here than knowing I'll get social security when I retire.... assuming there's anything left by then. Social Security has a surplus, it is not adding to our debt at all, its helping the country more then anything... Welfare also helps the country. The post office isn't adding to our debt since it makes profit from what it does. Most of our deficit comes from our defense budget, no idea how you can think the war is cheap...
  11. I am going to assume that the official DCL's follow the storyline, so you didn't die.
  12. The war is adding to our debt, people need to decide whats more important... We should withdraw until we can get our debt under control, then if we still want to save the world we can. We are not in a good economic place for a war right now.
  13. Over 6000 innocents have died due to the war we started over 4000 innocent deaths... I do not think that the revenge we want really is necessary, its causing more pointless deaths.
  14. I never even thought of that, why the hell has victor been in goodsprings for so long?
  15. Just to let you all know, the debate (at least with US politics) is not about banning guns, its about controlling them. The main thing is magazine size, most liberals in the country want to limit the size to around 10, and conversations want to have a bigger limit. I think that it is necessary for civilians to be somewhat equally armed in firearm power to the military, so I do not support gun control anymore then we already have it. Sure murderers can kill easier, but I think its more important to not have a very small limit due to freedom.
  16. Pretty sure this guy is trolling or something, post a link to prove me wrong... Would think people would have updated the wiki by now. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/David_Gaider
  17. No offense to anyone but I don't care much. I am also not so sure about his death, where is a news story or something for that? I never really liked dragon age since it was too much of a stratgey game IMO.
  18. Ya know something I'm of the same mind . I never understood why those Americans were so upset with Bill Clinton . I mean if all it took was the occasional sexual dalliance in the Oval office from an intern in order for him to deliver budget surpluses in the 100's of billions ,then for God's sake give em a number , line em up outside the door and keep that man happy. ;D The whole sex scandal thing would have made me like him more. Its good to know that a world leader isn't always being serious and following all the small rules IMO.
  19. I'm happy that you know exactly how things work. Myself, I am always doubtful about my knowledge so I often re-evaluate my views in the light of new developments. Your reasoning may be true in certain countries, but it is not a universal truth - you assume that supporting the moneyed classes always creates a driving force that will slowly advance the country in question. The sad thing is there are examples where the money earned by the wealthy is invested abroad / funneled into tax havens, and the only difference between the parties is that the a significant slice from the money paid by the taxpayers that could be used to support the development of local businesses or to introduce reforms slips into different supporter pockets after the elections. But this could/should be the subject of a different topic. Well the whole money corruption thing fits here quite well due to the military industrial complex.
  20. ROFTL..have you ever sat through an economics course? I'll give you an example: in the Peloponnesean War between Sparta and Athens the Athenians through the use of a type of civic bond were able to contain the superior land armies of Sparta by means of hiring help, Sparta which had no deficit spending or even coinage that was valued at any level of exchange was forced to go cap in hand to the Persian Empire for monetary support, an act they found odious in the extreme. The lesson is: deficit spending has been with governments almost as long as there have been governments in existence. Loans or bonds are how governments pay for improvements to infrastructure, wars and social programs. FYI ....the last debt free administration was that of Andrew Jackson, which was only achieved through massive sales of land deeds in the central Mississippi area, his repeal of the Bank of the United States was immediately reversed in the subsequent administration. What are you talking about?
  21. THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY TOPIC, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR THAT. This is a topic to discuss the idea of merging all governments into a single government. I will make my first post short and expand on it later. I think if the government system was a really good one (Regulated Capitalism or Socialist Capitalistic or Semi Anarchy) I think a one world government would be much better then multiple ones. Let me give my reasons 1. It will merge culture and other things, bad cultural practices would be wiped out over time (Like sacrifices EXT). 2. It will make it so countries will not have trade problems. 3. It will wipe out war, unless started by civilians. 4. It will make the government have a obligation over ever place in the world, which would lead to bad areas of the world being modernized/fixed. I have more reasons, ill also post the things that could go bad. 1. If the government becomes corrupt, it will be easier to control the masses. 2. Possibility of destroying old culture, that could be a bad thing or a good thing. Most people would look at it as a bad thing. Not to sure, would like to see what everyone else thinks. EDIT: Typo in title, can a mod change "Word" To "World" for me?
  22. Just to let everyone know, if you replied to something I said I might not of read it since I am not reading everything. I would like to say a few things though that I think people are misunderstanding. 1. I am grateful for what the country has that is good, and I acknowledge those things. I am in no way saying I hate America I just dislike a lot of things that the government does. 2. It may seem that everything I say isn't to positive, you might of noticed I am pessimistic. I believe that a good way to solve issues is to make the issue known to a lot of people. Being overly optimistic is dangerous, and I would like to say I am kind of center pessimistic. 3. Once again, I DO NOT BLAME CITIZENS FOR WHAT THEIR GOVERNMENT DOES. That would be foolish to say that everything a government does is the fault of the citizens, but I do partly blame people who support bad things the government does. 4. I in no way support the terrorist groups we are fighting, I would say they are worse then our government due to radical ideology. The purpose of this post is to try to uncover the bad sides of things more then anything else, its not meant to be insulting to anyone.
  23. China is like a fetus. It has no real economy without us, and thrives off of the nutrients that we give them (In the form of them giving us loans). When the U.S. suffers, so does China. Really, the rest of the world too. Our crisis effected every capitalist nation in the world, with the exception of Russia... but they aren't fully integrated yet. You can probably guess what happens if we were to cut the umbilical cord too quickly at any rate. Disaster for both the mother and the child. Though I would attribute our relation with that of the reproduction of a spider as most adult spiders are eaten by their offspring, China is in the position to end America as we know it. Scary. Personally, I put my faith in Asia. Every section of the earth has had its moment as the leaders of the known world. Africa had Egypt first, then the Middle East had Persia, Europe had Britain, and North America had the U.S.A.... The only two continents left without a superpower in relation to those around it is Asia and South America. Don't worry too much about South America though, the U.S. has effectively crippled them. If anyone needs a source for any one of my arguments, I will gladly post them. The thing is though china gets richer off giving us loans, we don't need loans if we have a good economy...
  24. One who betrays his or her own. In this particular instance, the italicized is more the definition I use. EDIT: Also, @ginnyfizz's post above: And it's fairly well-known that the US supplies the majority of the troops for UN actions, pull those troops and there goes what little ability the UN had to enforce anything. 1. In no way do I agree with the people we are fighting. 2. I was born on a piece of land, I am not obligated to love it. 3. Same as 2. 4. I haven't betrayed a secret. 5. Nope. 6. I without question have concern. 7. Not trying to do that. 8. Nope. By definition, I am not a traitor.
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