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Everything posted by marharth

  1. I agree with you sort of, but being too optimistic is about 500 times worse then being pessimistic. The starting step to fixing a problem, is to recognize something is a problem. That being said, if this was a debate topic called "How the **** do we fix the world" then I would go through my ideas, this is more of a topic about what the issues are though and not how to solve them.
  2. Hold on what? Who said weed makes you a under achiever? There is no long term proof for weed brain damage that I know of, that doesn't make sense to say that based on short term effects. If someone showed up to a job interview stoned like you claimed, they would have been arrested... nor do they care that the government is effectively paying for their weed by giving them their dole money. This is for another debate, BUT SERIOUSLY? I think your misinformed about the long term effects of weed, it won't make you a under achiever, the main drug that does that is alcohol. A lot of drunks get unemployed, a larger number of drunks get unemployed then stoners. If its ruining peoples lives, that's their choice. We could spend tax dollars on real education programs and not just "DRUGZ R BAD DO NOT DO THEM OR COPS NO LEIK U" kind of thing.
  3. That's just it China has been involved in Africa for over a decade .We in the West haven't really noticed it because we generally just ignore Africa and only notice it when some crisis or catastrophe is about to unfold.As for screwing over Africa ,many African nations prefer to deal with China over the West ,as the Chinese do have this policy of non interference in internal politics , though Sudan may mark a change to some degree in this. Also the Chinese have an odd way of doing business with the African nations . While they like those in the west are after resources , any deals they strike come with bonuses of free infrastructure programs and instead of just handing the money over to the governments with which they make the deals (avoid corrupt officials) , they come in themselves and build whatever it is that's needed .It's proving to be a very successful approach. The Chinese sent weapons to the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe, weapons that would have been used against the opposition. The Chinese are hardly innocent. Oh no I'm not saying they are innocent ,I'm just saying they have a somewhat of a different approach. Selling arms to dictators is exactly what the US, Europe and Soviets are/were guilty of, bad governance is at the heart of Africas problems and by propping up crooks and murderers they are ensuring things will never improve. Not to mention the US selling weapons and fighter jets to Saudi Arabia...
  4. Weed doesn't not have addictive chemicals in it, you have a higher chance of getting addicted to caffeine then to weed in a chemical sense. If you do get addicted to weed, it is solely because you like it so much. I would like to know about that psychiatrist, from what I know there is zero proof of any long term damage. Weed has around 30 percent of the tar tobacco has... It has a lot less tar in it. Sorry, but that in particular is an absolute load of bullsh**. Weed smoked in the same amounts as cigarettes is WAY worse for you. By this I mean that smoking 10 joints in a day for example is *far* worse for you than smoking 10 cigarettes in a day, especially since you can get cigarettes with filters. Joints and bowls don't have filters. It's one thing to support the legalization of weed and other rec drugs. I get that. But don't spout nonsense such as weed is better for you than cigarettes. That is quite untrue. It is very true, there are literally thousands of more deaths related to cigarettes then to weed. The filter does little to help.
  5. By not addictive, I'm guessing that you mean that there are no chemical additives that make it addictive, because you can get addicted to anything. Anything at all. Porn, video games, etc. If your mind believes it needs it, and thinks that it can't function without it, then you're addicted. You can't say that it's not addictive in any way. It just hasn't been chemically altered to be addictive, like tobacco is. I don't know about not overdosing on weed, but I guess I could trust you on that. Hard to believe it. I'm sure there have been cases of it happening, just nothing documented or official. I've mentioned that cigarettes are worse than weed. But I'm sure that weed has become a factor in deaths in a lot of cases. Tell me that weed hasn't been implicated as a factor in a murder case or suicide attempt. Yeah. Also, the usefulness of hemp is basically what keeps me on the fence about it. It surely has medicinal value, just as vicodin, percocet, and various other narcotics do. But then again, so does tobacco and alcohol. I know medicinal marijuana is used. I do know for sure you can overdose on marijuana, but you have to use a ton of it to overdose. When you smoke weed, its different from a lot of other drugs since you smoke it, it takes time to smoke and you can't just snort up a pound or swallow a bunch (unless you cook it into something). So overdosing from smoking weed, not going to happen. However if you put weed in certain foods and eat them it is very well possible, so you can overdose on it.
  6. Without funding you'll have no military at all, just look at the sad and sorry state of the UK military, a shadow of its former self thanks to underfunding. The thing is, that's not true. The USA does not have any funding for anything, we are trillions of dollars in debt. We still have a military force though that is extremely strong.
  7. I went out a bought a computer, I always wanted a more powerful computer for no reason and ended up going bankrupt. That's not how it works, even if it was its your own choice to do drugs. Weed IS NOT a gateway drug, if it was how could there be more people who do weed then any other illegal drug combined?
  8. If you set the scale of a object can you walk through it? If not, I am making a city of giant mushrooms.
  9. The us is already trillions of dollars in debt, its not like we have the money to spend but we still spend it on military. Even without funding we are the strongest military force on the planet.
  10. I am not saying I didn't believe it, I am saying that it didn't match up. I don't have any reason to believe that you NEED a GECK to purify water.
  11. The cause of the flood matters much more then the effects. Everyone knows what happens during and after a flood. We can't be sure what caused it though, and the best way to prevent such things is to know the cause.
  12. The USA still has the strongest military force in the world, I am sure if the US gets pissed off enough it will do something.
  13. As long as the drugs don't effect anyone else go ahead... If we want to keep drugs illegal we should also make one of the most dangerous drugs illegal, alcohol. In the US, it really goes down to if you want someone to have a choice to maybe kill themselves, or have drug cartels kidnapping and cutting your head off.
  14. If china gets involved I think everyone else will just let china f*** them up :D
  15. I understand what your saying but this is in the debate section after all, I don't think anyone is going to debate about people losing their lives because of it.
  16. holy s*** I was reading through this topic and remembered how high I was when I wrote this. Delete this entire story.
  17. I like the followers because of what they do, so I think they are the best. In the sense of who is the best in the fallout universe in terms of power, its clearly the NCR. The NCR has the most power by propaganda and a military force.
  18. Hmm, wonder if Global Warming might have something to do with it.... By the way, Marhath, what exactly is your Avatar? I was about to say that. Global climate change might have something to do with it. Also my avatar is supposed to symbolize a decorative mix between a spade and a flower.
  19. Anyone have a mod for that? I want it to be like in fallout 3 and nv, in oblivion its a pain in the ass to move a body half a inch.
  20. IMO CNN tries to hard, they will say everything is equal even if a right winger tries to assassinate a democrat. I doubt it will end in peace, also the chances of the US getting involved are VERYYYY low.
  21. I am the only one who voted for followers? Seriously? The followers are the only faction that's solely for peace and helping, and doesn't go around killing and capturing. The followers should be bigger in the fallout universe, I know that the wastelands may f*** with you but seriously... I am sure more people would want to join a peaceful organization.
  22. Now that I think about it, I would have picked shape shifter... I love shape shifting creatures.
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