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Posts posted by Misakichun

  1. Hi , i have rather a very strange issue it's that when i go near Boethia's Sacellum i have a CTD . i looked at the papyrus logs it had this in it : [[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc]

    i searched the net to find what's this "000709f6" and found out it's the ID of a word wall in Sheapoint and surprisingly it is glitched meaning i can still hear the word wall chanting effect but I've already obtained the words of " throw voice " , and still the chanting sound remains and causes CDT in another place : /

    how can i fix the looping sound effect of this word wall ?

    thank you


    Update : i fixed the world wall sound and that dragon is looking thing somehow but now have a different problem on the same place as before (Boethia Sacellum) this time with this Error:


    [<NULL form> (FF001BC7)].MGRitual05DragonScript.OnUpdate() - "MGRitual05DragonScript.psc"


    what or where is this ----> " ff001bc7" !!!! please help me .

    thank you

  2. Well ... i'm really really curious to know who is dexion 's voice actor.

    But to no avail ,no sites seem to mention him !! Don't know the Reason though , well anyway ... I was watching the movie " this is the end" and i thought one of the actor's voice is similar to dexion the actor name is Mr.Seth Rogen .

    Idk maybe it is my imagination but can someone please confirm this .

    Thanx .


    I think I might have found a solution; by using PDTWrapper and selecting 'Remove Unattached Instances' every time before I start up Skyrim, I can use both Beast Form and the Ring of Hircine without any problems. Also, uninstalling and reinstalling any werewolf mod you have also seemed to help me out.


    I found that this works pretty well for me.


    thanx i'll try it to see what will happen .

  4. I have the same issue , i press the beast form button and nothing happens but i can't use my character menu anymore it keeps telling me character menu is not available an and i can't save , use the map and or even equipp anything :( it's very embarrassing a female running around with only underwears :( any help is very appreciated

    I have no werewolf mods nothing .oh and another thing is that when near a city every npcs including guards will attack me on sight and shouts as if i'm a werewolf while i'm in human form .

    They call me " die filthy beast and such " awful things :(

  5. I have somewhat the same problem , but it's kinda different : when I use the beast form at first try it won't do anything the sign that shows a werewolf head and a limiter shows up on the upper right side but my character doesn't change, but when I use beast from again my character immediately transforms into a werewolf . Now after the transformation is done and I turn back to human form I can't access any menu the game still thinks i'm in werewolf form :/ what should I do ? It's really annoying I didn't accept beast blood so I can't use it , I only have armour mods and some fixes but not anything that changes any werewolf skin or script .

    Any ideas ?

  6. same problem here but with a slight different the NPCs will accept the brawl saying " you can't scare me into submission , let'e go "

    but then they leave like i've never talked to them about the brawl.

    and one other thing is that they might just run away screaming and cursing and sometimes while running away they enter other NPC's house :/ :sweat:

    when i attack them they fight normally like they should in any brawl but then when they fall to they knees they sneak :blink: !! then stand up and leave like nothing's happened :wallbash:

    what should i do ? any fixes for this ? i can't start or finish any companion quest because of this ( the first 2 quests i mean , hired muscle and proving honour )

    i have installed the brawl bug fix both CE and the standard version

  7. I have the same problem but it happened when i was fighting Harkon ( dawnguard quest) and it first didn't start the music even after i killed him , but instead several hours later it started the boss music when i wanted to put something in a chest !!! Help please .
  8. There's something that none of you have paied attention to ... It's simply that as every enchanted weapon auriel's bow too will be discharged after a while using it, so you need to recharge it with a filled soul gem to use it again and yes as everyone else said you'll need bloodcursed arrows .hope this helps you ;-)
  9. Hello, as the title says , i wanted to play skyrim after a long time from the begining without any mods so i just removed all of them with NMM and made sure nothing is left from them , then i started the game being a khajit and chose to go with ralof ,

    until before we skape from helgen evrything seemed to be fine until the part that ralof finds a way out and says " that t's it i think we've found a way out " he runs toward the exite but then he stops and won't move,and however i try he won't move from that spot so i'm unable to continue and finish the unbound quest and i'm stuck !

    please help me

    i have no mods right now !


  10. I had a quest which Neloth told me to bring him a book ,the quest marker said that the book was in Fellglow Keep Ritual chamber , so i went there but i found out that the path to the ritual chamber is missing and there are no paths to reach it or the library so i had to disable some walls to go through to the other side to the library , but i have no idea how can i reach to a place that is missing ?/!!!

    please any idea what to do ?

    here is the pic of missing area :


  11. i had the same preoblem but i could at least talk to npcs ,i don't know why this happens and unfortunately i don't know a permanent fix but what i did for some weeks was to whenever i killed them i pressed " console " and select the corpse and wrote " openactorcontainer 1 " and it would open the corpse inventory and i could loot them :)


    hope this will help you even if a little :biggrin:

  12. it has nothing to do with you not correctly install the DSAMG it's just that the mod is not yet compatible with dragonborn :( ( the mod author said that in his mod description )


    hmm .... in my case i had to stop using skse :( for some reason skse too was one of the causes for me not absorbing dragon soul , i read topics that skse maybe the cause but i didn't think it is the main reason for me :blink: , well ... i have overcome this issue :biggrin:

  13. * the correct name of the topic is "yet other problems arise " sorry for any inconvenient *


    I've finally got rid of the "not absorbing dragon soul issue" but now i have other issues : in the final battle in dragonborn quest "on the summit of Apocrypha " when i reach to the part when i have to tame Sahrotaar in order to reach miraak :


    1.he is nowhere to be found and if he is there he cycles between where i am and where miraak is.

    2.the corpse of one of Mirrak's dragons "kruziiikrel "is there .

    3. when i finally use bend will on Sahrotaar the quest marker that shows " use bend will on Sahrotaar "never disappears .

    4.when i reach the place where miraak is he's already in battle mod and calls his dragons .

    5.. one of miraak's dragon , " Relonikiv" is missing ( Miraak calls him, but he never come)

    6. miraak heals himself by spell instead of using a dragon and i can kill miraak and loot him :huh: !!! without Hermaeus Mora appears . when miraak dies another miraak appears and says "this soul is mine " :blink: :sweat: :woot: but he never absorbs any :dry:

    7. he is fixated in calling just one dragon and it's Kruziikerl.( but he is already dead :confused: )

    8.somehow sahrotaar is called but he just stays in a bending position for a few sec and then continuous to attack me or miraak :sweat:

    after testing hundreds of ways I'm like these :wallbash: :psyduck: :ohdear: now .

    please if you know a way to solve my issues , tell me i beg of you .

    PS: my skyrim is updated to the latest patch and i have the UNDB and UNS and both r up to date .

    thank you for your help !

  14. i still have the issue even after that fix corwin78 mentioned :( nothing at all no burning , i have all the unofficial patches updated and skyrim itself , and i did what was said in the unofficial dragonborn thread > remove dragon soul absorb more glorious and its belongings and the actordragonkill.pex

    but still can't absorb any souls :( any suggestions ?

  15. i had the same problem storn wont do anything after giving him the book , i did this and it worked ( checked several times) after storn goes to read the book and stand without any movements go and talk to frea that she will tell you "be silent" then storn will start talking and the quest progresses as it should be .


    and as for Serana ... she was once stuck in a tree and the only thing i did was to hit the console and select her and write "kill " then ok then serana was out of the tree :dry: and currently she stucks in every objects she sees fit :mad: so i have to do the not wanted work write kill and etc

    so i think it works :yes:


    hope they will solve your problem

  16. i have something similar to your problem :( when i enter whiterun it says 40 bounty added :huh: :wallbash:

    and i'm not sure what the cause is :'( but when i fast travel everything is good :ohmy:

  17. i don't know where to start because everything in my game has become a mess so i will explain in short :


    1. most of the animals in the wilderness have become rare except for the foxes and elks .


    2. there are no dragons in their lairs , even you can't see them flying anymore ( nothing they have extincted even if i wait 32 days they won't show up )

    that i have to install deadly dragons , but they don't give me any souls any more :(


    3.the gildergreen in whiterun has disappeared completely


    4. there are no vampires in the wilderness , no gargoyles , no werewolves or even hunters are gone .


    5.odhaviimg has become mortal or something like this which means after a while he will land on the ground and do nothing but starring at me , and durnhavirr when summoned jumps up and stays there .


    7.every time i go to whiterun i have bounty , i checked before entering the whiterun gate i have to bounty but after entering i have 40 bounty ,


    8. can't transform in to a werewolf any longer , it stocks in the early sequence of transforming animation and I'm half human half werewolf :blink:


    i have all the unofficials and they dlcs .


    my mods :




    deadly dragons

    ORS_Solitude gate





    Guard dialogue overhaul




    R18pn_Leere Armor

    Follower limit increased




    Necessary map markers with alternate house

    Headbomb's better sorting

    Masters of death


    proudspire manor bug fix

    skyre masters of death Sicarious armor


    Weapon and armor fixes

    Weapon and armor fixes_hacks


    whiterun bug fix

    whiterun lightening fix

    whiterun market fix

    complete crafting overhaul




    Brawl bugs _ce

    run for your lives

    when vampires attack


    wetandcold _ash




    Auto unequip Ammo









    Skyrim Perk Enchantments

    SPERG Dawnguard Patch


    Apprentice of thuum





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