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Posts posted by Misakichun

  1. i'm not sure it's because of the low settings because my settings is set to low but i can easily see the flames and the frostbite or other spells , it maybe because of something else like your brightness is too low or too high ( i say this because i had the same issue but it was solved when i adjust the brightness to be balanced , it sometimes occurs when laptop brightness and game brightness are high at the same time .

    check it if nothing happened then come and write it here so i can find you an other solution :thumbsup: good luck

  2. err ...dear overseer94 please read the topic completely to the end :dry: i said I've tried the codes but no luck and the saves i have are older than i can use them , if you have any other solution you are welcome to suggest otherwise please don't bother yourself .

    but thank you for taking your time and answered my question :smile:

  3. I installed a mod that adds soul eater's moon and sun to the game , and it looked really good to the game , after that i downloaded DG ( DawnGuard) and went to the part that you have to go to Soul cairn when i looked at the sky i saw soul eater moon and looked around myself and it look perfectly match soul cairn environment + soul eater moon :rolleyes:


    please look at the picture for better understanding :






    don't you think they really good together ?!!



    note: soul eater is a Japanese Anime > for those of you who might not know it :thumbsup:

  4. in some unusual bug in whiterun stables sometimes you'll see that showmere is there but when you get close to him he will be disappear but you can go near him and see that he is just invisible :P but when you attempt to ride him you will suffer some strange behaviors and at some point you'll end up in an unknown area under Whiterun stables . :psyduck:





  5. When i first learned drain vitality i wanted to use it but i understood that i had 3 of a kind but with different drain point and the same recharge time ( they are all 10,10,10 ) i went to a site and learned that if you learn drain vitality before completing the mark for the death shout drain vitality will be glitched.. which i've learned drain vitality before learning the third part of the mark for the death shout :wallbash:


    it said the glitch has 2 kind :one of them is : 1 point drain of stam magica and health and the second one drains 2 points of magica and health and stam... and the way to solve it is to use the codes it showed ... i used them but nothing happened.... when i again went to the site it said the drain vitality's recharge time is 12,12,12 but mine is 10,10,10 all three of them ( 1/2/3/ point of health ,magica ,stamina)

    i don't know what to do specially it doesn't have any sound and it CDT when i try to use it :( :wallbash:


    if anyone knows any way to solve this please tell me .


    thank you

  6. Hello everyone now i will explain how to kill wolf and bear where they stand.


    required items :


    1. a living wolf

    2.a living bear

    3.a bow ( doesn't need to be enchanted )

    4.some arrow (Daedric for better results )

    5. have a high marksman and somehow activated all the required perks


    now how to do it :


    first spot the poor wolf go a little close to it and wait for it to start to howl ( you must be ready at this point ) now ... while it's still howling ... release the arrow of destiny and with a little luck you will have a wolf statue while it was howling :thumbsup:


    the same goes for the bear .but let him stand on his feet then shoot :)


    pictures are below :


    Wolf :



    Bear :


  7. Hi as the topic says i have a big problem wielding Ebony shield ... well ... when quipped it's upside down and instead of holding in the hand it goes under my character's arms !!! :wallbash: the pictures below will tell you more :





    any ideas to how to fix this ?

  8. After completing the main quest and some side quests Vingalmo told me that i have to turn my spouse to a vampire :blink: but he refers to my husband as a bride :blink: and he says you must turn Lydia ? why ? i haven't married to Lydia but to Farkas .

    what's wrong with him ? is it because he was once a werewolf and now cured himself ?

    i don't have any multiple marriage mod i mean i had but before starting the dawnguard i uninstalled it is it because of this or it''s the game's bug ?


    i'll be grateful if you can answer me thank you .

  9. i had the same problem and it still is but less than before i just installed the latest version of skyrim ( 1.7.7) and it seems to be less annoying , if you already have that then don't bother yourself for catching their souls because you'll have more than enough dragon soul . and in time you'll get used to it :thumbsup:

    and it has nothing to do with the mod that you installed ( it's a problem for me at least )

  10. well ... the reason why some of the guys play as a female character in skyrim : i say in my opinion it's because male char has an awful sound when shouting but female char has a better shouting sound .. yea.. ! surly and obviously it's not the main reason but still it is a reason .

    and they are more mods and ... i don't know good stuffs for making them more realistic then male chars ( i don't go through to the other reasons since everyone has said about that other reason ....


    as other posts said we are playing games that most of them are not real and happen in the dream world ( none of them will happen in our world except for war games ) so why not it's good for a change and once in a while put the reality aside and play what we want and it includes playing as none human characters , right ?


    but as a girl i play female characters to show females can be a her too ( we can do anything ) :thumbsup:

  11. well ... you can become a vampire lord and give your werewolf powers to Harkon , he will save them for you in case you wanted them back and you didn't want to be a vampire lord anymore :)

    in any case if you chose to become a vampire lord your powers as a werewolf will be gone temporary as long as you remain a vampire lord but as i said earlier if you wished to be werewolf again Harkon will give them back to you , but as you know you can't be both at the same time . :wallbash:


    but strangely enough i have both the beast form and vampire lord option in my powers and they work fine ( i can use them both ) :confused: :rolleyes: which i think it's rare bug for me :whistling:

  12. Please help me after finishing dawnguard now i can't do any quests :wallbash: the option that says talk to companions for work is there but none of them give me any quests and for dark brotherhood the night mother won't give me new quest :(

    and Babette and Nazir r gone ,


    if the dragons , local quests jobs ad the volkikar quests weren't the game would be a complete bore :sick:



    please help me :'(

  13. i had the same problem and wrote it here for a solution but it seemed no one knew, and i had several mods installed but i read somewhere that downguard and hearthfires are incompatible to any mods trying to change the original housing and map and or add/remove other things.


    i have dovahkiin's hideout and female mannequins and apparently they are the real culprit for CTD :wallbash:

    if you have them i suggest that first remove any belonging from the hideout then uncheck the hideout and then when you got your quest check it , i did that and worked .


    i wish you luck :wink:

  14. After installing dawnguard i had to deactivate certain mods because they were not compatible with dawnguard ( whenever i wanted to start the first quest and enter fort dawnguard i had CTD ) :(

    i had no serious problem except for the gate of the Valkihire keep that didn't open and i had to use player.moveto npc id " to go through the door :wallbash: it was after the final quest that i found lots of things are not in their right place :


    1. the thieves guild Vex's sweep job ( steal valuables from brunwulf free winter in windhelm ) and Delvin's bedlum job (steal 500 item worth gold from solitude ) they are now bugged i have done them before starting dawnguard and now i can't tell them i've finished the job ,and when i talk to them the option that i hear you offer side jobs appears and i can choose what i want except for the sweep or bedlum jobs :(


    2. the companions quest ( Purity ) has been activated again :blink: :woot: i had finished it long ago and again farkas and vilkus wants to be get ridden of what they don't have anymore :huh: , and i can't take jobs from them anymore :ohmy: :dry:


    3. I have both the option Beast form and Vampire lord in my powers :woot: good lord what's this ? :huh: but when i go to Valkihir castle they tell me what's a mortal doing here ? :ermm: they are not hostile but it annoys me how they treat me . and for the beast form when i go to Aela the option that says " i want the beast blood once again ( or something like this) but i can use them both with no problem :sweat:


    4.more importantly my dear LYDIA IS GONE :wallbash:


    5. i can't move my dear husband to desired home :'( :wacko:


    6. my young female character's face now is like an old hag or like a hagraven's face with bright (glowing )yellow eyes :sick: :pinch:

    other side effects are yet to be revealed :excl:


    please help me :wallbash: i'm like this now ...pulling my hair :ohdear:

  15. Hi, i have some questions :

    1.i have installed Dawnguard recently but it crashed evey time i go to fort dawnguard i wanted to know if dovakiin hideout is compatible with it or not since i have deactivate all of my mods except for hideout and some whiterun bug fix

    2. is dawnguard compatible with skyrim update 1.7.7 ?

  16. Hi , i have as you can see problem with Dawnguard and hearthfire , yes CTD when going to Breezhome or my home to falkreath:( , but since i don't know which of my mods are causing them ( i've tried but had no luck to discover the problem ) so i wrote my installed mod and i need your help please help me ,thank you ,

    my mods :( they are not sorted alphabetically ,sorry )



    Malise -A companion by Joseph

    Follower limit increased

    complete crafting overhaul




    db- Enhanced Blood Main


    Headbomb's Better Sorting

    Dovahkiin's Hideout






    tiffa.ff7.originalcloth by himmels




    barenziahQuestmarker dropable



    chesko MatchingsetperkFix







    proudspire manorbugfix

    strongdeadric weapons

    weaponsand ArmorsFIX




    R18h-Leere Armor

    Weapons of Shogunate

















    i have skyrim 1.7.7 ans skse 1.5.11

  17. Hi , i have as you can see problem with Dawnguard and hearthfire , yes CTD when going to Breezhome or my home to falkreath:( , but since i don't know which of my mods are causing them ( i've tried but had no luck to discover the problem ) so i wrote my installed mod and i need your help please help me ,thank you ,

    my mods :( they are not sorted alphabetically ,sorry )



    Malise -A companion by Joseph

    Follower limit increased

    complete crafting overhaul




    db- Enhanced Blood Main


    Headbomb's Better Sorting

    Dovahkiin's Hideout






    tiffa.ff7.originalcloth by himmels




    barenziahQuestmarker dropable



    chesko MatchingsetperkFix







    proudspire manorbugfix

    strongdeadric weapons

    weaponsand ArmorsF

  18. i don't remember the name of the book but the one that the writer told a story about a young man who was obsessed to kill all of the vampires and every time he would ask the writer where he can find them and after some years absence the young man returns to find out his helper ( the writer ) is a vampire :wallbash: :biggrin:


    and the second favorite is waters if oblivion and real baranzai ( sorry if it's misspelled )

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