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Posts posted by Misakichun

  1. i just have the female Mannequins and Hjerim mess bug fix and both of them are working fine , .. hmm .. i don't have any other mod for Hjerim :( don't know why it happens but i recently downloaded and installed better animal could it be the problem ? :unsure: i don't know how can it be connected though !!!
  2. hi , well ... as the topic says i can't access Hjerim anymore i don't know why, i could enter it and exit it easily with no problem at all but yesterday it suddenly CTD when i tried to enter it and i'm unable to enter it since then no matter how many times i try it will crashes :( :wallbash:


    what should i do ?

    please help me . thank you

  3. Hi , today i'd like to tell you an interesting fact about screen loads in Skyrim :) maybe some of you already knew that but anyway i will tell you :

    the fact is that they can move or to be more specific you can move them .... yes .... it's true that you can't see the mouse point but still you can turn them around and or zoom in and out them ;D


    if you can't believe me you can try it

    do it and then tell me the results ;) i'll be right here 8)








    interesting .... right ?!

  4. the same thing happened for me and the thing i did was to exit from the game to the main menu and then reload my save and the glowing eyes were fixed . :biggrin: it worked for me but not sure if it will work for you :ermm:
  5. well ... you know that when you do the silver hand quest Skijor ( hope i spelled it correct ) will die , even if you try your best he dies :sweat:


    err ... well ... after this i had several quests that i had to go in the place where Skijor died and i always could see his dead body laying on the ground.

    but yesterday i went there again for a quest and his body was gone :woot: , well ... i thought it's like the body of bandits and dragons that disappear after a day or two , but ...when i went to jurvraskar ( sorry for the possible mistakes ) to report back to Farkas , Skijor was there safe and sound like he never had been killed and told me i still need to prove myself :woot: :blink: he is alive .... he came back from the dead !!! and he can give me quests , and the interesting thing is that he doesn't recognize me as harbinger but a whelp >:( :dry: :wallbash:


    what kind of Glitch is this ? :huh:

    to be honest i don't like him isn't there any code to send him back to the dead ? :ermm:

    i don't want to kill him because then i have to repent for my crime :sad:


    thank you

  6. My character is a werewolf and up until 2 or 3 days ago, the effect of Beast Blood (100% Resist Disease) was active , but 3 days ago i noticed that this effect is not in my list of active effects anymore and the pple keep telling me that i look a bit ill and when i look at the active effects i see that i've contracted a disease like rock joint or ataxia :wallbash: ... .this wasn't a problem until today i had a rescue mission from one of the companions ( Vilkus ) he told me i must rescue dirge that has been kidnapped by vampires!!! :sweat: well ... i went there and transformed to werewolf for fun :biggrin: and after that when i transformed back to human form a massage appeared saying " you feel a strange thirst :blink: " !!!


    when i looked at the active effect list i found that i've contracted Sanguinare Vampiris :blink: :woot: !!!


    How could it be even possible? what will happen now ? what should i do ?

    Am i like Micheal in the underworld a hybrid now :whistling: .... " half vampire ,half lycan stronger than both " :happy: :sweat:


    please help me if you know any solution , thank you

  7. I used the code moveto id and now i've been sent to small room full of dead persons and Ulfberth ,Carlotta,Michel ,Boli,even Melborn !!!( i'm sure i let him escape successfully :blink: ) they are alive and just walking :woot: what on earth is that place ? and what should i do to get out of there? :sad:

    thank you .

  8. Thank you brandy for your detailed information :) i will use these codes to see what will happen .

    and by the way i don't use Market or Open Cities or another dragon-vs-city mod. :sweat: but still dragons will attack even to the cities specially whiterun and Windhelm and sometimes Solitude :blush:

    well ... i hope this works .


    oh and color420 i thank you too . :biggrin:

  9. honestly i don't like him very much, he talks too much and it's not good when you are sneaking to kill someone and sometimes when you order him to do something he will do it in the worst possible way :wallbash: , like : once i told him sneak and kill someone, but he stood and with screams went to kill that person :down: >:( but i let him live , because he attacked Astrid ( i really wanted to do that for so long) and he was the only truly loyal to the old ways and because when i read his journal , i found out he was once an assassin just like us , but the leader of the Cheidinhal sanctuary decided to make someone a keeper and he was selected :huh: at first he was so sad that he can't kill anymore but then the leader told him he can be ready for his last contract which was killing a jester .... you can read the rest in his journal :tongue:

    so at first he was a normal person , and i pitted him so much :blush: , and because Lucian Lechance 's ghost told me not to kill him :laugh:

    but he was the only one who accepted me as listener and respected me when no one else didn't :biggrin:


    you know after i left him and didn't kill him i went back to the sanctuary with the ghost of Lucian Lechance , he always repeated that " a purification might just be the thing this sanctuary needs "

    which means even Lucian knew there was something wrong with the sanctuary .

  10. Well ... i took a job from delvin for thieves guild and it was to steal Ulfberth war bear's flawed sapphire in Whiterun from him , when i went to whiterun 2 dragons attacked ( don't know if it's a bug or not ) and Ulfberth and Carlotta and Sven died trying to kill the dragons ( stupid ones ) . :wallbash:

    but i resurrected Ulfberth since looting him doesn't count as stealing :ermm: and since he was in public area with full of guards i had to wait for him to go to his shop .... , but when i went there he wasn't there :blink: , i've check every place including bannerd mare ( sorry if spelling is wrong ) ,even his house , every place , but he is nowhere to be found :sweat: :wallbash: :wacko: :blink: and without him my job can't be done :( help me please if you know any solution to this please tell me .

    thank you .

  11. Have you ever noticed Talfdir( one of the teachers of winterhold collage ) eyes?

    well ... i'll tell you ... he has 2 different color eyes!!! :blink: :sweat:


    you don't believe huh ... so see for yourself in this screenshot :)


    the left eye is green and the right eye is light brown :woot:




    note: unfortunately you have to dl it since i can't put any pic because i've used up my pic capacity :wallbash: :sweat: sorry for any inconvenience )

  12. yes finally i found the solution thanks to yafi_sama 's hard work :laugh: :biggrin:

    apparently i had a mod " Bankai * that i didn't install it correct or it was incompatible with the newest version of skyrim it's odd but well ... when i unchecked it .... things went back to normal .


    here is the thread that solved my problem ( if you r too lazy to search for it )

  13. i've updated my skyrim to 1.6.8 and now whenever i want to use magic/shout/power ( quick magic ) the game crashes to the desktop :wallbash:

    everything was fine before that update .... i think it was the stupidest thing i've ever done :nuke:

    i even tried accessing the magic menu via the normal menu not the quick menu but i had no luck it crashes to desktop :'(

    please help me i beg of you


    thank you .

  14. yea it's a bug and it happens with morakei :wallbash: and it's not just with arch mage robe i equipped morakei while naked and ... well i was like a headless zombie , but it will go away if you unequipped it and then save then load the save game ( it worked for me at least ) :rolleyes:
  15. i don't know when it started but when i called for Odahviing, i heard his fire breath and his dragon sound but ... i couldn't find him anywhere , i could see the fire breath coming from the sky but the source ( odahviing) .... was invisible :blink: :wallbash:


    it seems that even the other creatures including dragons cant see him lol :ninja: :tongue:

    hmmm ... i think it's good to have an invisible dragon ally with you :laugh:


    but i can't see him anymore :(

  16. 1.In a cave you will see a Bread floating in the air :



    2.Between Heartwood Mill and Avanchnzel you might see a Floating carriage like time has stopped there ! :



    3.In one of the Crypts you might encounter a lockpick or some other items that are floating in the midair !! :



    4.And the last floating items will be the floating potions :


  17. In Whiterun stables at first i saw him ( Louis Letrush) he was alone but after doing some quests and came back to get my bounty he was doubled !

    and now he is tripled!!! :blink:

    what on earth is this bug ?!!! is he going to be cloned every time i go to whiterun ?!!! i think if some time passes i will see an army of him !!!!! :wallbash: :wacko:


    picture :



  18. 72. There is a small bridge just past the Mouth of the Panther, east-southeast of Bravil. Underneath you will find the remains of a Dead Troll.

    you will find A Poorly Scrawled Note on the body, explaining its failure as a bridge troll.

    the note says things like this :

    Mee wurst troll evurr and ... err.. i don't remember the rest of his note :)


    73.The statue in Chorrol in front of the south gate there is a rendition of the Pietà ( don't know if i spelled it correct ), it is one of Michelangelo's finest works. believe me . :yes:


    74. When NPCs carry out their "book reading" animation,when you go close you will see that the text of each page is the same no matter what book the NPC is actually reading.


    75.The Imperial City quest Unfriendly Competition involves the Macabre Manifest, a catalog of those recently perished. One of its entries concerns an "Oford Gabings", an anagram of "Frodo Baggins ", and lists several items that Frodo carried during The Lord of the Rings trilogy, including a "travel cloak with silver and green leaf fastener", an "enchanted shortsword with inlaid writing", a "leather bound travel journal", and a "gold ring with inscription ? :sweat:


    76. in shivering isles : When Sheogorath says "You wouldn't like me when I'm bored", it has nearly identical pacing and intonation to the famous "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" from the Bill Bixby version of The Hulk.

  19. In planes of oblivion , 3 dremora attacked me so i summoned my dark seducer to fight for me and help me she killed one of them and went to kill the other 2 , when i wanted to loot the dead one i found out that he is still alive :blink: but i could loot him :blush: :sweat:

    it happened 4 times in different places , Did this happened for you too ?

    ( you can see that the life detect is still active so he is still alive )

    Please share your opinions .






    Note : i didn't use any paralyze spells nor the dark seducer .

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