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Posts posted by Misakichun

  1. In some oblivion planes when you are in the "sigil sanguine " area you will hear a dremora screams in pain and then a corpse of him falls on you !!! o_O and usually there are 2 types of them one that i said above and the other one is a naked dremora with just his underwear and his boots on , and he appears everywhere !!!! :sweat:

    the problem is when you want to loot anything from his body ,you simply can't :wallbash:


  2. If you are curious you can check this out :


    enter an oblivion gate and start to run toward the lava , (if you have a good health you can do it, or u can use console and write this " tgm"

    it will active the God mode for you ) after some time you will find out that the lava ends and there is a solid ground in front of you that is vast and full of nothing :) . if you continue to run , again you will find out that the solid ground goes down like stairs and there is an other area down this really continues for all eternity , and yes you might lost too :)



  3. There are these strange weathers in the planes of oblivion : fuggy , starry or sunny weather !!!

    and if you are a vampire you will get sun damage even if you have fed :(



    Notes :unofficial oblivion is installed

    i have OBMM,OBSS,OBME

    I've installed the Natural environment mod ... ( could this possibly the problem?! )


    thank you .

  4. err ...in the quest of Vampirism cure , i gave the cure to the count of Skingrad and he told me go and come back the next day . so i went to do some other things like closing an Oblivion gate ...i was in the plane of oblivion that it said " Janus Hassildor " is unconscious !! and then i saw him , he was following me to say " please go " !!!! :blink: what on earth is this ? he came all the way from his castle to an oblivion gate to tell me " go" !!! ??? :sweat:


    guys any idea what this might be ?


    thank you .

  5. hi i was wondering about a mod err .. don't laugh pls ... but can it be possible for a mod that allows us to carry guns and shot our enemies and kill them , such as rifle ,magnum ,desert eagle and ... .? :biggrin: thanx
  6. errr i have a problem when i start oblivion a few min later ,i'm thrown out of the game and there is this msg appears before me " oblivion has stopped working properly , windows will now close the program " and when ever this msg appears my system hangs i even tried the compatible mode and even reinstalled it but nothing has been change :( pls help me

    i use windows 7 ultimate in my (DELL vostro 1015) laptop,



  7. actually i believe there is a mode that u can wear ichigo's mask and hold tensa zangetsu , and wear kimono, because i've already have them :)


    but i think they've removed them or somehting :(

  8. hello i wanted to request a better ichigo's hollow mask .there is a mode that we can put ichigo's hollow mask but that mask is kinda not fit and a little weird :( pls if possible find me a better version ,

    oh and a mode that includes mangekyou sharingan eyes . i mean a mode just to change the eyes to mangekyou .

    and is there any sound effects like ichigo vizard mode ?

    a mode that changes hair style . like .... again ichigo or naruto hair style :D


    thank u very much :)

  9. hello i wanted to request a better ichigo's hollow mask .there is a mode that we can put ichigo's hollow mask but that mask is kinda not fit and a little weird :( pls if possible find me a better version ,
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