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Posts posted by Misakichun

  1. wait ... i think i know what's this ... hmm .. when you look at the sky this happens ? if yes it's not a bug or it has nothing to do with your installed mods . it's a normal reflection of your character to balance the coming light to the eye :rolleyes:

    and if you look around you from a bright location to a darker location this will happen too , it's in order to lessen the light or the dark .

    i hope this could help you .

  2. may be they realized that they are the about to be extincted so they refuse to give us they teeth :D ( just kidding )...


    err .... well ... i think they made it like this so that not everything can be so easy to catch since it will ruin the game , am i right ?

  3. yea as jack013 said , they'll fight for whoever pays them more and if you notice the dialogue between your char and one of the companions they usually mention that for example " x has ask for our help and we shall answer particularly when the pay is xxxx gold and this xxxx is usually a high amount of gold :D so they somehow work for gold :sweat: and that's business 8) not politics
  4. well i had this problem with the fort dawnguard gate :wallbash: and i know what you've suffered so far , i did several thing but had no luck but then i installed unofficial dawnguard patch and deleted some unwanted and unused mods and now it works fine

    here is the link to unofficial dawnguard patch :


  5. well ... i don't think it's a bug , there are two dragons there , one is " alduin " that is resurrecting an other dragon, and Sahloknir the one that is being resurrected , and your objective will be him not the one who is flying away (Alduin) .so you don't have to bother with him just focus on Sahloknir , yes he will fly in to distance but don't let him you must use whatever means necessary to make him remain where you are , of course he will fly for some distance but he'll be back every dragons do this for they want to use their breath attack and Sahloknir objective is to kill you so he won't fly away :biggrin:
  6. well i have to say my Lydia is too powerful to die :whistling: yeah ... i gave her the best armor and weapon i had and now she can't be killed :biggrin: i usually don't take any follower with me because they will ruin everything while i want to sneak or be silent :wallbash: but when i wanna fight falmers i'll definitely take her with me without fear of her gets killed :)


    but before i personally killed her , i was targeting a bandit with my bow in sneak mode and ready to shot him and when i released the arrow she suddenly came in the middle of me and that bandit and ... the arrow hit her neck and she ... died and i had toi load a save game again :tongue:

  7. ya i thought i have hearing problem at first but then it happened again and again so i found my hearing is fine and has no problem , the problem is with game itself , and it mostly happens with the guards , they say something , for example : no matter ......... , we are( the guards) always be grateful to you :sweat: and i found out the missing part is " what else happens" ,this is really annoying especially when someone is leading you to a treasure,dragon, unusual phenomena or a local quest that doesn't have a map marker :wallbash: .... gah ....


    is there any reason for this ?

  8. Hello, i don't know what have i done but it's been 2days that i can't find the map marker arrow , when a quest starts normally an arrow will show your destination or the place you have to go on the map , but i don't have that arrow :( :wallbash:


    i don't remember what did i do :facepalm: ,

    please if you know any solution for it help me please


    thank you


    PS: showing map marker is on in my settings .

    oh and what is "tam " ? i think last time i mistakenly wrote it in the command console it did something , but don't know what it was so i can't make that effect reversed :ermm:

  9. really why doesn't anyone make it ?:( i don't know how so can't do it myself , i would do it if i could :wallbash: )

    it's really boring that you can just shout at them without saying for example : what 're you gonna do ...hah cry ? you r dead ...dead ... :wallbash:

    or say this is the part when you lay down and bleed to death ... like oblivion

    well ... please someone notice this and make it please :happy:

  10. oh yes you right me too i like my dovah friends :)

    and if Parthunaax could be summoned wow imagine ... and it is better for him fly than sitting and watching odahviing fly :unsure:

  11. After playing hours and days and weeks skyrim and fight with the dragons and skeevers and other creatures ( undead and alive ) i now really miss the oblivion's creatures like :

    minotaur/ minotaur /lord , rat ,Land Dreugh ,timber wolf, Will-o-the-Wisp ,Zombies ( all kind of them ),

    ghosts ,Wraith,gloom wraith, faded wraith ,Nether Lich and lich ,clannfear , dreamoras ( they are in skyrim but you see them just twice i think ) xivilai , Daedroth ,spider daedra , Ogre ,the oblivion gate itself , skeleton hero and champion , and even the vampires because oblivion had do many vampire like vampire knight , vampire bard , vampire warrior and ... . and the colorful Mud Crabs :biggrin:

    i even missed Spriggans and trolls oh with those green skin :laugh:


    where have they gone ,really ! :psyduck:

  12. yea i really hate the arrow in the knee thing :wallbash: whenever a guard says this i just say please shout ... .


    i remembered a video in the YouTube it name was how skyrim should have ended :) you should watch it it was really funny and at the end one of the guards says "i was like him when i took an arrow in the knee ", and the people tell him to shot up and he say geez ....

    it was really funny


    i really missed oblivion dark elf voice ( although it's present in skyrim but it was something else in oblivion ) and i also miss dremoras voice ...

  13. i've heard this conversation between hulda( the inn keeper of The Bannered Mare in whiterun) ,saadia ( who works there ) , and Heimskr( a monk who preaches outside beside the statue of talos) the three of them gather in Bannered Mare and then Heimskr start the conversation( well hello what can a gentleman do for 2 good ladies ? ) and someimes hlulda continuous and sometimes saadia ( well, if you find any big strong men, bring them to us! ) then both laugh and then Heimskr says some swearing then saadia says: oh come now... don't go away mad.. :whistling:


    and there is a conversation between saadia and hulda that starts with " oh fancy seeing you here ) and they say some words and then leave


    i don't have the UFO , it's the common conversation in skyrim specially in whiterun inn :happy:

  14. oh , yeah it really becomes troublesome specially when you try to sneak behind someone and have a nice finishing animation :confused: heh my shout key is Q that and it is beside "W" my run/walk bottom and sometimes as you said accidentally i hit Q and end up hitting an NPC and

    well ... i have to deal with the guards :wallbash: but other than some accidents they are useful for me :)

  15. I really was wondering and wanted to know , which of the dragon shouts you like ?

    i know it's none of my concern , but I'm curious :D please if you like tell me :)


    i myself use Whirlwind sprint ,fire breath, frost breath , disarm , mark for the death and sometimes unrelenting force , slow time and if a dragon appear dragonrend , for snowy weather or for the steam centenarian clear sky , without them i can't work properly :rolleyes:

    but it's been some time that i start using kyn's peace and it really proved useful specially when i have a low health :)


    i sometime summon durnehaviir but he isn't as realible as odahviing( i like odahviing )


    ok now it's your turn

  16. i can't find it , in console i write" help drain vitality 4 " but it keeps telling me can't find drain :(

    and when i click on it something comes but again when i use it nothing happens i even looked for it's id in the net but no luck so far :wallbash: :wallbash:

    well i guess i should just leave it ? :unsure:

    again thanx for your concern .

  17. hey i'm a magician hmm ... but last time i did it i was paladin :unsure:



    and i'm white :) hmm again my options weren't for white hmmm ...am i that lawful :rolleyes:




    i knew this would come to this but no one believed o_O

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