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Status Updates posted by Harbringe

  1. Hagakure form Yamamoto Tsunetomo Nope not familiar with it ,am aware of Bushido through reading up on far eastern philosophies which honestly would be cursory , except buddhism and even that not substantially though not cursory.BTW Naomi mentions joining your group ,you got a group what group
  2. In the illegal war thread the last posting you made is very astute and bang on figures someone with Surenas on his friends list would make such observations .BTW would you happen to have her email and oh hello
  3. Well said in the Fukushima thread , I hope you and all your family and friends are well . God bless
  4. Well thanks for the friends add
  5. Caught your Jazz tunes on the listening thread , some jazz bores the mind , those didn't .good tunes
  6. Hmmm make me an Avatar ,pretty attached to lil Grim here ,is it possible to mount him on a sheep as in a Horseman of the Apocalypse except he would be a Sheepman of the Aflockalypse .lol
  7. Been going around looking who got best jumping sheep avatar and seen yours, really like, in fact my avatar feels like he should be his pet. lol
  8. Well it pleases me to be the first on your friend list ,its always nice to be first
  9. Just thought of someone else that has an amazing voice have you ever heard of Hope Sandoval of the band Mazzy Star ,that girl has a seriously good voice
  10. Just so you know In the Aliens thread the earth like planet discovered would be in our galaxy not our solar system ,just letting you know so no one jumps on you for a little mistake and Hi welcome to the nexus
  11. I agree Silver ,in fact someone like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would be proud and Lady isn't even American
  12. I agree Silver ,Lady's posts in the Terrorism thread were brilliant , in fact they were the most in line with what a constitutional republic is supposed to be of anyone who posted and that includes the wannabe patriots ,a very good understanding of things I must say
  13. Nope never heard of e nominei .Mentioning music there was one time I posted a vid that I thought you would respond to but never did .Its not really the genre I usually choose but thought it a rather interesting and catchy lil tune .Ill post it again so you can see what I mean
  14. Silvers comment is in response to one I sent him ,go read it ,then view the last music vid he posted ,which prompted the exchange initially , its quite interesting
  15. One is only as intelligent as his ignorance allows and sadly our ignorance is carrying the day
    1. grannywils


      This comment should win an award of some sort!
  16. So just watched the music vid you posted ,so what do you know of the theorem of chaos ,that there is order in disorder and this is the blue print of our existence and maybe even God himself
  17. So you changed your Avatar ,its quite striking ,I like it
  18. Just saying Hello
  19. Yes My Avatar is a play on my name as in Harbinger of doom but I didn't want him to be all doomy and gloomy his name is lil Grim
  20. Music video posted Walls ,interesting song ,even more interesting video
  21. Ponder this someone needed to say it ,Bang on dude
  22. Ancient history to quantum mechanics ,any question eh .Whats the meaning of life?
  23. I got your msg ,yeah kinda figured it was Conelrad and your right it has a unique flavour of tunes ,well at least the ones I heard in your vid
  24. Hello was just checking to see where you were from
  25. Checked out the Simple plan song Famous for nothing , good tune and so appropriate to today's music and celebrity
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