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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Don't know if it will help ... but here's a link to something I ran across long ago: http://grotto.moddersrealm.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=e37c1dfacd1cc23d923bb948e738f6c1&topic=9519.0
  2. Good that Trifle helps, though it still isn't really solving the root of the problem (but at least you can play the game). I myself have Trifle.ini set up so that the combat music doesn't start until the enemy is very close, which means I sometimes get startled enough to jump if they are coming up behind me. You'll get even more adventure than I do.
  3. As a next step you could compare the version of Realtek drivers you have installed for those that are listed as compatible with your Realtek chipset on the Realtek website. The latest version listed is version 2.82. If you look on the Realtek audio drivers download site ( https://realtek-download.com/download-hd/ ) you'll see a link to the Readme at the bottom of the list, and if you scroll down to page 10 you'll find the Realtek chipsets that are supported under that driver version says that it supports all chipset versions (in fact you need to go back to version 2.79 before you find that the supported chipsets are outlined individually as seen on page 31 & 32). Back when I had a laptop with a Realtek chipset you needed to go through a complete Windows Control Panel uninstall/reboot/install new version cycle (which was a bit of a pain in the butt ... it was a Windows Vista operating system machine, so you can see I was working with early versions of the Realtek drivers). From what I read on page 2 of the readme in the Update Driver section it takes care of removing drivers automatically by running Setup.exe, rebooting when prompted and then it continues and finishes the new driver installation after restarting. I would start by confirming that you are not already at the latest version (in other words I only suggest installing version 2.82 if you currently at an older driver version). Two other avenues to explore (perhaps before doing the driver upgrade if you aren't currently at the latest version) is to check your Oblivion.ini for the current settings for bDSoundHWAcceleration (zero is disabled, 1 is enabled) and iMaxImpactSoundCount (will probably be set at 32, you could try setting it lower such as 24 or 16 to see if it helps). The last possibility I can think of to suggest is an OBSE plugin named Trifle. One of the options it offers is the ability to turn off just the combat music (my theory here is that your problem is stemming from some problem related to just the game playing combat music, which in the default game starts often when an enemy is still some distance away but after they have detected you ... kind of fits with your reported symptoms).
  4. What that does is test to see whether or not your Realtek sound is behind the problem ... I have seen that be the situation in similar cases to yours.
  5. By turning off I didn't mean turn the volume down to zero ... I meant turn the sounds/music off in Oblivion.ini (NOT in Oblivion_Default.ini to avoid any confusion).
  6. Does it still happen when you have all music disabled? Make certain you have all effects turned off in the Realtek control panel (so no concert hall, reverb etc).
  7. Not certain about Fallout4, but in Oblivion often those "zero user" levelled lists are used in another levelled list (thus they aren't "used" until the other list uses them).
  8. Oops ... should have checked page two before hitting the "Submit" button.
  9. Look at how you have set up the faction relationships compared to the faction relationships for the Vanilla game Dremora. Could be something in your faction that gives them a higher disposition to the player. Also in the vanilla Dremora their aggression is usually set to 100 (as are vanilla bandits, marauders etc) which pretty well guarantees that they will attack the player or any other no-aligned NPC on sight. I got the impression that you wanted them to remain neutral as a group until you attacked one of the group, and then the entire group becomes hostile. I'm not sure if you can achieve this with just disposition/aggression and faction relationships ... I've never tried that myself so I can't be certain one way or the other.
  10. If in fact their disposition to the player is zero then they should be attacking without any provocation. Something to try (to see what their actual in-game disposition towards the player is) is to open the console and click on one of the Dremora who is not attacking. This will get their referenceID (refID) displayed at the top of the screen. Next type in moddisposition 14 -1 and then hit Enter. The console will now report their new disposition towards the player ... if it was 50 before you issued the console command it will report back that their disposition towards the player is 49 for example. If their disposition is not at least 5 lower than their aggression they won't attack until attacked. Here's a UESP Wiki link about this stuff ... Oblivion:Aggression.
  11. What is their aggression set at? Faction relations affect a particular NPC's disposition to the player, but unless their aggression is higher than their disposition they won't get hostile without being attacked. Their confidence also comes into play ... low confidence makes them more likely to flee.
  12. Read the advice it gives on the setstage command on the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Console.
  13. I agree about the Edit window font. I try to proofread before I Submit, but it seems more often than not I miss something in the Edit window that is obvious in the Comment window. I never considered the font difference as a factor before this ... thanks for bringing it up Saif.
  14. I believe you're on the right track there Drake. A look at Oblivion_Default.ini confirms that until the game is run there is no sArchiveList line at all. Looks like Wrye Bash simply appends "ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, " to the beginning of the sArchiveList= line, and must also create the "sArchiveList=" part if it's missing. Good detective work!!
  15. Can't say why they went missing, but you've just proved that the vanilla game BSAs need to be listed (if you read my reply after HadTo posted I pretty well figured that would be the case). The first part of that Oblivion.ini section IDs where each type of game asset will be found (e.g. Misc items in Oblivion - Misc.bsa etc). When it can't find those same BSAs listed in the sArchiveList it doesn't know what to do.
  16. Just delete your current line at sArchiveList and paste in mine: sArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa Oblivion.ini is just a text file but I'm not certain if the order that the vanilla game BSAs are listed matters or not (I know that ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!bsa needs to be first). Using mine you won't be any worse off than me. - Edit - Without BSA Redirection many mods won't work ... kiss any body replacer goodbye for instance. I wouldn't play without it.
  17. Ya I noticed that, which made me wonder if the line's contents got cut off in the copy/paste operation or if it is just as shown. Even if the comma was not there I'm not certain what would happen if the only BSA listed is a dummy only meant to force the game to use loose files when available and newer than the BSAs.
  18. Did you truncate your sArchiveList line or does it actually only have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa as it's only listed BSA?
  19. A while back I noticed that my OBSE co-saves were getting rather large (as in 620 - 624KB). For a long time leading up to that I'd been using a mod (Fluffy Follower Frill) that "required" the OBSE plugin AddActorValues, but that seemed to work fine without it outside of spamming errors to the console. The odd time I'd need to uninstall, save and then reinstall FFF and all would be fine in the console for a time, but would eventually start back into the errors. I can't remember for certain whether or not I was getting saving issues or not. So I finally broke down and installed AddActorValues, which of course stopped the recurrence of the console errors and reduced my OBSE co-save size down to a more normal 70KB. What size are your OBSE co-saves Mac?
  20. Ya, I got thinking about it after I posted ... that mod is for removing the glow from the player/NPCs when wearing enchanted armor/jewelry.
  21. Give No persistant enchantment glow fix a try.
  22. Wrye Bash can be used to transfer faces from Saves files to your (or another) characater.
  23. Early in the game my guys always rely on archery as a system to deliver poisons I've made. Trains up Agility (Marksman) and Intelligence (Alchemy), two attributes that come in handy once increased to 100. Once Intelligence and Willpower are at 100 I rarely use archery ... as you've noted spells offer a much more "interesting" option.
  24. Back when I first got started on here Hickory was the go to guy for problem solving. If Hickory saw P1KeyChain in a load order he always advised to get rid of it.
  25. In OBMM click on Utilities then select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue select BSA Redirection, click on Reset BSA Timestamps and then Updated Now. Close OBMM and you're done. Resetting the BSA timestamps is important if you use the Steam version of the game ... using all of their infinite wisdom, Steam decided to redate the vanilla game BSA to a modern date, thus breaking BSA Redirection for all their users.
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