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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The UESP Wiki for that quest has some tips.
  2. Don't underestimate the value of poisons ... I prefer self made but even vanilla can help tilt things in your favour.
  3. And when you sort with MOO installed it is sorted below your bashed patch?
  4. Thanks Leonardo ... I've added it to my troubleshooting toolbox (being a disk guy myself I don't have many Steam specific tools in that toolbox).
  5. I'm a disk guy myself but I've seen the recommendation for the GOG version to not run it via the Galaxy launcher.
  6. Be sure to get the correct OBSE version for GOG Oblivion and you'll be good to go
  7. The GOG version does have fewer "support" requests than the Steam version by a huge margin (but it is more recent).
  8. Yes ... I meant to use them as a sort of "tutorial" for your own mod.
  9. Have a look at Realistic Fatigue ... it includes an effect like you describe.
  10. I linked it so that you could load it up in TES4Edit or the CS and see how simple the tweak it makes is to achieve. Not suggesting anything other than doing a bit of peeking under the covers to see if you see anything interesting. The mod that I needed to correct the levelled list was adding it's levelled list to the vanilla levelled list for conjurers and necromancers, and there was a post in it's mod comments about the error. Once I got digging around in it I realised myself that any of those NPCs added via the mod specific levelled list weren't appearing at all and a bit more investigation brought the solution to light. If I recall correctly different spawn points draw from different levelled lists (the 25, 50 and 100 for example) so that where there are two or more spawn points close to one another one may spawn at 100% probability but the other only infrequently.
  11. I recall the way it is worded for the percent chance for an individual on the list to spawn is sort of misleading ... I did the same as you when trying to figure it out to correct a mod I was using. I used Leveling Quick Fix as a guide and incorporated a variation of it's change to my own miscellaneous fixes and tweaks ESP (extended it to include armor and weapons).
  12. Also make certain to assign a percent chance for them to spawn (i.e. don't set it to zero) in the levelled list.
  13. Any chairs etc need to be set as a persistent reference and not owned (or owned by the NPC you want to use the item). I have some NPCs who randomly use chairs, either to read or to just sit. I use a combination of conditions for the sitting and sitting and reading packages ... GetRandomPercent primarily and also GetIsCurrentWeather (generally either raining or snowing). Note that there are some differences between using a UseItemAt package and a Travel package when getting an NPC seated and reading. When using a UseItemAt targeting a book in their inventory and a particular chair they will often just warp to the chair and sit down and start to read (watch Arvena Thelas in Anvil at 10am for an example of warping if she doesn't happen to be right next to the bench she reads at). What I do in that case (this isn't for the random chance sit and read packages but their regular evening package) is I give them a Travel package aimed at their usual chair, so they sit for an hour before their UseItemAt read package. The downside is they stand up briefly before sitting to read. Here is a couple of links to the CS Wiki regarding the UseItemAt Package and Travel Package. Their sleeping packages don't have a target bed so I never know who I'll be sleeping with on any particular evening. Each of these instances I've outlined are set to a specific time. If you want the packages to happen randomly you'd need to set the time to Any. Note that the order that packages appear in their AI Package list is important. As far as I can tell the list is evaluated from top to bottom. It's often beneficial (or sometimes imperative) to order the package in a manner that makes sure a package's conditions are checked before another package is evaluated when the game parses down the list (which is why your default wander should always be at the very bottom of your list). You'll often find examples of chronologically out of order packages in the vanilla game, done to make certain particular packages are evaluated before other packages.
  14. First off, the game has trouble with extreme limits used on any of the sliders (e.g. colour tone or age, though I expect others as well). If you have used any slider extremes try bringing them back a little at a time to look for a suitable compromise. I still see a neckseam in your picture. In my experience the lighting of the scene affects how visible a neckseam is and overcast seems to be the most "neckseam friendly" (console fw 38eec). Face geometry settings can also affect the neckseam, so small changes in chin, jaw and neck setting can sometime help, sometimes make it worse. I personally find the CharGen method of changing your characters face too imprecise. My method is to create an NPC in the Construction Set who I place just outside the tutorial sewer exit. Working from a save from just before exiting the tutorial I can then make adjustments to the NPC's face in the CS and then exit the sewers and examine the NPC in various lighting. The advantage that using the CS offers is it has digital readouts of all slider positions, making it easy to test different settings and then revert if they aren't successful (you don't need to move the sliders but can just enter the settings in the digital readout box). I then use Wrye Bash to transfer that NPC's face to my character.
  15. No need for the Construction Set ... just overwrite the original elffootfemale.dds in the Elf\female folder with the elffootfemale.dds found in the Elf\female\tattooed folder using Windows Explorer.
  16. Other question I have is did you replace the file Data\Textures\characters\Lineage\Elf\female\elffootfemale.dds with the one from the tattooed folder? - Edit - And FYI ... BSA Redirection is the proper method to use (and it won't conflict with anything).
  17. Are you certain the tattoo is included? I don't see anything beyond that one in-game picture that shows a tattoo, and I don't see any tattoos in PaintDotNET (though if they are implemented via normal maps I wouldn't see them). - Edit - Oops ... didn't notice that you and OblivionAddicted were linking different mod pages ... now I see the tattoos in PaintDotNET. What form of archive invalidation are you using Offtopia?
  18. I would manually download the mod to a folder and then try to extract it to that same folder with something like 7-Zip. If it still fails to extract then you have a good indication that there is a problem with the mod's archive ... something the mod author will need to address. If it extracts successfully then you know the manual download archive is good, and you will now have the opportunity to increase the size of your modding toolkit and learn how to add a manually downloaded archive to Vortex.
  19. While very few of us arrived here knowing much about installing mods, in my opinion in the days before OBMM and Wrye Bash gained traction new comers had a choice ... sink or swim. Places like these sites were a clearing house for knowledge and somewhere for those who knew how to hang out and help those who didn't know how. I personally didn't arrive until the later part of those days so there was ample opportunity for a guy like me who prefers to research himself rather than ask ... almost every question for Oblivion had already been asked and answered a number of times. That said, it didn't stop those same questions from being asked over and over (which played a big role in me finding my niche). As the ranks of users shifts more and more towards those who only know how to click a Download with Manager button and the tools become more and more about just learning the interface rather than learning how mods work so you can use the tool the demographics have shifted, and those who know how are getting few and far between and those who don't know how are becoming legion.
  20. I've been curious about your experience on this since I first noticed that you were modding Oblivion HadTo. Your findings and recommendations are completely in line with what anyone who was successful using NMM for Oblivion needed to do. The downside is that users then need to be knowledgeable in the ways of installing mods manually to be able to recognise downloads structured in a non-Vortex friendly manner so that they can properly restructure the files and folders. Unfortunately the majority (or at least a large portion) of the Vortex user base aren't experienced manual installers.
  21. From what I heard about the version 7 shadows they will be a major step forward ... just will requires some more work from Alenet and patience from us.
  22. I agree that it was an awesome display of banhammer prowess. I happened to notice what was going on right near the beginning and managed to mostly keep up with opening each and clearing the unread flag at first. Whenever both Jim_UK and LadyMilla were working together I had no hope of maintaining station. I finally admitted defeat after about 10 pages as it appeared there was no end in sight. This confirmed the veracity of claims I've seen that it takes mere seconds to ban an account. Rest up those carpal tunnels ... they've earned a day off.
  23. Almost sounds like some sort of issue for you with the site. Are you able to download other mods OK?
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