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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If 1Mac doesn't reply on that thread you could try giving a heads up on Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments ... 1Mac is a regular there.
  2. If anyone can help you sort through the issues it will be 1Mac. I'm 100% PC myself ... think Drake may be a sort of "hybrid".
  3. No problem ... they don't call me Sir-Links-A-Lot for nuthin' ya know!
  4. Wineskin install and modding guide (play Oblivion on a Mac!) by 1Mac
  5. Ahh ... so that is probably just before you go through the door into the goblim part of the dungeon (where the live goblim shaman and the rat farmer etc are). Maybe you can point out the spots that are trouble by referring to the pictures and description on the UESP Wiki page - Oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial). Not saying it will help pinpoint the problem, but at least we'll both be talking about the same area of the tutorial dungeon.
  6. I'm at a loss on what to suggest next. I can't think of anything at that point in the tutorial that could be causing trouble. You get prompted to try out the bow after you pick it up ... if I remember correctly there is just a potion or two and some small treasure in the chest and perhaps some arrows. - Edit - Is it the locked chest next to the skeleton where you crash or the unlocked chest nearby?
  7. Yes, that is normal. The game was released a long time ago, so it can't be expected to recognise modern (or more modern than 2006) hardware. I get the same message myself when I've needed to reinstall the game. Just open the video options and set things to what you think your machine should be able to handle (and from your machine specs I'd say set resolution to match your screen resolution and pretty well max everything else).
  8. Wouldn't those be mods that require Looksmenu ... not the other way around as you're implying? - Edit - Sorry HadTo ... Striker is wearing :ninja: today (and yes I know I'm colouring outside my usual lines). :laugh:
  9. OK ... the only step I don't agree with is the part about using somebody else's Oblivion.ini for your own game. You could edit your own Oblivion.ini with the settings you see in certain sections of Oblivion.ini from somebody else's Oblivion.ini (which is an option that the person who posted that Oblivion.ini "mod" mentions). Oblivion_Default.ini should be located in the game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder, not in Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. As I said, Oblivion_Default.ini is the file that the game uses to create your own Oblivion.ini in the My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder when you first start the game from a fresh install or anytime I can't find Oblivion.ini in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder. Which leads me to my next question ... before you installed the game from Steam this latest time did you delete Oblivion.ini in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder? If you didn't the game won't create a new Oblivion.ini and so each time you try fixing the game by reinstalling you keep the one thing that may be the source of your trouble. The specs for your computer tell me you can run this game without problems ... we just need to find that one little stumbling block. Delete the My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini file and then start the game. It will detect your hardware and create a brand new Oblivion.ini starting from the stub (which is Obivion_Default.ini). Don't change or add anything else and see if you an make it through the tutorial dungeon (the UOP and UOMP don't fix much through that area anyway, so you won't be missing out on anything).
  10. No luck in taking a screenshot using the Prt Scr key then?
  11. So the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) and the Unofficial DLC patches (UOMP) were the only mods that you had to uninstall? Remember that mods can add more than just the ESP files, so to completely uninstall them you need to remove more than just the ESP in those cases. By the time you make to that chest (if it's the one I'm thinking of) you've already made it past the rats and no enemies will be bothering you until you finish in that area and move on. Not sure what else to suggest if it was just the UOP and UOMP that were installed beforehand. Looking at your first post again ... was your first problem with no mods at all?
  12. I use a combination of Realistic Fatigue plus Basic Physical Activities (both INI tweaked) that give a nice alternative to the vanilla game "I picked one flax seed and now I can't move" situation. As you increase the amount you are carrying your speed decreases and you have less reserve fatigue. Pick up too much and you're on the ground panting. Can't say how that compares to Skyrim ... I'm an Oblivion guy.
  13. Not a Steam guy myself, so I'm not certain of the ins and outs of what goes on with a reinstall using Steam. I'd suggest uninstalling the mods before you try a reinstall via Steam. If you used a mod manager to install the mods then it should give you a way to uninstall. If you manually installed it's just a matter of deactivating any ESPs and then removing all of the files that each added (I'm a manual install dinosaur myself ... I refer to the folder contents that I downloaded and extracted to when looking for what should be uninstalled).
  14. My personal go-to is Drain Fatigue + Damage Fatigue + Weakness to Magic. You start off hitting them with a couple of hits of a Weakness to Magic 100% (which is relatively cheap to cast) and then the Drain + Damage + Weakness spell. Drain is the cheapest but when the timer runs out they are back to full fatigue. That's where the Damage Fatigue comes in. Balance the amount and duration such that you can make a couple of casts before running out of Magicka. The Weakness to Magic effect stacks so make sure your initial pure Weakness to Magic has at least a 5 second duration (so those two casts give you 200% Weakness to Magic on the target). Keep the Weakness to magic to 1 or 2 seconds longer than the duration of the Damage Fatigue part of your main spell. The Drain fatigue can be a bit shorter duration than the Damage fatigue part or equal ... it's just there to help quickly disable the target (so for me it's always a max amount of drain and adjust duration to tweak casting cost). I always have a supply of the strongest Restore Magicka potions I can make. Chug one of those as soon as you are done your first couple of casts unless you have the luxury of space and time to avoid/parry an opponent's attacks while your Magicka regenerates. I have two versions of the main Drain+Damage+Weakness spell ... one on target version to get them on the ground and one on touch for once they're down (on touch is cheaper to cast so I can bump up the strength). A note about duration ... Weakness to Magic is the only effect that stacks with successive casts so don't make the duration of Damage or Drain effects any longer than the time you need between casts (the timer on Damage and Drain reset on each hit). I use a bit longer duration for the on target version as I'll be dancing around while casting (I also use a small area for the effect to make for fewer misses). The on touch version uses short durations as the target is already disabled and I dispense with Drain Fatigue altogether (so it is only Damage Fatigue). I can have a bandit on the ground and completely helpless in no more than four casts. Marauders have a bit more fatigue so they'll sometimes take four or five casts ... all without taking a single hit myself.
  15. NEVER (as in never ever) touch Oblivion_Default.ini ... that is the file the game needs and uses to set up Oblivion.ini (which will be located in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion). Using an Oblivion.ini that was created on a different machine with hardware that isn't the same as yours is a recipe for disaster. Start with a fresh install of the game and confirm that it is working. Add one single mod to that now confirmed working game and test to see if it is still working. When you add a single mod to a working game and then it breaks it's a pretty trivial thing to figure out where to start troubleshooting. The reason the game wouldn't start after you added the Unofficial DLC patch is you probably added patches for DLC you don't have installed, so you got a missing master crash. Not all GotY editions have all of the DLCs.
  16. No in the Video Options menu you should have a spot where you can select small, medium or large texture size. If you are on an older laptop chances are the game auto-set medium or small for texture size and the Barrelshop is probably set up to work only with large. If your laptop is limited in capability I'd stay away from setting anti-aliasing etc (you are probably using an on-board chipset for video ... not the ideal solution for this game).
  17. The upper case shouldn't make any difference. You could try changing that but I would think that seen as that's the way the mod has always been you'd see a bunch of complaints in the mod comments similar to yours. Looking at the barrel NIF in NifSkope I see the textures pointing to the Data\textures\fly\architecture folder. The specific files in that folder that the barrel itself are pointed at are barrel03top_red.dds, metalbracerusty03_silver.dds and woodpanel02_red.dds ... all of those files are in the extracted download so I imagine you have them installed as well. Something that occurs to me is what texture size do you have set in the Options menu? If it's not already set to large try changing texture size to large. To take screenshots the default key is the Prt Scr key (usually next to the Scroll Lock and Pause keys). Screenshots are saved in your game's Oblivion folder.
  18. Don't know enough about OOO to say ... maybe someone who has experience with it will chime in.
  19. Yes, but what is the exact and complete folder path to those files (see where I have now bolded the part I'm asking for in my previous post)?
  20. Whatever is merged and loaded via the bashed patch is just a load order issue that determines what the game will use from your load order when it's called for something. I don't use OOO myself, but I recall Hickory (the go to answer guy when I was starting out) talking about how it taxes the system with extra NPCs/creatures etc. Lanceor released something he developed for Knights of the NIne Revelations (it adds a bunch of NPCs). See if Combat FPS Booster helps or not.
  21. Disabling doesn't stop the game from seeing (and loading) replacer type mods (e.g. Quarls). Completely uninstalling is the only way to test for mods like that.
  22. The tutorial sewers don't tax you machine ... even in vanilla the load goes up once you leave the sewers. Add a whole bunch of mods (especially the "beautify" type) and you multiply that load increase. I always run through the sewers on a minimal load order, exit and save. That save is the one I use while adding and testing mods. The more mods you add before testing the longer your troubleshooting sessions will be. If you add one single mod to a working game and it breaks it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting ... add fifty and then test and you're stuck sorting through the entire plate of spaghetti looking for that one noodle end that's the cause of your woes.
  23. Something that comes to mind as a possible cause is too many NPCs currently being processed (so some of those "too many" don't get processed). In the case of the city guards example, I see you have Open Cities in your load order. Not sure whether it adds a bunch on NPCs or not, but when you approach a city gate a good portion of that city's NPC population is in at the very least an adjacent cell and then game will begin processing all but the low process NPCs (which in cities will be none). Not sure of the Molag Bal example ... generally when I drag a beast to one of the shrines a party ensues (and I do play that game fairly often).
  24. The game's error code for missing meshes is a big yellow exclamation mark, with grey text saying "I'm a missing mesh". From what I can tell looking at the extracted download you should have MiddleBarrelTopped03_RedSilver.nif located in Data\meshes\FLY\Architecture (along with some other NIFs like Sign_TheRedBarrel.nif, ICTowerTop01,nif etc). If you don't have those in exactly that folder path you've messed up the installation somehow.
  25. That is correct, and I'm pretty sure that the player will play only that idle whenever the game would use an idle for the player (I'm a first person guy ... so my guy is never idle). Try it, and if you don't like it all you need to do is delete that one file (you will not be touching idle.kf from the Characters\_male folder at all).
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