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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you trying to install the CM Partners required version or the no CM Partners required version?
  2. Don't know if shadeMe monitors the SPAWN mod comments ... that's all I can suggest.
  3. Don't know then ... maybe try setting min and max to different values rather than the same (eg. min 6479 ... max 6480).
  4. Try the console command setcellownership SkingradHouseforSaleUpperFloor and hit Enter. I can't remember if I had trouble with Rosethorn or not, but like I said it's not uncommon to find that player houses aren't marked as player owned, especially mod added ones.
  5. By Rosethorn Manor you are talking about the vanilla game player house in Skingrad, Rosethorn Hall ... right? If that is the case then OBSE isn't working or you did not install SPAWN correctly. It does work ... I use it myself and have many cells set to the number of days I outlined. Using a mod isn't a very reliable way of determining whether or not OBSE is working. Part of the mod may not rely on OBSE and work fine, while parts that do need OBSE don't work but you don't realise it. When you save, how many saves are created each time you save ... one or two (e.g just MySave09.ess or MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). Other than that I can't help you. SPAWN is about as basic as you can get to install ... put SPAWN.esp and SPAWN.ini in your Data folder and activate SPAWN.esp ... that's it other than tweaking SPAWN.ini to suit your purposes.
  6. Is OBSE working (and how are you determining that)? What cell are you using to test ... a vanilla player owned house or mod added house?
  7. I don't know that leaving at 1 is really needed ... that's just how I do it. I've managed to sort of nerf a couple of NPC's aggression when trying to use setav aggression 1 before using the console (probably setav aggression will only work properly via a script ... I'm no scripter so I can't say for certain). That is why I always getav aggression first and then use that as a gauge for the modav aggression. Feel free to do your own testing though. - Edit - And yes they should be the same, though I will always still getav/modav as I don't want any more NPCs with messed up aggression values right from the moment they are spawned from the levelled list ... it takes like 1.5 seconds so why not?
  8. It's a new one for me then. I don't imagine that UAC should be interfering as you are using a folder that you have created, outside of any protected folders. Your plugins such as Blockhead.dll are in the Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder ... right? - Edit - I always recommend installing OBSE and OBSE plugins manually (copy/paste), not using any mod manager.
  9. Are you using the GOG specific version of OBSE?
  10. He has a schedule he follows when he's in Deepscorn. At different times he could be in any of the areas of Deepscorn so you need to look thoroughly before you can declare him MIA.
  11. You don't have the COBL patch installed ... see Optional Files on the mod page Files tab. - Edit - It will need to be sorted after Cobl Glue.esp and after ZUPocketDimension.esp (looks like you're setting up two User Rules).
  12. Look at picture #11 on the PocketDimension mod page ... it shows the location of the sorter (to the left near the end, where maybe the door is??).
  13. I would move it above your bashed patch. You could do that by manually dragging it up above the bashed patch, but the downside of that method is you'll need to re-drag it after each time you run BOSS (until it is put onto the BOSS masterlist). Or you could create a User Rule for it ... Open the BOSS GUI, click on Edit User Rules then Create New Rule. Put the ESP name in the "For" box (e.g. ZUPOcketDimension.esp) and then tick the Sort Item box and make sure that Before is selected. In the box beside the "Before" selector put Bashed Patch, 0.esp (don't forget the space after the comma) then click Save Edited Rule and then Save and Exit. Run BOSS and it will now sort ZUPocketDimension.esp above the bashed patch. Rebuild your bashed patch and see if that helps.
  14. If you have purchased the Storage area from Rowley, yes those are safe containers, as are the ones in the Bedroom area and Dining area. The chest that the Dark Minion uses to store items after you've sent him out to murder isn't though (it's in his bedroom area).
  15. Is the PocketDimension before or after your bashed patch? I would also check all of those cabinets in case Zu used one of them as the sorter by just attaching it's scripts to something that matched the decor.
  16. Annealing is only for mods installed using the WB Installers tab. The COBL sorter looks like a shelf with a whole bunch of ingredient jars on the shelves. Buy the Waterfront shack and it's just to the left of the door on that same wall as the door. Some COBL additions for mods add their own version of the sorter, so exact looks can vary from house to house. All use exactly the same menu interface ... you'll know it when you see it. The Luggage won't appear anywhere until you pick it up from the Anvil docks. It's to your right, next to some crates etc when you exit Anvil out onto the docks, kind of across from where Astia Inventius does her painting during the day (but her easel is always set up there).
  17. OK ... so you will need to "tame" it using the console, same as 1e5ef.
  18. I can't say for certain, but I would think so (shadeMe would know, but I've never asked). All numerical values are either a floating point value or integer and the type results in a maximum value the game can use. I personally only know enough about it to get into trouble ... not get out of trouble ... when trying to answer such questions.
  19. I'd just BOSS and then bash ... it should work out if you don't change anything. Having those three mods below your bashed patch isn't a huge deal, but we'll need to deal with them for sake of completeness. Get back to having a game that will start first. - Edit - The main master that was missing at that time was your bashed patch ... those rely on using the bashed patch to make them work correctly but the bashed patch was above them in the load order, thus the bashed patch couldn't access any of them to work it's magic. The way we keep the bashed patch from affecting a mod is to load it below the bashed patch (e.g. Maskars Oblivion Overhaul ... Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp must be below the bashed patch to work correctly ... kind of the opposite to the way things usually are).
  20. Did you try the version of OBSE that is made specifically for the GOG version? - Edit - We even host it here ... Oblivion Script Extender - OBSE ... Update Files section of the Files tab.
  21. You need to leave all those Interchange and the Filter Late MEGE ONLY ESPs to be set as they are automatically (which for Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp will be not ticked/activated. WB will automatically take what it needs from Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp and incorporate it into the bashed patch and by leaving Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp deactivated (but still listed in your mod list) any of the records in Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp that are not required for your load order will not be read by the game, and thus will not lead to a missing master crash. Here's the relevant section from Item Interchange readme.txt: iv) Bash patch (IMPORTANT)Make sure the following options are set when rebuilding the Bashed Patch (you must be using v210 or later):1) Merge Patches: all II esps should be merged.2) Import Inventory: all installed II placement plugins should be selected.3) Leveled Lists: automatic for all II placement plugins. After the Bashed Patch has been built make sure that all II esps are set to virtually active, with just a + symbol in the box. Item Interchange plugins come pre-tagged with Wrye Bash tags. Should you accidentally (or deliberately) change these II will most likely no longer function correctly. Should this occur, please reset the Bashed tags as follows. Extraction plugin {{BASH:Merge,Filter}}, placement plugins {{BASH:Merge,Filter,IIM,Invent,Delev}}, the Ingredients in Bulk option file needs {{BASH:Merge,Filter,IIM,Relev}}. When you run BOSS it will set those appropriate bash tags. When you rebuild your bashed patch it will use the bash tags (note the Merge tag) ... when you get the dialogue from WB concerning Merging Plugins just select "Yup ... do what you do" (paraphrased of course ... let WB follow the bash tag instructions). Looks like we need to get you up to speed on setting up User Rules for WorldMap, MarkN and you PocketDimension ... - Edit - You can clues to what I'm talking about by looking in the Description box ... >>>DO NOT ACTIVATE!<<<
  22. My own SPAWN.ini section for player owned cells ... Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMin to 4320 ; Player Owned cells. Overrides all of the aboveSet zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMax to 6480Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedPVIncrement to 0 So the minimum time between cell reset is 4320 hours (180 days) and maximum is 6480 (270 days). I like a bit of unpredictability ... SPAWN will set any particular player owned cell to use values between those for that particular cell. The last line forces the game to use vanilla behaviour for cell reset ... so with it set to zero the counter starts back to zero when the player leaves the cell, so I once again have between 180 and 270 days before the cell resets. The default for SPAWN changes that to a method that shadeMe developed for SPAWN (how many hours to advance the counter each time a cell is revisited ... so the counter is not reset but advanced by a certain amount set in SPAWN.ini).
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