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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I'm a bit out of my element here ... even though I did make some changes to my copy of Personality Idles - Modified I don't understand all of the ins and outs of when the game decides to play which idle. Your LoversLab mod may have the seductiveidleB.kf in a custom folder and it uses it in a way similar to what Personality does (all of the Personality idles are in the Characters\_male\idleanims\personality folder for example). What you are saying about the stuck anims is the first I've heard of that, and I don't recall ever experiencing it myself. Some of my own tweaks were to how frequently an NPC was to play an idle (as well as some of the other possible conditions checks) so there are times when seductiveidleB.kf gets a lot of play and times when it's less frequent. It was quite a long time ago that I edited my copy of Personality, and with my current character (and the way I play my "mini-games" now) I have decided I'd like to tweak things further, but haven't had a look yet. As for you last question ... it may be possible via a mixture of Personality plus Blockhead, but I'm speculating. If you replaced idle.kf in the _male folder with a renamed copy of seductiveidleA.kf then everyone should use it (both males and females and your character). Not certain whether the Blockhead player character override in SpecialAnims would always override the one from the _male folder or not (all I've used the Blockhead overrides for so far is giving different NPCs different walks and some combat idles ... so all PerNPC overrides that get applied to that particular NPC all of the time ... so maybe not possible to have a changing type situation once Blockhead is involved). From what I recall, Personality uses primarily Classes to distribute which NPC is affected along with conditions like player fame, sex of who the NPC is interacting with ... basically all the conditions you can pick from when editing AI packages. You would need to look through the possibilities and see what can/can't be achieved.
  2. Yes ... SeductiveIdleA.kf is a basically static stand with one hand on the hip type thing whereas SeductiveIdleB.kf is a stand with both hands sort of on the hips while swaying the hips from side to side with the shoulders sort of following along (and if you use the BBBed version that has "consequences"). I use a slightly modified NIF that I salvaged from a mod that I don't actually use that didn't get the skeleton.nif properly stripped out before release (a fairly common occurrence) to check out animations. The source I used is LencNoPant.nif found in the extracted download for Apolonia and Atlantes (look for it in the Data\meshes\Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\Sex Godes\BSI folder). You just open NifSkope by doubleclicking the LencNoPant.nif, navigate to where the animation file is located from the dialogue that opens from NifSkope's Spells > Animation > Attach .KF menu dialogue selection box and then hit the Play button. - Edit - You may not have seen this version of SeductiveIdleA ... SeductiveA_with_Breathing_movement_v1-0. - Edit 2 - Have a look at Personality Idles and/or Personality Idles4 as an alternative to Blockhead. I use Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions myself (further modified by me) but it doesn't include (actually purposely excludes) the player. Blockhead animation overrides work well with it (they override the ones from Personality where they are applied).
  3. Blockhead ... animation overrides go in the Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims folder. For the player the Seductive Idle file (let's say you want seductiveidleb.kf) will be renamed Idle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf (so the full path will be Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims\Idle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm\00000007.kf). I'm pretty sure from past posts that you are already using Blockhead, so it's just a matter of renaming a file and creating the folder path (could be you already have _male\SpecialAnims ... it's a vanilla game folder that Blockhead uses for animation overrides). Want your own walk ... yup ... Blockhead. - Edit - Better Bouncing Boobs While Idle ... not sure if you have seen/would be interested in this version of SeductiveIdleB.kf or not. Just throwing it out there, feel free to ignore.
  4. Must have installed a faulty memory chip when I got up this morning ... should be the column just to the right of the list of mod names on the WB Mods tab that has the mod index number.
  5. You could use RefScope to figure it out or simply do what I do ... open the console, click on your gate and note the first two digits of the referenceID displayed at the top of the screen (that's the mod index). Use Wrye Bash's Mods tab list and the mod index in the left hand column to find out which mod has those digits.
  6. 1) Unofficial Patches ... e.g. Unofficial Oblivion Patch ... see mod description for further options. EngineBugFixes ... requires OBSE. 2) Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion ... actually sort of a one-stop-shop for a lot of what you're asking. 3) Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 ... note that this is trying to follow your order of suggestion requests, not install order. a. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion & RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 ... both include complete equipment replacers and some options for base body types. b. Blockhead ... how much time you spend Blockheading = how much variety you'll get. SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition ... you can use it as an easier, softer method of the "how much time" part above, or you can be like an old school dinosaur like me and use it as a source of meshes for the getting your own hands dirty method. c. See b. above. d. See b & c above for body meshes ... FCPA Flat Chest Plump Ass Body Replacer ... includes the hairiest pubic hair option I've ever found (but the files in Textures\Characters\imperial\female are a bit of a morass to navigate). 3) Far too closely linked to your own personal preferences ... are you really sure you want to play like Striker (most certainly not fit for general ... or maybe even human ... consumption). 4) Wrye Bash ... don't believe me, see what Bevi suggests from number 2.
  7. 1) Unofficial Patches ... e.g. Unofficial Oblivion Patch ... see mod description for further options. EngineBugFixes ... requires OBSE. 2) Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion ... actually sort of a one-stop-shop for a lot of what you're asking. 3) Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 ... note that this is trying to follow your order of suggestion requests, not install order. a. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion & RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 ... both include complete equipment replacers and some options for base body types. b. Blockhead ... how much time you spend Blockheading = how much variety you'll get. SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition ... you can use it as an easier, softer method of the "how much time" part above, or you can be like an old school dinosaur like me and use it as a source of meshes for the getting your own hands dirty method. c. See b. above. d. See b & c above for body meshes ... FCPA Flat Chest Plump Ass Body Replacer ... includes the hairiest pubic hair option I've ever found (but the files in Textures\Characters\imperial\female are a bit of a morass to navigate). 3) Far too closely linked to your own personal preferences ... are you really sure you want to play like Striker (most certainly not fit for general ... or maybe even human ... consumption). 4) Wrye Bash ... don't believe me, see what Bevi suggests from number 2. - Edit - Oblivionaddicted wearing the :ninja: today ... but I get bonus points for completeness! Have a look through mod comments in Roberts Male, OCO v2 and Blockhead for where I've gone into more detail on "how-to" for 2)b & d.
  8. Did you completely uninstall Better Blood? Simply installing a different blood mod will not necessarily replace all of the stuff that Better Blood installed with the next mod's files (and so the error code will persist). I use EVE myself (along with a lot of other people) and don't have this glitch at all ... it's not coming from EVE.
  9. No it won't cause problems at all, in fact from what I have read when you rebuild the bashed patch it actually makes a complete new one each time (meaning nothing is left from the previous bashed patch). That means that if you try something (say deselecting some options) and then decide to go back to original it's just a matter of rebuilding the patch. Normally once you have your load order set, sorted with BOSS and you rebuild your bashed patch you don't need to bother with it anymore ... but if you make any changes to your load order (either change the order the mods are in, or remove or add any mods) you will need to reBOSS and rebuild. I use BOSS's User Rules if I decide to change from the suggested BOSS load order, and for my own home-grown mods. If a mod is recognised by BOSS you just need to go through an extra step to get it to use your User Rule instead of it's suggested load order spot for that particular mod (after setting up the User Rule of course). In the case of something going bad with the game, it will really depend on what has caused the problem, and whether or not the problem has borked your latest save. There are a lot of variables and not much way to make a general statement that will hold true in all but a handful of cases.
  10. Just deactivating the ESP will likely not rid you of Better Blood ... there will still be files left that will act as "replacers". To truly test if Better Blood is at fault you will need to completely uninstall it. I'm an old manual install dinosaur, so I always have a mod's download in a folder and extracted. Makes it easy to see what a mod has (or plans) to install, which works as a handy guide to uninstalling. I didn't see any clues as to probable cause of the glitch in the mod comments, but I didn't venture past the most recent page either.
  11. I'd be looking carefully at your Better Blood as the source ... though I have precious little experience around blood issues (i.e. would it be a shader problem, missing texture etc). - Edit - Yup ... if it's Better Blood you don't need to scroll far through the comments to hit the mark. I tend to use a grain (or a lot of grains) of salt when I see the word "Better" used in a mod name (just my personal prejudice mind you ... I use a truck load with "Immersive").
  12. Not many mod authors bother to check (never mind clean) their mods with TES4Edit. Generally the only ones that get reported to BOSS as needing cleaning are the ones that have caused users problems (and even then a lot of times they go unreported). TES4Edit will report the ITMs and UDRs that it finds for mods that BOSS doesn't know about ... I personally only go looking if I suspect something is causing problems myself. At least, if you do clean a mod, TES4Edit makes a backup for you. The same goes for bash tags ... seldom are they even investigated by mod authors unless prompted by users reporting problems. If BOSS doesn't add any bash tags to a mod but you find one that seems to fix something report it to mhahn123 so it can be checked out and added to the masterlist. Do note that bash tags should only be used when actually needed. I don't think that cleaning the DLCs will affect how the UOMPs work with them. The UOMPs are designed to fix "intentional" errors for the most part (i.e. errors that Bethesda didn't/wouldn't bother spending time to correct). If you read through the UOP/UOMP change logs you'll see what is fixed at each revision. I'm on Wrye Bash version 3.05 myself and haven't looked into trying out any newer/older versions. Yes it can be slow at times when rebuilding a bashed patch. I find that reducing the number of saves helps ... keep backups of all my saves on a 1TB Data drive (I'm a packrat). Bottom line ... I only go looking for trouble after trouble has already been looking for me. If a mod works right out of the box then I leave well enough alone (but well enough will always involve a bashed patch with whatever options are selected by default ... only changed when something goes amiss).
  13. NPCs make a very poor example for comparing using Wrye Bash's bashed patch vs not using a bashed patch. The reason is once you touch an NPC in the Construction Set it is very likely that your mod will affect more than you intended for that NPC. What I mean is that if your intent was to just change the NPC's AI packages there is a good chance you could affect appearance or other aspects, especially if you opened those menus and poked around a little and then hit OK to close the menu (even if you didn't actually change anything). It takes discipline to go in and only open what is absolutely necessary, make your changes and exit. There are tons of examples of mods that include plenty of unintended edits. Last loaded wins in the vanilla game Load Order Wars. Wrye Bash and bash tags can resolve most of the mayhem. Wrye Bash will use load order and, when used, bashed tags to resolve conflicts. Where two or more mods use the same bash tags and change the same record then load order wins between those conflicting mods. If you read your BOSS report you'll see recommendations for cleaning some mods with TES4Edit. Cleaning mods before building your bashed patch makes life simpler for Wrye Bash, but I recommend only cleaning those that BOSS recommends cleaning. If you want to get an idea of how complicated NPC editing can get take a look at Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html section 5b (found in Oblivion\Mopy\Docs). That section outlines all of the bash tags available ... notice how many apply to NPCs. Your example would require 1st mod - Actors.AIPackages, 2nd mod - NPCFaces, 3rd mod - Acors.Animations, 4th mod - Actors.Spells, 5th mod - Actors.DeathItem ... etc. In a perfect world, with mod authors who are experienced and diligent and who properly clean their mods before release, we could use load order to resolve all but the trickiest situations. Fortunately we have Wrye Bash and bash tags and the good old bash patch in our corner of the world we actually live in.
  14. Well that does align with my observations ... if you try to restore health to an essential but unconcious NPC your spell doesn't do anything until just before they get up. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm one of the few remaining Manual Install Dinosaurs. Maybe I miss out on a couple of modern day possibilities but in return I learn a lot about mod installing and troubleshooting.
  15. The glitch that you are seeing is the game's error code for a small missing asset (texture or mesh ... not certain which, DrakeTheDragon may know). Do you have any other mods that may touch blood splatters? Also, is it definitely associated with blood (i.e. is it only temporarily visible during and shortly after battle)? In the past I have seen similar errors that turned out to be missing textures on a mod added item (can't recall if it was a belt or something on the hands like you're seeing). If it's blood splatters it won't be visible all the time ... if it's something like what I experienced it will always be visible when the item is worn. Do you have rings set as visible while gauntlets are worn by any chance?
  16. How are you sorting your load order? Your load order currently has patches above their masters (e.g. BrotherhoodRenewed - Oblivion XP Patch.esp is above both Oblivion XP.esp and BrotherhoodRenewed.esp ... needs to be below both of those). Use BOSS to sort your load order and then rebuild your bashed patch. You also appear to be using multiple ESPs where you are supposed to pick one or the other (e.g. OOO-Level_Slow.esp and OOO-Level_Normal.esp ... there are a number of other similar situations). You will need to read install instructions carefully to identify which ESPs to use and which you need to pick one from a selection that offers different options.
  17. Do you by any chance have Oblivion Reloaded installed? I seem to recall something like that from long ago that was OR related.
  18. Leave them ticked. Wrye Bash will only import those things that need to be imported into the bashed patch. So if a mod has a bash tag applied and is in the recommended load order set by BOSS but no other mod in your load order conflicts with that mod in any way it will not have anything imported into the bashed patch. The report that comes up after building a bashed patch outlines exactly what type of records from which mods are imported into the bashed patch. If you really want to dig down and see what all those records in the bashed patch are load it up into TES4Edit and you'll see what the bashed patch contains and where those records come from.
  19. I believe that essential NPCs fall down when knocked out (I use some mods that would affect that somewhat, but if memory serves even vanilla has them drop when unconscious). I've never thought to look at whether the game perhaps just reduces the NPC fatigue to below zero to get them to drop (again my mods would possibly cloud any tests I could do with my current load order). I'm thinking/wondering if a check for fatigue plus whether or not an actor is essential would suffice?
  20. Wrye Bash uses bash tag in addition to load order for sorting out conflict winners. If two or more mods use exactly the same bash tags and change exactly the same data that the bash tag covers then load order between those mods will determine the winner of that particular conflict. Not all mods need to have bash tags ... generally BOSS is the best source (after mod authors of course) for appropriate bash tags, especially in cases like your Darn et al example (mods that have been around and have been popular/widely used for a long time). Mods like those have benefited from the "collective wisdom" that BOSS employs around things like load order and bash tags whereas newer mods to the BOSS masterlist may still benefit from some fine tuning if problems are reported. Mod don't need to have bash tags to be included in the bashed patch ... all that is required for inclusion is a conflict with another mod in your load order.
  21. The lines in the INI that do not have a semicolon in front are the ones you change. Example ... the default INI has ... Set EMCE to 1 ; (1) Enables adding constant enchantments to weapons. Set EMEA to 1 ; (1) Enables enchanting arrows. Set EMDM to 1 ; (1) Dangerous Magic expansion. Enabling allows you to ; enchant items with as many enchantments as you like ; but if you exceed your mastery level, (See EMME) ; then you run a risk of failure increasing with the ; number of enchantments. You can either fail to ; enchant and loose the Soul Stone, accidentally ; disenchant the item, or even destroy the item! ; This is meant to work alongside the Sorcery's Toll ; mod. If for example you didn't want the Dangerous magic aspect of the mod you would change Set EMDM to 1 to Set EMDM to 0 (that's a zero) giving you ... Set EMCE to 1 ; (1) Enables adding constant enchantments to weapons. Set EMEA to 1 ; (1) Enables enchanting arrows. Set EMDM to 0 ; (1) Dangerous Magic expansion. Enabling allows you to ; enchant items with as many enchantments as you like ; but if you exceed your mastery level, (See EMME) ; then you run a risk of failure increasing with the ; number of enchantments. You can either fail to ; enchant and loose the Soul Stone, accidentally ; disenchant the item, or even destroy the item! ; This is meant to work alongside the Sorcery's Toll ; mod. Now you can enchant weapons and arrows but there is no chance of you losing a weapon/stack of arrows when you try to give too many/too strong enchantments for your mastery level. Other stuff in the INI works the same ... all of the stuff after a semicolon is just comments explaining what that part does. Some things are just an on/off (1 or 0) others allow you to set a multiplier (e.g. Set EMSC to 50.0).
  22. Did you use the manual install instructions from the mod description (recommended) or a mod manager? When I first start to use a mod that has an INI file used to customise it's features I always start off by leaving everything at default. Then I do an extended test, often spread over many days, sometimes using backed up saves from old characters to test how a mod works at different character levels and in different situations. Once I have a good feel for how the mod author intended the mod to be I start tweaking INI parameters, usually only tweaking a single or couple of things at a time as I learn exactly how each affects different aspects of the game. For example it took me close to two weeks to get Realistic Fatigue, Basic Primary Needs and Basic Physical Activities tweaked to my liking (there is some overlap between how each affects the game) ... and nearly a month to get my current characters load order settled so I could actually start playing. Now that you know you have OBSE working start with EnchantmentMastery.esp and the default EnchantmentMastery,ini in your game's Data folder, activate EnchantmentMastery.esp with the mod manager or vanilla Data Files and confirm that the default install works.
  23. Hmm ... that's an odd one for sure. So you are saying that when you save using the Esc menu you only get the .ESS save but do not get the .OBSE save? Something else you could post is your OBSE.log (put it inside spoiler tags ... so ["spoiler"] at the start and then ["/spoiler"] at the end, only don't put the quote marks inside of the square brackets). You should find the OBSE.log in your Oblivion folder. My thinking here is that you using Let the People Drink as a proof that OBSE is working could have this flaw ... not everything in LtPD requires OBSE, and the part you are seeing works because it doesn't need OBSE and you don't realise the stuff that is missing from it that does require OBSE. - Edit - I'm not seeing anything in the LtPD mod description or readme that says it requires OBSE ... where did you get that information?
  24. The more followers you have at the same time the more load they put on your game, which increases the chances it will hit a spot that leads to a crash. If you read through the UESP Wiki on Whom Gods Annoy you'll see they even mention how the scamps will lower your frame rate. I myself generally go through Darkfathom and clear out all of the daedra before talking to Rosentia because the scamps are such a pain to have along while you're trying to do something.
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